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Accident costs
Accident investigation
Accident studies
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Aged drivers
Automatic Crash Notification
Autonomous vehicles
Bull bars
Camera detection system
Collision avoidance
Crash test
Driver behaviour & human factors
EDR data
Electronic stability control (ESC)
Fleet safety
Heavy vehicles
Human fatigue
In-depth accident investigation
Injury biomechanics
Law enforcement
Machine learning
Medical conditions
Naturalistic study
Occupant protection
Occupational health
Older adults
Public transport
Rail safety
Research methods
Road & road environment
Road safety (general)
Safer road users
Safe System
Strategic planning
Traffic engineering
Vehicle design
Vehicle safety
Vehicle safety technology
Workplace safety
Young drivers

Accident costs

Ponte G, Nishimoto T (2018). Development of a pedestrian injury prediction model for potential use in an Advanced Automated Crash Notification (AACN) system. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 29(3), 50-57.

Woolley JE, Crozier JA, McIntosh L, McInerney R (2018). Inquiry Into The National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020. Canberra.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Baldock MRJ, McLean AJ (2005). The economic cost and impact of the road toll on South Australia (CASR009). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ (1986). Traffic related disabillities and impairments and their economic consequences.

Somerville CJ, McLean AJ (1981). The cost of road accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Somerville CJ (1981). The social and economic costs of road accidents. 25th Annual Conference of American Association for Automotive Medicine (AAAM), (pp. 461-472).

Accident investigation

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Thompson JP, Ponte G (2023). The no-blame in-depth truck crash investigation study. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Doecke SD (2023). Profiling head on crashes in South Australia (CASR175). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME (2022). Profiling head-on crashes using mass data and in-depth crash investigations. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2022). An overview of suicides related to motor vehicles. Medicine, Science and the Law, 63(2), 151-158. doi:10.1177/00258024221122187.

Ponte G, Nishimoto T (2018). Development of a pedestrian injury prediction model for potential use in an Advanced Automated Crash Notification (AACN) system. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 29(3), 50-57.

Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE (2016). In-depth crash investigation in South Australia and its use in roadside safety research. 7th International Conference on Expert Symposium on Accident Research (ESAR), Hannover, Germany, 9-10 June 2016.

Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ (2016). In-depth crash investigations in South Australia. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Brown J, De Rome L, Baldock MRJ, Albanese B, Meredith L, Fitzharris M (2015). The Austroads In-depth Case Control Study of Motorcycle Crashes in NSW: Causal relationship findings. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Anderson RWG, Masson C, Yerpez J (2014). Description of pedestrian crashes in accordance with characteristics of Active Safety Systems. International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Berlin, Germany, 10-12 September 2014.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2014). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 163-169.

Doecke SD, Mackenzie JRR, Woolley JE (2013). Post impact trajectory of vehicles at rural intersections (CASR086). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2012). Post impact trajectory of vehicles at metropolitan intersections (CASR060). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN (2012). In-depth analysis of crashes involving younger drivers. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE, Mackenzie JRR (2011). Post impact trajectory of vehicles at rural intersections. A Safe System, making it happen. Australasian College of Road Safety national conference, Melbourne, Australia, 1-2 September 2011.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2011). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes (CASR092). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (2008). In-depth research into rural road crashes (CASR057). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Long AD, Ponte G, Anderson RWG (2007). The CASR pedestrian crash analysis: at-scene investigation, computer simulation and sub-system reconstruction. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S216.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Ponte G (2007). Characteristics of rollover crashes. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 18(4), 26-32.

Kloeden CN, White KM, McLean AJ (2000). Characteristics of fatal and severe pedestrian accidents in South Australia (project number: 97/TS/117). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Kloeden CN, Baird RP, McLean AJ (1997). Fatal motorcycle and car crashes on curves in South Australia (1/97). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ (1988). Review of in-depth crash research (CR 79). Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communications.

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Dorsch MM, Lane J, McCaul KA, Maclean S, McLean AJ, Somers RL (1985). Rural road accident study (working paper 2/85). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Aust HS, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1981). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 6: Car accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1981). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 8: Summary and recommendations. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Offler WJ, Sandow BL (1980). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 7: Road and traffic factors. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Aust HS, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 10: data and data codes. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Aust HS, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 5: Commercial vehicle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Hall CT, Sandow BL, Tamblyn PJ (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 4: Motorcycle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 2: Pedestrian accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 3: Pedal cycle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Robinson GK (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 1: An overview. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Offler WJ, Sandow BL, Haymes GM (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 9: accident descriptions and scale plans. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1976). In-depth study of road accidents in Adelaide. Highway Engineering Australia, May-June, 1976, 13-17.

Accident studies

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Edwards SA (2022). Alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription medications used by severely injured drivers, riders and pedestrians before and after the crash (CASR200). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

O'Donovan S, Van Den Berg AL, Baldock MRJ, Humphries MA, Byard RW (2022). Fatal blunt chest trauma: An evaluation of rib fracture patterns and age. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2022,

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2022). An overview of suicides related to motor vehicles. Medicine, Science and the Law, 63(2), 151-158. doi:10.1177/00258024221122187.

Wundersitz LN, Edwards SA, Thompson JP (2022). Prevention and Mitigation of Fatal Crashes in Regional/Remote Areas. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2022). System Failures and Extreme Behaviour in Fatal and Injury Crashes. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Kubota K, Nishimoto T, Ponte G (2021). A study on injury prediction for ACN vehicles based on speed limit - Development of an injury prediction algorithm using Australian accident data. Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 52(6), 1219-1226.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Leone P, Marchesan C, Premrl J, Varsos P, Grzebieta R (2021). Evaluate travel speeds and associated risk of casualty crashes through intersections in Australia using naturalistic driving data. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2021). Cardiac disease and driver fatality. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2020). Childhood cycling fatalities in South Australia before and after the introduction of helmet legislation. Medicine, science, and the law, 60(3), 196-199.

Young KL, Osborne R, Koppel S, Charlton J, Grzebieta R, Williamson A, Haworth N, Woolley JE, Senserrick T (2019). What are Australian drivers doing behind the wheel? An overview of secondary task data from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(1), 27-33.

Byard RW, O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ (2017). Familial Vehicular Murder-Suicide. Journal of Forensic Sciences, online, doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13667.

Mackenzie JRR, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Kloeden CN, Raftery SJ (2016). Analysis and modelling of crashes in Tasmania (CASR136). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2015). Variations in road injury crash numbers in South Australia by time of year (CASR128). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Williamson A, Grzebieta R, Eusebio J, Zheng WY, Wall JP, Charlton J, Lenned M, Haley J, Barnes B, Rakotonirainy A, Woolley JE, Senserrick T, Young KL, Haworth N, Regan M, Cockfield S, Healy D, Cavallo A, Di Stefano M, Wong HL, Cameron I, Cornish M (2015). The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study: from beginnings to launch. 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 14-16 October 2015.

Austroads, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP, Ponte G (2013). The impact of changes in the Australian light vehicle fleet on crashworthiness and crash outcomes (AP-R428-13). Sydney: Austroads.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2013). An examination of the environmental, driver and vehicle factors associated with the serious and fatal crashes of older rural drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 768-775.

Hutchinson TP (2012). Blackspot remediation and options for improving the process. Traffic Engineering & Control, 53(3), 111-116.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2012). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes: preliminary findings. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Wundersitz LN (2012). In-depth analysis of crashes involving younger drivers. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2011). An analysis of head impact severity in simulations of collisions between pedestrians and SUVs/work utility vehicles, and sedans. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12:388–397, 2011, 12, 38-397.

Anderson RWG (2011). Safety related attributes of registered vehicles and of vehicles that crash in South Australia. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Anderson RWG (2011). The utility of historical trends to project future numbers of crashes in South Australia. A Safe System, making it happen. Australasian College of Road Safety national conference, Melbourne, Australia, 1-2 September 2011.

Baldock MRJ, Grigo JAL, Raftery SJ (2011). Protective clothing and motorcyclists in South Australia (CASR088). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE, Mackenzie JRR (2011). Post impact trajectory of vehicles at rural intersections. A Safe System, making it happen. Australasian College of Road Safety national conference, Melbourne, Australia, 1-2 September 2011.

Lindsay VL, Ryan GA (2011). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation (AP-R389-11). Sydney: Austroads.

Lindsay VL, Ryan GA (2011). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2011). Conditions and characteristics of serious and fatal crashes involving older rural drivers. Emerging issues in safe and sustainable mobility for older people, Washington DC, USA, 30 August - 1 September 2011.

Weissenfeld AP, Baldock MRJ, Hutchinson TP (2011). Analysis of trends over time for motorcycle crashes in South Australia. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2011). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes (CASR092). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2010). Child cyclist traffic casualties: The situation in South Australia. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(3), 44-49.

Hutchinson TP, Lindsay VL (2010). A note on the central stories of fatal and other cyclist accidents in Adelaide. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(3), 12-14.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2010). Older drivers in rural and urban areas: Comparisons of crash, serious injury, and fatality rates. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Canberra, 31 August - 3 September 2010.

Turner B, Pyta V, Woolley JE, Zhang S (2010). Road safety on local government roads: final report (AP-R359/10). Sydney: Austroads.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2009). The relative age related crashworthiness of the registered South Australian passenger vehicle fleet. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 333-347). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2009). Accidents to intoxicated pedestrians in South Australia (CASR061). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2009). Child bicyclist traffic casualties in South Australia. Australasian College of Road Safety on Infants, Children and Young People and Road Safety, Sydney, Australia, 2-3 August 2007.

Hutchinson TP, Lindsay VL (2009). Pedestrian and cyclist crashes in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area (CASR055). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Anderson RWG (2009). The effects of Electronic Stability Control interventions on rural road crashes in Australia: simulation of real world crashes (RSRG 2009-005). Canberra: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.

Mackenzie JRR, Anderson RWG (2009). The potential effects of Electronic Stability Control interventions on rural road crashes in Australia: simulation of real world crashes. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 359-374). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Anderson RWG (2008). Pedestrian collisions in South Australia (CASR039). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety research.

Baldock MRJ (2008). Cannabis and the Risk of Crash Involvement. Flinders Journal of Law Reform, 10(3), 795-814.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2008). Bicycle crashes in South Australia. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 527-539). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2008). Overview of pedal cyclist traffic casualties in South Australia. Ergonomics Australia, 22(1), 6-15.

Hutchinson TP (2008). Linkage of police and hospital data on road crashes. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32(3), 292.

Hutchinson TP (2008). Tailgating (CASR046). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN (2008). The crash experience of newly licensed young drivers in South Australia. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 114-124). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Lindsay VL, Baldock MRJ (2008). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 610-622). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2007). Adult pedal cycle casualties in South Australia. Transport Engineering in Australia, 11(1), 1-11.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Ponte G (2007). Characteristics of rollover crashes. 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Lyon, France, 18-21 June 2007.

Kloeden CN, Versteegh SL, Lindsay VL, McLean AJ (2007). Right turn crashes at signalised intersections (CASR007). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Ponte G (2007). Characteristics of rollover crashes. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 18(4), 26-32.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2006). Patterns of bicycle crashes in South Australia (CASR028). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2006). Further evaluation of the South Australian 50km/h speed limit (CASR034). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Long AD, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, McLean AJ (2006). Reduction of speed limit from 110km/h to 100km/h on certain roads in South Australia: A preliminary evaluation (CASR024). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Ponte G (2006). Characteristics of rollover crashes. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Baldock MRJ, Long AD, Lindsay VL, McLean AJ (2005). Rear end crashes (CASR018). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, McLean AJ (2005). Older drivers: Crash involvement rates and causes (CASR015). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Ponte G, Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL, Van Den Berg AL (2005). Rollover crashes (CASR026). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Versteegh SL, Anderson RWG (2005). Using crash information to improve the treatment of crash injuries (CASR014). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Ponte G, Lindsay VL, Wundersitz LN (2004). Patterns in the incidence and consequences of pedestrian accidents. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (2004). Trends in traffic casualties in South Australia, 1981-2003 (CASR008). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Sommariva M, McLean AJ (2003). Vehicle design and operation for pedestrian protection: accident simulations and reconstructions (VSSR 1). Canberra: Vehicle Safety Standards, Department of Transport and Regional Services.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Glonek G (2002). Reanalysis of travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement in Adelaide South Australia (CR207). Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Gibson T, Fildes B, Deery H, Sparke L, Benetatos E, Fitzharris M, McLean AJ, Vulcan P (2001). Improved side impact protection: a review of injury patterns, injury tolerance, and dummy measurement capabilities (147). Melbourne: Monash University Accident Research Centre.

Kloeden CN, Ponte G, McLean AJ (2001). Travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement on rural roads (CR204). Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Kloeden CN, White KM, McLean AJ (2000). Characteristics of fatal and severe pedestrian accidents in South Australia (project number: 97/TS/117). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Baldock MRJ, Cockington AT (1999). Severe and fatal car crashes due to roadside hazards. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Baldock MRJ (1998). Analysis of South Australian accident data involving child cyclists. In Children Cycling in Traffic: statistical, developmental and legal perspectives, TJ Bailey, AH Natora (eds) (pp. 27-34). Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Kloeden CN, Baird RP, McLean AJ (1997). Fatal motorcycle and car crashes on curves in South Australia (1/97). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Moore VM, Ponte G (1997). Travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement. Volumes 1 and 2 (CR172). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communications.

McLean AJ, Anderson RWG, Farmer MJB (1996). Pedestrian accidents on arterial roads. Highway Engineering in Australia, 28(1), 10-17.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT (1993). An investigation in to the reasons why BAC data for road accident casualties is missing from the south australian traffic accident database (1/93). Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

McLean AJ, Chen PCY, Wong TW, Ukai T (1990). Comparative study of motorcycle accidents (2/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA, Freund JR (1990). Road traffic crashes and injury prevention in the western pacific region. International Road Safety Conference, Singapore, August 1990.

McCaul KA, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Hinrichs RW (1988). Study of head injuries in children (CR 64). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

McCaul KA (1988). Road accident statistics. Community Health Studies, 12(3), 364.

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Hinrichs RW (1987). The rural road accident study. Seminar on The Changing face of pre-hospital care.

Dorsch MM, Lane J, McCaul KA, Maclean S, McLean AJ, Somers RL (1985). Rural road accident study (working paper 2/85). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1982). Why and how bike crashes happen. Seminar on major trauma.

McLean AJ, Aust HS, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1981). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 6: Car accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1981). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 8: Summary and recommendations. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT, Sandow BL (1980). Alcohol and crashes: identification of relevant factors in this association (CR11). Canberra: Department of Transport, Office of Road Safety.

McLean AJ, Offler WJ, Sandow BL (1980). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 7: Road and traffic factors. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Aust HS, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 10: data and data codes. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Aust HS, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 5: Commercial vehicle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Hall CT, Sandow BL, Tamblyn PJ (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 4: Motorcycle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 2: Pedestrian accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 3: Pedal cycle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Robinson GK (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 1: An overview. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1979). Traffic accidents involving children. Symposium on Childhood Accidents, Adelaide, Australia, 22 March 1979.

Offler WJ, Sandow BL, Haymes GM (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 9: accident descriptions and scale plans. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1976). In-depth study of road accidents in Adelaide. Highway Engineering Australia, May-June, 1976, 13-17.

Robertson JS, McLean AJ, Ryan GA (1966). Section 1: Summary and recommendations from Traffic accidents in Adelaide, South Australia (A.R.R.B. Special Report No. 1). Melbourne: Ramsay, Ware Publishing Pty. Ltd.

Robertson JS, McLean AJ, Ryan GA (1966). Traffic accidents in Adelaide, South Australia (A.R.R.B. Special Report No. 1). Melbourne: Ramsay, Ware Publishing Pty Ltd.

McLean AJ, Ryan GA (1965). Traffic accidents in metropolitan Adelaide. Australian road research, 2(5), 43-62.

Robertson JS, Ryan GA, McLean AJ (1964). Second report of the traffic accident research unit: some findings in the first 200 accidents. Adelaide: Traffic Accident Research Unit.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

Mackenzie JRR, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G (2024). An assessment of ACT road infrastructure for compatibility with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (CASR221). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2023). Development and trial of a process to audit vehicle safety technologies in rural areas (CASR217). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2022). Development of a process to audit vehicle safety technology prevalence. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Di Loreto C, Dutschke JK, Forrest MC, Van Den Berg AL, Chardonnet JR, Merienne F, Mackenzie JRR, Sandoz B (2019). Head dynamics during emergency braking events. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22 Supp.1, S224-S226.


Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Raftery SJ, Kloeden CN, Royals J (2013). Safer speeds: an evaluation of public education materials (CASR114). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Wundersitz LN (2011). Road safety mass media campaigns: Why are results inconclusive, and what can be done?. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 18(3), 235-241.

Wundersitz LN, Hutchinson TP (2011). What can we learn from recent evaluations of road safety mass media campaigns?. Journal of the Australian College of Road Safety, 22(4), 40-50.

Wundersitz LN (2011). Best practice in OHSW mass media campaigns (CASR091). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Hutchinson TP, Woolley JE (2010). Best practice in road safety mass media campaigns: A literature review (CASR074). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP (2007). Matching a message to an audience: what does this mean?. 29th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research, Adelaide, Australia, 5-7 December 2007.

Aged drivers

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Dutschke JK (2018). Trends in the crash involvement of older drivers in Australia. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 117, 262-269.

Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP, Dutschke JK, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL, Woolley JE (2016). Older road users: Emerging trends (AP-R530-16). Sydney: Austroads.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2016). A comparison of reported driving self-regulation by older adults and GPS-based measurements of their actual driving exposure. Sixth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, 2-5 August 2016. [ACCEPTED ABSTRACT]

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2016). A comparison of reported driving self-regulation by older adults and GPS-based measurements of their actual driving exposure. Road & Transport Research: A Journal of Australian and New Zealand Research and Practice, 25(3), 16-27.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2015). A GPS-based examination of the mobility and exposure to risk of older drivers from rural and urban areas. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 26(1), 31-39.

Thompson JP (2014). Road safety and mobility of older drivers in rural versus urban areas (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2013). An examination of the environmental, driver and vehicle factors associated with the serious and fatal crashes of older rural drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 768-775.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2013). Do older rural drivers self-regulate their driving? The effects of increased driving importance and limited alternative transportation. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 24(1), 30-42.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2011). Conditions and characteristics of serious and fatal crashes involving older rural drivers. Emerging issues in safe and sustainable mobility for older people, Washington DC, USA, 30 August - 1 September 2011.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2010). Older drivers in rural and urban areas: Comparisons of crash, serious injury, and fatality rates. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Canberra, 31 August - 3 September 2010.

Baldock MRJ, Berndt A, Mathias JL (2008). The functional correlates of older drivers' on-road driving test errors. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 24(3), 204-223.

Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP, Mathias JL (2008). Self-regulation of driving behaviour among older drivers: Findings from a five year follow-up. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 470-478). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Lindsay VL, Baldock MRJ (2008). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 610-622). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2007). Visual attention as a predictor of on-road driving performance of older drivers. Australian Journal of Psychology, 59(3), 159-168.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2006). Self-regulation of driving and its relationship to driving ability among older adults. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 38(5), 1038-1045.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2006). Self-regulation of driving and older drivers' functional abilities. Clinical Gerontologist, 30(1), 53-70.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Berndt A (2005). Self-regulation of driving and older drivers' functional abilities. 2005 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-16 November 2005.

Baldock MRJ, McLean AJ (2005). Older drivers: Crash involvement rates and causes (CASR015). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2004). Self regulation of driving and its relationship to driving ability among older adults. 3rd International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 5-9 September 2004.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2004). Self regulation of driving and its relationship to driving ability among older adults. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2004). Self-reported medication use and on-road driving performance of older drivers. T2004 -17th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 8-13 August 2004.

Baldock MRJ (2004). Self-regulation of the driving behaviour of older drivers (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (2002). The effects of age on road crash patterns in South Australia from 1994-1998. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 15-20). Burnside: Plevin and Associates Pty Ltd.


Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2023). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug car drivers and motorcyclists. Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(1), 7-13, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2152283.

Baldock MRJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Edwards SA (2022). Alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription medications used by severely injured drivers, riders and pedestrians before and after the crash (CASR200). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Raftery SJ, Edwards SA (2021). Managing recidivist traffic offenders: What works? (CASR191). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2020). Evaluation of the performance of Alcohol and Drug Awareness Courses currently provided in the ACT. Journal of Road Safety, 31(1), 30-39.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2018). Evaluation of the performance of Alcohol and Drug Awareness Courses currently provided in the ACT. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2017). Understanding the context of alcohol consumption before driving for crash-involved drivers (CASR129). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2017). Understanding the context of alcohol impaired driving for fatal crash-involved drivers: A descriptive case analysis. Traffic Injury Prevention, 18(8), 781-787.

Wundersitz LN (2016). Why do we still have drink drivers? Understanding the context of alcohol consumption before driving for crash-involved drivers. Sixth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, 2-5 August 2016.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2015). Examination of the role of the combination of alcohol and cannabis in South Australian road crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(5), 443-449.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Bailey TJ, Lindsay VL, Royals J (2013). Alcohol ignition interlock schemes: best practice review (CASR119). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Lindsay VL, Royals J (2013). Best practice in alcohol ignition interlock schemes. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion", Adelaide, Australia, 6-8 November 2013.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2012). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2010 (CASR104). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Lindsay VL (2012). Characteristics of alcohol impaired road users involved in casualty crashes. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Lindsay VL (2012). Characteristics of alcohol impaired road users involved in casualty crashes (CASR105). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2011). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2009 (CASR084). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2011). Intoxicated pedestrians: accident data from South Australia. Transport Engineering Australia, 13(1), 41-48.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2010). Alcohol and pedestrians. The Irish Medical Journal, 103(7), 219.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2010). Countermeasures to the problem of accidents to intoxicated pedestrians. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 17(3), 115-119.

Wundersitz LN, Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ (2010). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2008 (CASR073). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2009). Accidents to intoxicated pedestrians in South Australia (CASR061). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Hiranandani K, Baldock MRJ (2009). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2007 (CASR058). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2005 (CASR035). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2006 (CASR043). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Woolley JE (2008). Best practice review of drink driving enforcement in South Australia (CASR036). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2004 (CASR031). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2007). Mobile random breath testing in South Australia. T2007 International Council for Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference, Seattle, USA, 26-30 August 2007.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2003 (CASR030). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2004). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours, 2002 (CASR001). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Harrison W, Newman S, Baldock MRJ, McLean AJ (2002). Issues in developing best practice in drink driving enforcement (RC1650-1). ARRB Transport Research.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (2002). Alcohol, Travelling Speed and the Risk of Crash Involvement. 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 73-80).

Wundersitz LN (2002). An evaluation of coin operated breath testing machines in South Australian Licensed Premises. 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 817-823).

McColl R (2001). Age and sex profiles of speeding and drink driving offenders and drivers involved in casualty crashes. Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 18-20 November 2001.

Baldock MRJ, Bailey TJ (1998). Random breath testing in South Australia: operation and effectiveness, 1997 (3/98). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Baldock MRJ, White M (1997). Random breath testing in South Australia operation and effectiveness 1996 (3/97). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, South Australian Department of Transport.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1997). Drink driving at night on Adelaide roads during the 1991 Australian grand prix. 14th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 1147-1152 (vol 3)).

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1997). Night-time drink driving in Adelaide: 1987-1997 (5/97). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

McLean AJ (1997). Alcohol, driver performance and crash involvement. 14th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 119-124 (vol 1)).

McLean AJ (1996). International experience in countermeasures for recidivist drink driving. Drink Driving Recidivism Summit, Adelaide, Australia, 26-27 November 1996.

Wundersitz LN (1996). Hotel patrons' perception and use of coin-operated breath testing machines. A pilot study. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1995). Demographic characteristics, drinking patterns and drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers and motorcycle riders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56(5), 513-521.

Holubowycz OT (1995). Age, Sex and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured pedestrians. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 27(3), 417-422.

Holubowycz OT (1995). Alcohol involved pedestrians: The Australian experience. 13th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 700-710 (vol 2)).

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1995). Alcohol, Drugs and Traffice Safety-T'95, volumes 1 and 2 (ICADTS). Adelaide: NHMRC Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, McColl R, Laslett R (1995). Reduction in the legal blood alcohol limit from 0.08 to 0.05: effects on drink driving and alcohol related crashes in Adelaide. 13th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 373-377 (vol 1)).

Ryan GA (1995). Alcohol and road traffic crashes in the Western Pacific Region. 13th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 728-732 (vol 2)).

Holubowycz OT, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1994). Age, sex and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured drivers, riders and passengers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26(4), 483-492.

Holubowycz OT, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1994). Usual drinking and drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers and riders: a comparison between those with zero and high BAC. Australasian Drink-Drive Conference 1993, (pp. 121-130). Kew: VicRoads.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1994). Late night drink driving in Adelaide two years after the introduction of the 0.05 limit (2/94). Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Kloeden CN, Moore VM, McLean AJ (1994). Estimated and measured blood alcohol levels in night time driving population. Drug and Alcohol Review, 13, 239-245.

McLean AJ (1994). Decline in drink driving an alcohol related fatal crashes in Australia. Transportation Research Circular, 422, 7-15.

Holubowycz OT, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1993). Self-reported drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers an riders: a comparison between those with zero and highBAC. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 933-938 (vol 2)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1993). Blood alcohol concentrations of pedestrians admitted to hospital. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 977-980 (vol 2)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1993). Usual drinking behaviour of injured male drivers and riders: a comparison between those with zero and high BAC. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 939-944 (vol 2)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT (1993). An investigation in to the reasons why BAC data for road accident casualties is missing from the south australian traffic accident database (1/93). Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Moore VM, Barker JM, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Ryan GA (1993). Drink driving: driver perceptions about detection and their effect on behaviour. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 1210-1215 (vol 3)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Moore VM, Barker JM, Ryan GA, McLean AJ (1993). The effect of random breath testing on perception of likelihood of apprehension and on illegal drink driving. Drug and Alcohol Review, 12(3), 251-258.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1992). Drinking behaviour and other characteristics of injured drivers and riders (research report 2/92). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1992). Reduction of the legal blood alcohol limit and late night drink driving in Adelaide (1/92). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, McCaul KA (1991). A new methods of breath testing the general driving population. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52(5), 474-477.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, McCaul KA (1991). Drink driving in the general night time driving population, Adelaide 1989. Australian Journal of Public Health, 15(3), 190-193.

Barker JM, Moore VM, Ryan GA (1990). Attitudes to drink driving: Roadside surveys 1987-1989 (research report 3/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Barker JM, Moore VM (1990). Road Surveys: Driver attitudes to drinking and driving. 1990 Conference of Police Personnel Involved in Breath Testing, (pp. 202-214).

Freund JR (1990). History of drink driving legislation in South Australia (review paper 1/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Laurel H, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1990). The effect of blood alcohol concentration on light and heavy drinkers in a realistic night driving situation (1/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McCaul KA, McLean AJ (1990). Effectiveness of RBT related to enforcement level and publicity. 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 721-727).

McCaul KA, McLean AJ (1990). Publicity, police resources and the effectiveness of random breath testing. Medical Journal of Australia, 152, 284-286.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, McCaul KA (1990). Drink driving in the general night time driving population, Adelaide 1989 (2/90). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1989). Blood alcohol concentrations of pedestrians (MR2). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1989). Drink driving behaviour in South Australia. International workshop ACTES INRETS No. 18 - High alcohol consumers and traffic, (pp. 227-237).

Holubowycz OT (1989). Drink driving in South Australia: The women's experience. International workshop Women, Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic, conducted by ICADTS, (pp. 17-22).

Holubowycz OT (1989). Gamma glutamyltransferase activity. Blood alcohol concentration and suspension history of injured male drivers and riders. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 17(2), 7-10.

Holubowycz OT (1989). Sex differences in drink driving (MR3). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Holubowycz OT (1988). An Australian study of alcohol dependence in women - the significance of sex role identity, life event stress, social support, and other factors (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Holubowycz OT (1988). Drink driving in South Australia: The women's experience. 1988 Biennial Conference of Police Personnel involved in Breath Testing, (pp. 1-8).

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Lawson J, Wolfe A (1987). International comparison of drivers' blood alcohol levels. 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 293-294). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

Holubowycz OT (1987). Legal limits of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and road accidents in Australia. 16th International Medical Advisory Conference, (pp. 194-205).

McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT, McCaul KA (1987). Seminar on legal blood alcohol limits. Seminar on Legal Blood Alcohol Limits, Adelaide, Australia, 11-12 June 1987.

Holubowycz OT (1986). Predictors of alcohol dependence in a sample of women. Australian drug and alcohol review, 5(3), 225-228.

McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT (1986). Side-effects of random breath testing by the police. 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 441-442). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

McLean AJ (1985). Priorities for research on alcohol and road traffic accidents. National Conference on Alcohol and Road Accidents, Wellington, New Zealand, 18-19 April 1985.

McLean AJ (1985). To drink but not to drive?. The Medical Journal of Australia, 142(5), 327.

McLean AJ, Antonio JD, North JB, Simpson DA, Woodward AJ (1984). Alcohol and fatal injuries of the head and spine. Community Health Studies, 8(2), 159-166.

McLean AJ, Clark MS, Dorsch MM, Holubowycz OT, McCaul KA (1984). Random breath testing in South Australia: effects on drink driving, accidents and casualties. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1984). To drink but not to drive?. Medical Journal of Australia, 141 (12/13), 778-779.

McLean AJ (1984). What shall we do with the drunken driver? University of Adelaide Foundation Lecture, April 1984. University of Adelaide Foundation Lecture.

Donelson AC (1983). Alcohol and road accidents: Future strategies an priorities. Workshop proceedings; alcohol and road accidents, future strategies and priorities, Lake Louisa, Alberta, Canada, 29 November - 1 December 1981.

McLean AJ (1983). Alcohol, drugs & road accidents. Medical Journal of Australia, 1(13), 596-597.

McLean AJ (1983). Blood alcohol legislation as a road accident countermeasure. Medico/Legal Society of Northern Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia, 25 March 1983.

McLean AJ (1983). International comparison of blood alcohol levels with general driving population. International Brewers meeting.

McLean AJ (1982). Next steps in international comparisons. International Medical Advisory Conference of the Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation of the United States and Canada, Halifax, Canada, 29 September 1982.

McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT (1981). Alcohol and the risk of accident involvement. 8th International Conference on Alocohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 113-123 (vol 1)). Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.

McLean AJ (1981). Alcohol and Traffic safety. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1980). Alcohol effects on driver performance under conditions of divided attention. Ergonomics, 23(3), 185-190.

McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT, Sandow BL (1980). Alcohol and crashes: identification of relevant factors in this association (CR11). Canberra: Department of Transport, Office of Road Safety.

McLean AJ (1980). Alcohol and Road Safety [editorial]. Community Health Studies, 4(3), 270.

McMichael AJ, McLean AJ (1980). Alcohol and road accidents in Australia: corroborative population-based evidence. Community Health Studies, 4(3), 281-284.

Automatic Crash Notification

Nishimoto T, Kubota K, Ponte G (2024). A vehicle occupant injury prediction algorithm based on road crash and emergency medical data. Journal of Safety Research, 91, 410-422,

Kubota K, Nishimoto T, Ponte G (2021). A study on injury prediction for ACN vehicles based on speed limit - Development of an injury prediction algorithm using Australian accident data. Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 52(6), 1219-1226.

Autonomous vehicles

Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN (2022). An examination of potential exposure measures for vehicle safety technologies in South Australia (CASR174). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Raftery SJ, Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA): benefit analysis using EDR data from real world crashes (CASR176). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Determining the readiness of road line markings for autonomous vehicles through custom video analysis software. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Mongiardini M (2019). Automated Vehicles and the Readiness of Western Australian roads (Phase 2): Suitability of WA roads for Lane Departure Warning systems (RR 19-07). Bentley WA: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre (C-MARC).

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Van Den Berg AL, Kumar M, Meuleners L (2018). Automated Vehicles and the Readiness of Western Australian roads (RR 18-03). Bentley WA: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre (C-MARC).

Bull bars

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD, Van Den Berg AL, Searson DJ, Ponte G (2009). The effect of bull bars on head impact kinematics in pedestrian crashes (CASR059). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Doecke SD (2008). A survey of bull bar prevalence at pedestrian crash sites in Adelaide, South Australia (CASR040). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2008). Testing the pedestrian safety of bull bars: methods and results. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 19(1), 35-43.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2008). Bull Bar Prevalence Among Types of Vehicle in Metropolitan Adelaide. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 43-51). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2006). Performance of bull bars in pedestrian impact tests (CASR020). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2006). Testing the pedestrian safety of bullbars - methods and results. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Camera detection system

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2023). Development and trial of a process to audit vehicle safety technologies in rural areas (CASR217). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2022). Development of a process to audit vehicle safety technology prevalence. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.


Elsegood ME, Hutchinson TP (2023). Injury crashes involving child cyclists in South Australia 2009-2018 (CASR181). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2020). Childhood cycling fatalities in South Australia before and after the introduction of helmet legislation. Medicine, science, and the law, 60(3), 196-199.

Doecke SD, Dutschke JK (2019). Child restraint misuse and injury outcomes observed in at-scene in-depth crash investigations in South Australia. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2018). Factors involved in the assessment of paediatric traffic injuries and deaths. Medicine, Science and the Law, 58(4), 210-215.

Oxley J, O'Hern S, Raftery SJ, Woolley JE (2016). How safe are children when transported by bicycle?. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17, 163-167.

Raftery SJ, Oxley J, Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2016). Transportation of children with bicycle seats, trailers, and other carriers: considerations for safety (CASR139). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Collision avoidance

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Kloeden CN (2022). Evaluation of Smart School Zone infrastructure in South Australia. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2022). RJAWS Lite: A Low-cost, Technology-based Intersection Safety Treatment. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Options for mitigating filter right turn crashes at signalised intersections based on video footage of crashes (CASR152). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Raftery SJ, Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA): benefit analysis using EDR data from real world crashes (CASR176). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Thompson JP, Stokes CS (2020). How do we prevent and mitigate crashes? Evidence from Australian at-scene in-depth crash investigations. Journal of Road Safety, 31(2), 35-43.

Thompson JP, Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ, Wall JP (2018). A trial of retrofitted advisory collision avoidance technology in government fleet vehicles. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 115, 34-40.


Doecke SD, Elsegood ME (2024). Event Data Recorders (EDRs) and high severity crashes: a summary of data collected by Victoria Police (CASR237). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2022). Profiling fatal and serious injury crashes in South Australia according to the Swedish Transport Administration Model. Traffic Injury Prevention, 23(3), 130-134 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2038370.

Hutchinson TP (2021). Full frontal car crash tests: Empirical evidence about shape of deceleration pulses.. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 22(2), 383–389.

Kubota K, Nishimoto T, Ponte G (2021). A study on injury prediction for ACN vehicles based on speed limit - Development of an injury prediction algorithm using Australian accident data. Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 52(6), 1219-1226.

Mongiardini M, Elsegood ME, Stokes CS (2021). Profile of crashes at intersections in South Australia (CASR179). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2020). Childhood cycling fatalities in South Australia before and after the introduction of helmet legislation. Medicine, science, and the law, 60(3), 196-199.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2020). Obesity and age as factors in leg amputations in fatal motorcycle crashes. Medicine, Science and the Law, 60(1), 26-29. doi:10.1177/0025802419884748.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2019). Collection and Analysis of EDR Data from Crash Involved Vehicles. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25 – 27 September 2019. [SUBMITTED ABSTRACT]

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2018). Factors involved in the assessment of paediatric traffic injuries and deaths. Medicine, Science and the Law, 58(4), 210-215.

Ponte G, Nishimoto T (2018). Development of a pedestrian injury prediction model for potential use in an Advanced Automated Crash Notification (AACN) system. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 29(3), 50-57.

Anderson RWG, Long AD, Serre T, Masson C (2008). Determination of boundary conditions for pedestrian collision reconstructions. iCrash 2008 International Crashworthiness Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 22-25 July 2008.


Elsegood ME, Kloeden CN, Mackenzie JRR (2022). Traffic and road safety effects of the 2020 COVID-19 restrictions in South Australia (CASR187). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Crash test

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2016). Regulatory testing for safety: The mathematics of broad-based results. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 57, C193-C207.

Hutchinson TP (2016). A causal model of crash test pulses: Effect of impact speed on deformation and other variables. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 14(2), 115-119.

Gockowiak KLK, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2014). A Model for Determining Injury Risk on the Basis of Impact Speed, Using Vehicle Data from Variable-Speed Impact Tests. International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Berlin, Germany, 10-12 September 2014.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2014). Integrated assessment of pedestrian head impact protection in testing secondary safety and autonomous emergency braking. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 63, 1-8.

Austroads, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP, Ponte G (2013). The impact of changes in the Australian light vehicle fleet on crashworthiness and crash outcomes (AP-R428-13). Sydney: Austroads.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2013). Modelling of links from a laboratory test result to real-world performance: The case of pedestrian collisions. Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia, December.

Hutchinson TP (2013). Dependence of the Head Injury Criterion and Maximum Acceleration on Headform Mass and Initial Velocity in Tests Simulating Pedestrian Impacts With Vehicles. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135(11).

Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL, Anderson RWG, Linke BJ (2013). The pedestrian protection in vehicle impacts: demystifying pedestrian testing procedures and assessment. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion", Adelaide, Australia, 6-8 November 2013.

Anderson RWG, Searson DJ, Hutchinson TP (2012). Integrating the assessment of pedestrian safety in vehicles with collision detection and mitigation systems. Proceedings of the 2012 International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury Conference, Dublin, 14-16 September 2012.

Dutschke JK (2012). Alternative injury response functions for evaluating head accelerations, with application to pedestrian headform testing (Thesis). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2012). Pedestrian headform testing: inferring performance at impact speeds and for headform masses not tested, and estimating average performance in a range of real-world conditions. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(4), 402-411.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2012). The effect of impact speed on the HIC obtained in pedestrian headform tests. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 17(5), 562-570.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2012). Use of a damped Hertz contact model to represent head impact safety tests. 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, (pp. 230-239). Barton: National Committee on Applied Mechanics, Engineers Australia.

Searson DJ, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). From crash test speed to performance in real world conditions. A conceptual model and its application to underhood clearance in pedestrian head tests. Stapp Car Crash Journal, 56, 485-496.

Hutchinson TP, Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Dutschke JK, Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL (2011). Protection of the unhelmeted head against blunt impact: The pedestrian and the car bonnet. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Searson DJ (2011). The Global Technical Regulation on pedestrian safety: Likely effects on vehicle design. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2010). Implications of easing head impact criteria in pedestrian crash standards (CASR083). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL (2009). Headform impact test performance of vehicles under the GTR on pedestrian safety (CASR072). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Searson DJ (2008). Benefits for Australia of the introduction of an ADR on pedestrian protection (CASR048). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2006). Performance of bull bars in pedestrian impact tests (CASR020). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (1998). Crashworthiness research at the NHMRC road accident research unit. StaySafe 44: Developing Safer Motor Vehicles for Australia: seminar held at Parliament House, (pp. 99-108).

Best GH, Zivkovic G, Ryan GA (1993). Development of an effective ambulance patient restraint. SAE Australasia, 53(1), 17-20.


Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2024). Long-term monitoring of cyclist passing distances in the ACT (CASR233). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Ponte G (2024). Survey of cyclist travel and crash experiences in the Australian Capital Territory (CASR230). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Hutchinson TP (2023). Injury crashes involving child cyclists in South Australia 2009-2018 (CASR181). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2023). Project Velograph: Mass collection of naturalistic cyclist-vehicle passing events. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Elsegood ME, Hutchinson TP (2022). Injury crashes involving adult cyclists in South Australia, 2009-2018 (CASR177). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2022). Trial of a method to capture cyclist’s use of infrastructure. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2022). Video capture and analysis of cyclists using infrastructure in the ACT through machine learning (CASR202). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Ponte G (2021). An investigation of cyclist passing distances in the Australian Capital Territory. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 154, 106075.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2020). Childhood cycling fatalities in South Australia before and after the introduction of helmet legislation. Medicine, science, and the law, 60(3), 196-199.

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Ponte G (2019). An evaluation of bicycle passing distances in the ACT (CASR157). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Raftery SJ, Ponte G, Woolley JE (2019). Evaluation of the ACT Government’s Safer Cycling Reforms: Minimum Passing Distance and Allowance to Ride Across Pedestrian Crossing. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Mackenzie JRR, Raftery SJ (2019). A future of zero injuries and deaths of pedestrians and cyclists. Annual Australian Walking and Cycling Conference, Port Adelaide, 24-25 October 2019.

Mongiardini M, Raftery SJ, Ponte G, Woolley JE (2018). Evaluation of the ACT Government's safer cycling reforms (CASR154). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Ponte G, Lindsay VL (2018). Characteristics of Single Cyclist Injury Crashes in South Australia. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Bailey TJ, Woolley JE (2017). Vulnerable road users in a Safe System. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 28(1), 40-49.

Mackenzie JRR, Thompson JP, Dutschke JK (2017). Development of a device suitable for naturalistic studies of passing distances between cyclists and vehicles. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2017). Limitations of Using Police Crash Data to Identify the Benefits of Innovative Cycling Infrastructure. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Oxley J, O'Hern S, Raftery SJ, Woolley JE (2016). How safe are children when transported by bicycle?. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17, 163-167.

Raftery SJ, Oxley J, Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2016). Transportation of children with bicycle seats, trailers, and other carriers: considerations for safety (CASR139). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN, Thompson JP, Woolley JE, Oxley J (2016). The safety of child passengers of adult cyclists. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Forsberg M, Koucky M, Ljunblad H (2015). Safety in numbers: reduces the risk of bicycle accidents with more cyclists? A literature review [in Swedish].

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Warren L, Harley S, Dutschke JK, Van Den Berg AL, Dobbins C (2015). Bicycle helmet use to reduce the impact of head injury in ladder users [abstract]. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 85, 132.

Ponte G, Szpak ZL, Woolley JE, Searson DJ (2014). Using specialised cyclist detection software to count cyclists and determine cyclist travel speed from video. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Woolley JE, Szpak ZL, Ponte G, Searson DJ (2014). Using cyclist detection software to count cyclists in video and measure their speed. Adelaide Velo-city Global Conference 2014, Adelaide, South Australia, 27-30 May 2014.

Lindsay VL (2013). Injured cyclist profile: an in-depth study of a sample of cyclists injured in road crashes in South Australia (CASR112). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL (2013). The conspicuity of South Australian cyclists: implications for safety (CASR113). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL (2012). A pilot study of cyclist conspicuity. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2010). Child cyclist traffic casualties: The situation in South Australia. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(3), 44-49.

Hutchinson TP, Lindsay VL (2010). A note on the central stories of fatal and other cyclist accidents in Adelaide. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(3), 12-14.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2009). Child bicyclist traffic casualties in South Australia. Australasian College of Road Safety on Infants, Children and Young People and Road Safety, Sydney, Australia, 2-3 August 2007.

Hutchinson TP, Lindsay VL (2009). Pedestrian and cyclist crashes in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area (CASR055). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2008). Bicycle crashes in South Australia. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 527-539). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2008). Overview of pedal cyclist traffic casualties in South Australia. Ergonomics Australia, 22(1), 6-15.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2007). Adult pedal cycle casualties in South Australia. Transport Engineering in Australia, 11(1), 1-11.

Anderson RWG, Thomas H, Somers RL (2006). South Australian primary schools bicycle helmet usage survey. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2006). Patterns of bicycle crashes in South Australia (CASR028). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thomas H, Somers RL, Anderson RWG (2004). South Australian primary schools bicycle helmet usage survey (CASR006). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (1998). Analysis of South Australian accident data involving child cyclists. In Children Cycling in Traffic: statistical, developmental and legal perspectives, TJ Bailey, AH Natora (eds) (pp. 27-34). Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Simpson DA, McLean AJ (1997). Helmets and bicycle relate injuries in Queensland (letter to the editor). Medical Journal of Australia, 167(6), 338-339.

Ryan GA (1992). Improving head protection for cyclists, motorcyclists, and car occupants. World Journal of Surgery, 16(3), 398-402.

Dorsch MM, Woodward AJ, Somers RL (1987). Do bicycle safety helmets reduce severity of head injury in real crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 19(3), 183-190.

Dorsch MM, Woodward AJ, Somers RL (1984). Effect of helmet use in reducing head injury in bicycle accidents. 28th Annual Proceedings American Association for Automotive Medicine, (pp. 247-259). American Association for Automotive Medicine.

McLean AJ (1982). Prevention of bike crashes: traffic control and environmental control. Reducing bike (motor and pedal) crashes and injuries, Melbourne, Australia, 1982.

McLean AJ (1982). Why and how bike crashes happen. Seminar on major trauma.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 3: Pedal cycle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.


Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2024). Mobile phone detection cameras in South Australia (CASR225). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Ponte G, Edwards SA, Wundersitz LN (2021). The prevalence of in-vehicle driver distraction in moving traffic. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 83, 33-41.

Ponte G, Wundersitz LN (2021). Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle distraction in moving traffic: An observational study using camera technology. 7th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Lyon, France, 18-20 October 2021.

Wundersitz LN (2021). Uncovering driver distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Wundersitz LN (2021). Uncovering driver distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Wundersitz LN (2021). Uncovering driver inattention and distraction in fatal and injury crashes. 7th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Lyon, France, 18-20 October 2021.

Ponte G, Wundersitz LN (2019). Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle distraction in moving traffic: A pilot study. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Ponte G, Wundersitz LN (2019). Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle driver distraction in moving traffic: A pilot study (CASR161). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN (2019). Driver distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes: Findings from in-depth road crash data. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(7), 696-701.

Young KL, Charlton J, Koppel S, Grzebieta R, Williamson A, Woolley JE, Senserrick T (2018). Distraction and Older Drivers: An Emerging Problem?. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 29, 18-29.

Driver behaviour & human factors

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2025). System Failures and Extreme Behaviour in Fatal and Injury Crashes in South Australia. Traffic injury prevention, 1-9.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2024). Mobile phone detection cameras in South Australia (CASR225). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ (2023). Update to 2013 report: Driver incentive and reward schemes (CASR206). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2023). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug car drivers and motorcyclists. Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(1), 7-13, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2152283.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2023). Project Velograph: Mass collection of naturalistic cyclist-vehicle passing events. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Tan T, Baldock MRJ (2023). Motorcycle Rider Perceptual Countermeasures (AP-R688-23). Sydney: Austroads.

Raftery SJ (2023). Mode choice and safety: How might a shift from car trips to walking, cycling, and public transport affect road safety? (CASR218). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Lindsay VL, Baldock MRJ (2023). Crashes involving road users who have recently arrived in South Australia (CASR207). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2023). The contribution of driver fatigue to casualty and fatal crashes in South Australia (CASR197). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2022). Profiling fatal and serious injury crashes in South Australia according to the Swedish Transport Administration Model. Traffic Injury Prevention, 23(3), 130-134 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2038370.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2022). Prevalence and role of fatigue in South Australian crashes. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2022). System Failures and Extreme Behaviour in Fatal and Injury Crashes. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Ponte G (2021). An investigation of cyclist passing distances in the Australian Capital Territory. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 154, 106075.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Leone P, Marchesan C, Premrl J, Varsos P, Grzebieta R (2021). Evaluate travel speeds and associated risk of casualty crashes through intersections in Australia using naturalistic driving data. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Ponte G, Edwards SA, Wundersitz LN (2021). The prevalence of in-vehicle driver distraction in moving traffic. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 83, 33-41.

Ponte G, Wundersitz LN (2021). Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle distraction in moving traffic: An observational study using camera technology. 7th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Lyon, France, 18-20 October 2021.

Raftery SJ, Edwards SA (2021). Managing recidivist traffic offenders: What works? (CASR191). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Raftery SJ (2021). Benefits of mobile point-to-point safety cameras in rural South Australia (CASR185). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN (2021). Uncovering driver distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Wundersitz LN (2021). Uncovering driver distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Wundersitz LN (2021). Uncovering driver inattention and distraction in fatal and injury crashes. 7th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Lyon, France, 18-20 October 2021.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2020). Illicit drugs are now more common than alcohol among South Australian crash-involved drivers and riders. Traffic Injury Prevention, 21(1), 1-6 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2020.1712715.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2020). Pre-impact braking in crashes: insights from event data recorders (EDRs) (CASR171). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2020). Evaluation of the performance of Alcohol and Drug Awareness Courses currently provided in the ACT. Journal of Road Safety, 31(1), 30-39.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Thompson JP (2019). Underlying factors in the take-up of active travel for young adults. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN (2019). Evaluating behaviour change communication campaigns in health and safety: A literature review (CASR159). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN (2019). The relationship between self-reported and actual driving-related behaviours: A literature review (CASR162). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Edwards SA, Wundersitz LN (2019). Distracted driving: Prevalence and motivations.. (CASR160). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Bailey TJ, Hutchinson TP (2019). Locating and evaluating fixed safety cameras in South Australia (CASR145). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Ponte G (2019). An evaluation of bicycle passing distances in the ACT (CASR157). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Raftery SJ, Ponte G, Woolley JE (2019). Evaluation of the ACT Government’s Safer Cycling Reforms: Minimum Passing Distance and Allowance to Ride Across Pedestrian Crossing. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE, Grzebieta R, Williamson A (2019). Evaluate the effect of roundabout design on vehicle speed in Australia using data from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS). 8th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, Melbourne, Australia, 13-14 August 2019. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Ponte G, Wundersitz LN (2019). Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle distraction in moving traffic: A pilot study. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Ponte G, Wundersitz LN (2019). Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle driver distraction in moving traffic: A pilot study (CASR161). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN (2019). Driver distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes: Findings from in-depth road crash data. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(7), 696-701.

Young KL, Osborne R, Koppel S, Charlton J, Grzebieta R, Williamson A, Haworth N, Woolley JE, Senserrick T (2019). What are Australian drivers doing behind the wheel? An overview of secondary task data from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(1), 27-33.

Baldock MRJ, Dutschke JK, Thompson JP (2018). Older drivers may not have a greater risk of intersection crashes than drivers in younger age groups. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2018). Evaluation of the performance of Alcohol and Drug Awareness Courses currently provided in the ACT. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018.

Byard RW, O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ (2017). Familial Vehicular Murder-Suicide. Journal of Forensic Sciences, online, doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13667.

Turner BM (2017). An analysis of differences in driver speed and lane position for experienced and inexperienced drivers through high and low risk rural curves (Thesis). Adelaide: The University of Adelaide.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2017). Understanding the context of alcohol consumption before driving for crash-involved drivers (CASR129). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2016). The development of an updated Hazard Perception Test for drivers and motorcyclists in Australia and New Zealand. Sixth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, 2-5 August 2016. [ACCEPTED ABSTRACT]

Ponte G, Baldock MRJ (2016). An examination of the effectiveness and acceptability of mobile phone blocking technology among drivers of corporate fleet vehicles. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Raftery SJ, Oxley J, Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2016). Transportation of children with bicycle seats, trailers, and other carriers: considerations for safety (CASR139). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN, Thompson JP, Woolley JE, Oxley J (2016). The safety of child passengers of adult cyclists. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ (2015). Young adult licensing trends and travel modes (15/01). Melbourne: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV).

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2015). Examination of the role of the combination of alcohol and cannabis in South Australian road crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(5), 443-449.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2015). Variations in road injury crash numbers in South Australia by time of year (CASR128). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2015). A GPS-based examination of the mobility and exposure to risk of older drivers from rural and urban areas. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 26(1), 31-39.

Wundersitz LN, Bailey TJ, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ, Smith R (2015). Are young adults’ choice of travel mode changing?. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2015). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian fatal crashes, 2008-2009 (CASR111). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Roberts P, Woolley JE, Doecke SD (2014). Providing for road user error in the Safe System (AP-R460-14). Sydney: Austroads.

Savino G, Brown J, Baldock MRJ, Fitzharris M (2014). A novel approach for evaluating the potential benefits of motorcycle autonomous emergency braking (MAEB) in real world crashes. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Thompson JP (2014). Road safety and mobility of older drivers in rural versus urban areas (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Weissenfeld AP, Baldock MRJ, Hutchinson TP (2014). Motorcyclist perceptions of risk when riding. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25(2), 9-16.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2014). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 163-169.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2014). Quad bikes: An analysis of compensated injuries. Occupational Safety in Transport Conference, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, 18-19 September 2014.

Wundersitz LN (2014). Phone use while driving: Results from an observational survey. Traffic Injury Prevention, 15(6), 537-541.

Bailey TJ, Lindsay VL, Royals J (2013). Alcohol ignition interlock schemes: best practice review (CASR119). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Royals J, Raftery SJ, Bailey TJ, Lydon M (2013). Developing measures to reduce unlicensed driving (AP-R424-13). Sydney: Austroads.

Wundersitz LN, Grigo JAL (2013). Driver mobile phone use: Results from an observational survey. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Wundersitz LN (2013). Workplace safety: A review of best practice for mass media campaigns. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion", Adelaide, Australia, 6-8 November 2013.

Baldock MRJ, Grigo JAL, Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN, Lydon M (2012). Review of penalties under the WA Road Traffic Code 2000 and management of recidivist speeding offenders (CASR123). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Lydon M, Ponte G, Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL (2012). Evaluation of the VicRoads community policing and education project: Final report. Kew: VicRoads.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Lydon M, Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL, Ponte G (2012). The use of protective clothing by motorcyclists in Victoria - Evaluation of the community policing and education project. Australasian College of Road Safety National Conference - A Safe System: Expanding the reach, Sydney, Australia, 9-10 August 2012.

Hutchinson TP (2012). Interaction between driving-related self-esteem and threat. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23(1), 5-6.

Lindsay VL (2012). Characteristics of alcohol impaired road users involved in casualty crashes. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Lindsay VL (2012). Characteristics of alcohol impaired road users involved in casualty crashes (CASR105). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2012). Analysis of infringement data from fixed red light and speed cameras at signalised intersections in South Australia (CASR071). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2012). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes: preliminary findings. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Wundersitz LN, Hutchinson TP (2012). Risky behaviours - Preferable to crashes for evaluating road safety mass media campaigns?. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: expanding the reach", Sydney, 9-10 August 2012.

Wundersitz LN (2012). In-depth analysis of crashes involving younger drivers. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Wundersitz LN (2011). Studies on South Australia’s Driver Intervention Program, and related research. Under The Radar Conference on Traffic Offender Programs, Sydney, 7 December 2011.

Lindsay VL, Ryan GA (2011). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2011). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes (CASR092). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2008). Best Practice criteria in practical driving test of medically referred drivers (CASR013). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety research.

Hutchinson TP (2008). Road courtesy and road safety (CASR044). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP (2008). Tailgating (CASR046). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2008). Differences between groups of drivers: offences contrasted with crashes. Flinders Journal of Law Reform, 10(3), 815-830.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Review of the literature on coffee stops as a road safety measure (CASR041). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Burns NR (2008). Can personality characteristics and attitudes predict risky driving behaviour among young drivers?. High Risk Road Users Conference, Joint ACRS-Travelsafe National Conference, (pp. 191-203). Mawson: The Australasian College of Road Safety.

Wundersitz LN, Burns NR (2008). Personality and attitudinal predictors of traffic offences among young drivers - a prospective analysis. In Driver behaviour and training (volume III), Lisa Dorn (ed) (pp. 51-63). Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company.

Wundersitz LN (2008). Can personality characteristics predict the crash involvement of young drivers?. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 104-113). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2007). Visual attention as a predictor of on-road driving performance of older drivers. Australian Journal of Psychology, 59(3), 159-168.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Wundersitz LN (2007). South Australia's Driver Intervention Program: Personality characteristics of participants and their subsequent crash and offence experience. 2007 Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October 2007.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2007). Follow-up of subsequent crash and offence records of offending drivers who either did or did not attend a driver intervention program. 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Melbourne, Australia, 25-27 September 2007.

Wundersitz LN (2007). Characteristics identifying young drivers at a higher risk of crashing (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2006). Self-regulation of driving and its relationship to driving ability among older adults. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 38(5), 1038-1045.

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2006). Self-regulation of driving and older drivers' functional abilities. Clinical Gerontologist, 30(1), 53-70.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2006). The crash and offence experience of drivers eligible for the South Australian Driver Intervention Program (CASR022). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Hutchinson TP (2006). South Australia's Driver Intervention Program: Participant characteristics, best practice discussion and literature review (CASR021). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN (2006). Personality characteristics and attitudes of young traffic offenders. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Burns NR, Kremer SM, Baldock MRJ (2005). Development of peripheral vision tests for driver assessment (CASR019). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Burns NR (2005). Identifying young driver subtypes: Relationship to risky drinking and crash involvement. In Driver Behaviour and Training - vol II, L. Dorn (ed) (pp. 155-168).

Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, McLean AJ, Berndt A (2004). Self-reported medication use and on-road driving performance of older drivers. T2004 -17th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 8-13 August 2004.

Versteegh SL (2004). The accuracy of driver accounts of vehicle accidents. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

Wundersitz LN, Burns NR (2004). Relationship between prior driving record, driver culpability and fatal crash involvement. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (2002). Alcohol, Travelling Speed and the Risk of Crash Involvement. 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 73-80).

McColl R (2001). Age and sex profiles of speeding and drink driving offenders and drivers involved in casualty crashes. Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 18-20 November 2001.

McColl R (2001). Offender speed profiles. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23-24 August 2001.

McLean AJ (2001). Driver fatigue: current and emerging issues. Driver Fatigue Conference: Issues, Causes and Countermeasures, (pp. 8-17).

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1998). Window tinting and night driving: a dual task investigation (2/98). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

McLean AJ (1997). Alcohol, driver performance and crash involvement. 14th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 119-124 (vol 1)).

McLean AJ (1996). International experience in countermeasures for recidivist drink driving. Drink Driving Recidivism Summit, Adelaide, Australia, 26-27 November 1996.

Wundersitz LN (1996). Hotel patrons' perception and use of coin-operated breath testing machines. A pilot study. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1995). Demographic characteristics, drinking patterns and drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers and motorcycle riders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56(5), 513-521.

Holubowycz OT, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1994). Age, sex and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured drivers, riders and passengers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26(4), 483-492.

Holubowycz OT, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1994). Usual drinking and drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers and riders: a comparison between those with zero and high BAC. Australasian Drink-Drive Conference 1993, (pp. 121-130). Kew: VicRoads.

Kloeden CN, Moore VM, McLean AJ (1994). Estimated and measured blood alcohol levels in night time driving population. Drug and Alcohol Review, 13, 239-245.

Holubowycz OT, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1993). Self-reported drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers an riders: a comparison between those with zero and highBAC. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 933-938 (vol 2)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Moore VM, Barker JM, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Ryan GA (1993). Drink driving: driver perceptions about detection and their effect on behaviour. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 1210-1215 (vol 3)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1992). Drinking behaviour and other characteristics of injured drivers and riders (research report 2/92). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA, Barker JM, Wright JN, McLean AJ (1992). Human factors in rural road crashes. Australian Journal of Public Health, 16(3), 269-276.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, McCaul KA (1991). Drink driving in the general night time driving population, Adelaide 1989. Australian Journal of Public Health, 15(3), 190-193.

Barker JM, Moore VM, Ryan GA (1990). Attitudes to drink driving: Roadside surveys 1987-1989 (research report 3/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Laurel H, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1990). The effect of blood alcohol concentration on light and heavy drinkers in a realistic night driving situation (1/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, McCaul KA (1990). Drink driving in the general night time driving population, Adelaide 1989 (2/90). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Wong TW, Lee J, Phoon WO, Fung KP, McLean AJ (1990). Driving experience and the risk of traffic accident among motorcyclists. Social Science & Medicine, 30(5), 639-640.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1989). Drink driving behaviour in South Australia. International workshop ACTES INRETS No. 18 - High alcohol consumers and traffic, (pp. 227-237).

Holubowycz OT (1989). Drink driving in South Australia: The women's experience. International workshop Women, Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic, conducted by ICADTS, (pp. 17-22).

Holubowycz OT (1989). Sex differences in drink driving (MR3). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Holubowycz OT (1988). An Australian study of alcohol dependence in women - the significance of sex role identity, life event stress, social support, and other factors (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Holubowycz OT (1988). Drink driving in South Australia: The women's experience. 1988 Biennial Conference of Police Personnel involved in Breath Testing, (pp. 1-8).

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Heyworth JS (1987). The effect of demographic changes on road accident fatality rates: Japan 1970-1980. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 1(3), 43-48.

Holubowycz OT (1986). Predictors of alcohol dependence in a sample of women. Australian drug and alcohol review, 5(3), 225-228.

McLean AJ, Clark MS, Dorsch MM, Holubowycz OT, McCaul KA (1984). Random breath testing in South Australia: effects on drink driving, accidents and casualties. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1983). Behavioural aspects of road traffic accidents. Royal Australian College of Psychiatrists.

Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1980). Alcohol effects on driver performance under conditions of divided attention. Ergonomics, 23(3), 185-190.


Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2023). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug car drivers and motorcyclists. Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(1), 7-13, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2152283.

Baldock MRJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Edwards SA (2022). Alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription medications used by severely injured drivers, riders and pedestrians before and after the crash (CASR200). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Raftery SJ, Edwards SA (2021). Managing recidivist traffic offenders: What works? (CASR191). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2020). Illicit drugs are now more common than alcohol among South Australian crash-involved drivers and riders. Traffic Injury Prevention, 21(1), 1-6 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2020.1712715.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2020). Evaluation of the performance of Alcohol and Drug Awareness Courses currently provided in the ACT. Journal of Road Safety, 31(1), 30-39.

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2018). Evaluation of the performance of Alcohol and Drug Awareness Courses currently provided in the ACT. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018.

Wundersitz LN, Konstad A (2017). Drug driving: Analysis of current trends in South Australia. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2015). Examination of the role of the combination of alcohol and cannabis in South Australian road crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(5), 443-449.

Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE (2013). Reviews of the effectiveness of random drug testing in Australia: the absence of crash-based evaluations. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 28-30 August 2013.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2012). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2010 (CASR104). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2011). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2009 (CASR084). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ (2010). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2008 (CASR073). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Woolley JE, Baldock MRJ (2009). Review of Western Australian drug driving laws (CASR064). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Hiranandani K, Baldock MRJ (2009). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2007 (CASR058). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2008). Cannabis and the Risk of Crash Involvement. Flinders Journal of Law Reform, 10(3), 795-814.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2005 (CASR035). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2006 (CASR043). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2004 (CASR031). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2007). Review of the literature on cannabis and crash risk (CASR010). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2003 (CASR030). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2004). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours, 2002 (CASR001). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1995). Alcohol, Drugs and Traffice Safety-T'95, volumes 1 and 2 (ICADTS). Adelaide: NHMRC Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1983). Alcohol, drugs & road accidents. Medical Journal of Australia, 1(13), 596-597.

EDR data

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Ponte G (2025). Speeds in intersection crashes using EDR data (CASR227). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME (2024). Event Data Recorders (EDRs) and high severity crashes: a summary of data collected by Victoria Police (CASR237). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Ponte G, Doecke SD, English IM (2024). Collection and analysis of EDR data from crash-involved vehicles: 2023 summary report (CASR240). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Ponte G, Elsegood ME (2023). Determining the prevalence and profile of speeding in vehicle crashes using Event Data Recorders (EDRs). 27th International Technical Conference on The Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Yokohama, Japan, 3-6 April.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2023). Intersections and injuries: Insights from EDRs. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Ponte G (2021). The contribution of various levels of speeding to fatal and serious road trauma (CASR189). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Raftery SJ, Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA): benefit analysis using EDR data from real world crashes (CASR176). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2021). Speeding insights from the CASR EDR study. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2021). Injury risk and delta-V - insights from event data recorder information and reported injury outcomes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2021). Injury risk and delta-V - insights from event data recorder information and reported injury outcomes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2020). Collection and analysis of EDR data from crash-involved vehicles: 2019-20 summary report (CASR170). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2020). Pre-impact braking in crashes: insights from event data recorders (EDRs) (CASR171). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2019). Speeding and restraint use in crashes: fresh insights from event data recorders (EDRs). 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.


Stokes CS, Moon W, Woolley JE, Strandroth J, Johansson N (2019). Safe System for Universities: linking graduate knowledge with industry best-practice. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Stokes CS, Moon W, Strandroth J, Woolley JE, Johansson N (2018). Safe System learning for tertiary road transport engineering students. 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, 9-12 December 2018.

Raftery SJ, Kloeden CN, Royals J (2014). Safer speeds: an evaluation of public education materials. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25(1), 47-53.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Lydon M, Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL, Ponte G (2012). The use of protective clothing by motorcyclists in Victoria - Evaluation of the community policing and education project. Australasian College of Road Safety National Conference - A Safe System: Expanding the reach, Sydney, Australia, 9-10 August 2012.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Wundersitz LN (2011). Studies on South Australia’s Driver Intervention Program, and related research. Under The Radar Conference on Traffic Offender Programs, Sydney, 7 December 2011.

Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN (2011). Road Safety Education: Directions for the future. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN (2011). The efficacy of road safety education in schools: A review of current approaches (CASR077). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Lydon M, Ponte G, Raftery SJ (2010). Motorcycling in Victoria: Preliminary findings of the evaluation of the Community Education and Policing Project. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Canberra, 31 August - 3 September 2010.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Wundersitz LN (2007). South Australia's Driver Intervention Program: Personality characteristics of participants and their subsequent crash and offence experience. 2007 Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October 2007.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2007). Follow-up of subsequent crash and offence records of offending drivers who either did or did not attend a driver intervention program. 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Melbourne, Australia, 25-27 September 2007.

Anderson RWG, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, McLean AJ (2006). Choice of licensing method and crashes of young drivers. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 17(3), 28-33.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2006). The crash and offence experience of drivers eligible for the South Australian Driver Intervention Program (CASR022). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, McLean AJ (2005). Choice of licensing method and crashes of young drivers. 2005 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, (pp. 236-241). Wellington: Ministry of Transport.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (2001). Evaluation of competency based driver training. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 158-162 (vol 2)).

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (2001). Evaluation of competency based driver training & assessment in South Australia (2/2001). Adelaide: Transport SA.

Baldock MRJ, O'Connor P, McLean AJ (2000). Graduated driver licensing in South Australia (1/2000). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Kloeden CN, Moore VM, McLean AJ (1994). Evaluation of the pre licence training program for motorcyclists in South Australia (5/94). Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

McLean AJ (1984). Transportation accidents: curriculum guidelines for the teaching of transportation safety in tertiary institutions. Transaction of Menzies Foundation, 6, 163-168.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1980). Evaluation of a road safety program for automotive apprentices. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Electronic stability control (ESC)

Mackenzie JRR (2015). Crash avoidance by Electronic Stability Control on Australian high speed rural roads: an analysis of braking interventions (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Mackenzie JRR, Anderson RWG (2009). The effects of Electronic Stability Control interventions on rural road crashes in Australia: simulation of real world crashes (RSRG 2009-005). Canberra: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.

Mackenzie JRR, Anderson RWG (2009). The potential effects of Electronic Stability Control interventions on rural road crashes in Australia: simulation of real world crashes. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 359-374). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.


Raftery SJ (2023). Seeing a lot of mobile speed cameras on your summer road trips? Here's how they work. The Conversation, ..


Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2023). The contribution of driver fatigue to casualty and fatal crashes in South Australia (CASR197). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Fleet safety

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Thompson JP, Ponte G, Edwards SA, O'Donovan S (2024). Preventing and mitigating truck crashes: results from 100 in-depth no-blame truck crash investigations (CASR216). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G (2024). An assessment of ACT road infrastructure for compatibility with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (CASR221). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN (2022). An examination of potential exposure measures for vehicle safety technologies in South Australia (CASR174). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Kloeden CN, Paine M (2019). Speeding in crashes in the United States of America. A pilot study using event data recorder information from NASS-CDS. 26th International Technical Conference on The Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 10-13 June 2019.

Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2015). Real world benefits of autonomous safety systems (presentation). International Driverless Cars Conference, Adelaide, 5-6 November 2015.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Kloeden CN, Lydon M (2014). Dynamics of the South Australian registered passenger vehicle fleet (CASR110). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Small M, Bailey TJ, Lydon M (2014). Work related road safety (14/01). Noble Park North: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Ltd.

Woolley JE, Bailey TJ, Raftery SJ (2014). What can work health and safety learn from road safety? (CASR121). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Austroads, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP, Ponte G (2013). The impact of changes in the Australian light vehicle fleet on crashworthiness and crash outcomes (AP-R428-13). Sydney: Austroads.

Small M, Bailey TJ, Lydon M, Davern T (2013). Best practice fleet safety management and priority actions. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 28-30 August 2013.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD, Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Paine D, Paine M (2012). Potential benefits of forward collision avoidance technology (CASR106). Brisbane: Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland.

Mackenzie JRR, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2012). An investigation of light vehicle fleet safety in South Australia. 1st International Conference on Occupational Safety in Transport, Gold Coast, Australia, 20-21 September 2012.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2010). The relative age related crashworthiness of the registered South Australian passenger vehicle fleet. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(1), 36-46.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD, Searson DJ (2009). Vehicle age-related crashworthiness of the South Australian passenger fleet (CASR062). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2009). The relative age related crashworthiness of the registered South Australian passenger vehicle fleet. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 333-347). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2007). A comparison of the pedestrian passive safety performance of the new vehicle fleet in Australia, France and the United Kingdom. 2007 Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October 2007.

Heavy vehicles

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Thompson JP, Ponte G, Edwards SA, O'Donovan S (2024). Preventing and mitigating truck crashes: results from 100 in-depth no-blame truck crash investigations (CASR216). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Thompson JP, Ponte G (2023). The no-blame in-depth truck crash investigation study. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL, Woolley JE (2011). Heavy vehicle road safety. A scan of recent literature. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 22(3), 18-24.

Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL, Woolley JE (2011). Heavy vehicle road safety: Research scan (CASR100). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ (1986). Heavy vehicle speed limits. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ, Aust HS, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 5: Commercial vehicle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Human fatigue

Thompson JP, Wundersitz LN (2022). Prevalence and role of fatigue in South Australian crashes. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Weissenfeld AP, Baldock MRJ, Hutchinson TP (2013). Motorcyclist perceptions of risk when riding. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion", Adelaide, 6-8 November.

Grigo JAL, Baldock MRJ (2011). Sleepiness and road crashes: Challenges of definition and measurement (CASR082). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Review of the literature on coffee stops as a road safety measure (CASR041). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ (2001). Driver fatigue: current and emerging issues. Driver Fatigue Conference: Issues, Causes and Countermeasures, (pp. 8-17).

In-depth accident investigation

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Thompson JP, Ponte G, Edwards SA, O'Donovan S (2024). Preventing and mitigating truck crashes: results from 100 in-depth no-blame truck crash investigations (CASR216). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME (2022). Profiling head-on crashes using mass data and in-depth crash investigations. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Elsegood ME, Hutchinson TP (2022). Injury crashes involving adult cyclists in South Australia, 2009-2018 (CASR177). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Thompson JP, Stokes CS (2020). How do we prevent and mitigate crashes? Evidence from Australian at-scene in-depth crash investigations. Journal of Road Safety, 31(2), 35-43.

Doecke SD, Dutschke JK (2019). Child restraint misuse and injury outcomes observed in at-scene in-depth crash investigations in South Australia. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Doecke SD (2019). How do we prevent and mitigate crashes? Results from 116 at-scene in-depth crash investigations. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Wundersitz LN (2019). Driver distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes: Findings from in-depth road crash data. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(7), 696-701.

Byard RW, O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ (2017). Familial Vehicular Murder-Suicide. Journal of Forensic Sciences, online, doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13667.

Doecke SD (2017). Event Data Recorders (EDRs) in Australia: a new source of crash data. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2015). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian fatal crashes, 2008-2009 (CASR111). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2014). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 163-169.

Lindsay VL (2013). Injured cyclist profile: an in-depth study of a sample of cyclists injured in road crashes in South Australia (CASR112). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Ryan GA (2013). The characteristics of fatal crashes in South Australia involving a delay in notifying emergency medical services. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Austroads, Woolley JE (2012). Traffic management and infrastructure - lessons from in-depth crash investigations (AP-R418-12). Sydney: Austroads.

Wundersitz LN (2012). An analysis of young drivers involved in crashes using in-depth crash investigation data (CASR101). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, Ponte G, Wundersitz LN, Lindsay VL (2009). In-depth crash investigation at the Centre for Automotive Safety Research. 3rd Expert Symposium on Accident Research, (pp. 15-23). Bergisch Gladbach: Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen.

Woolley JE, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL, Ponte G, McLean AJ (2006). The Adelaide metropolitan indepth crash investigation study 2002-2005. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

McLean AJ (2005). Fifty years of at-scene crash investigations: methodological considerations. 2005 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-16 November 2005.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (2002). In depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia. 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 517-522).

McLean AJ, Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN (2001). Rural indepth crash investigation. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 222-227 (vol 2)).

Hinrichs RW (1987). At scene in depth rural accident study. National Road Safety Researchers Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 28 November 1986.


Doecke SD, Elsegood ME, Ponte G (2025). Speeds in intersection crashes using EDR data (CASR227). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2025). Rural Junction Active Warning System (RJAWS) Lite - Design Guide (CASR213). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G (2024). An assessment of ACT road infrastructure for compatibility with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (CASR221). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Farries K, Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP, Stokes CS, Unsworth CA (2023). Entrapment and extraction of wheelchairs at flange gaps with and without flange gap fillers at pedestrian railway crossings. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology,

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Baldock MRJ, Tan T (2023). Perceptual countermeasure for improving motorcyclist safety on rural curves. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Tan T, Baldock MRJ (2023). Motorcycle Rider Perceptual Countermeasures (AP-R688-23). Sydney: Austroads.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS (2023). A novel low-cost Safe System-aligned treatment for regional and remote intersections (CASR214). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2023). RJAWS Lite: A Low-cost, Technology-based Intersection Safety Treatment. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [ACCEPTED ABSTRACT]

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2023). Practical Approaches for Managing Regional Road Safety Priorities (AP-R691-23). Sydney: Austroads.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Elsegood ME (2022). Using geospatial data to identify and prioritise locations of interest. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Kloeden CN (2022). Evaluation of Smart School Zone infrastructure in South Australia. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2022). Trial of a method to capture cyclist’s use of infrastructure. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2022). Video capture and analysis of cyclists using infrastructure in the ACT through machine learning (CASR202). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Evaluation of Centreline ATLM along Curves in Mountainous Roads. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Evaluation of Gorge Road centreline Audio Tactile Line Marking (ATLM) on curves (CASR184). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2022). RJAWS Lite: A Low-cost, Technology-based Intersection Safety Treatment. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). A comparison of uncontrolled, give way sign controlled and stop sign controlled intersections in South Australia (CASR151). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Options for mitigating filter right turn crashes at signalised intersections based on video footage of crashes (CASR152). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2022). System Failures and Extreme Behaviour in Fatal and Injury Crashes. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Determining the readiness of road line markings for autonomous vehicles through custom video analysis software. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Howe M, Reid I, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Weakly Supervised Training of Monocular 3D Object Detectors Using Wide Baseline Multi-view Traffic Camera Data. The 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, 22-25 November 2021.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Leone P, Marchesan C, Premrl J, Varsos P, Grzebieta R (2021). Evaluate travel speeds and associated risk of casualty crashes through intersections in Australia using naturalistic driving data. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 22:5, 390-395.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Mongiardini M (2019). Automated Vehicles and the Readiness of Western Australian roads (Phase 2): Suitability of WA roads for Lane Departure Warning systems (RR 19-07). Bentley WA: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre (C-MARC).

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE, Grzebieta R, Williamson A (2019). Evaluate the effect of roundabout design on vehicle speed in Australia using data from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS). 8th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, Melbourne, Australia, 13-14 August 2019. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Stokes CS, Raftery SJ, Woolley JE (2018). Road user perception of safety at Safe System intersections. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Jurewicz C, Sobhani A, Chau P, Woolley JE (2017). Understanding and Improving Safe System Intersection Performance (AP-R556-17). Sydney: Austroads.


Doecke SD, Elsegood ME (2024). Event Data Recorders (EDRs) and high severity crashes: a summary of data collected by Victoria Police (CASR237). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Woolley JE, Bailey TJ, Ponte G, Ryan GA (2024). Post-crash response arrangements (CASR232). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD (2023). Towards updated safe speeds using new speed-injury risk curves. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Dutschke JK, Lindsay VL, Hutchinson TP, Jones CF (2023). Car drivers with an AIS2+ spine injury: Description of a sample from South Australia (CASR182). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Hutchinson TP (2022). Injury crashes involving adult cyclists in South Australia, 2009-2018 (CASR177). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

O'Donovan S, Humphries MA, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2022). Cardiac Disease and Driver Fatality. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology,

O'Donovan S, Van Den Berg AL, Baldock MRJ, Humphries MA, Byard RW (2022). Fatal blunt chest trauma: An evaluation of rib fracture patterns and age. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2022,

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Humphries MA, Byard RW (2022). Seat belt injuries and external markings at autopsy in cases of lethal vehicle crashes. Medicine, Science and the Law, Online First.

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2022). Evidence-Based Road Safety Interventions to Prevent Regional and Remote Road Trauma. Injury Prevention, 22, A87.

Doecke SD, Dutschke JK, Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN (2021). Travel speed and the risk of serious injury in vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 161 (2021), 106359.

Mongiardini M, Elsegood ME, Stokes CS (2021). Profile of crashes at intersections in South Australia (CASR179). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 22:5, 390-395.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2021). Cardiac disease and driver fatality. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2021). Upper and lower limb amputations in vehicle-related fatalities. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 82, 102225

Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2021). Injury risk and delta-V - insights from event data recorder information and reported injury outcomes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2021). Injury risk and delta-V - insights from event data recorder information and reported injury outcomes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Tyler W, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Using in-depth accident data to identify limitations when applying crash injury risk curves. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Wundersitz LN, Edwards SA, Thompson JP (2021). Prevention and mitigation of fatal crashes in regional and remote areas (CASR193). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2020). Illicit drugs are now more common than alcohol among South Australian crash-involved drivers and riders. Traffic Injury Prevention, 21(1), 1-6 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2020.1712715.

Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Dutschke JK (2020). Impact speed and the risk of serious injury in vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, September 2020, 105629.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2020). Motorcycle crashes resulting in hospital admissions in South Australia - Crash characteristics and injury patterns. Journal of Road Safety, 31(1), 10-19.

Hutchinson TP, Dutschke JK (2019). Blunt Injury and Penetrating Injury: Effects of Impact Speed (abstract). Australasian Military Medicine Association conference, (pp. 31-32).

Nishimoto T, Kubota K, Ponte G (2019). A pedestrian injury prediction method based on posted speed limit. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 129, 84-93.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2019). Motorcycle Crashes Resulting in Hospital Admissions in South Australia - Crash Characteristics and Injury Patterns. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2018). Factors involved in the assessment of paediatric traffic injuries and deaths. Medicine, Science and the Law, 58(4), 210-215.

Ponte G, Lindsay VL (2018). Characteristics of Single Cyclist Injury Crashes in South Australia. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Dutschke JK, Finney JW, Manavis J, Anderson RWG (2017). Semiquantitation of Axonal Injury in Traumatically Damaged Brains Using Color Deconvolution. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology, 25(4), 277-281.

Ponte G, Nishimoto T (2017). Development of a pedestrian injury prediction model for potential use in an Advanced Automated Crash Notification system. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Jurewicz C, Sobhani A, Woolley JE, Dutschke JK, Corben B (2016). Exploration of vehicle impact speed – injury severity relationships for application in safer road design. 6th European Transport Research Conference. Moving Forward: Innovative Solutions for Tomorrows Mobility, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 April 2016.

Mackenzie JRR, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Kloeden CN, Raftery SJ (2016). Analysis and modelling of crashes in Tasmania (CASR136). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Oxley J, O'Hern S, Raftery SJ, Woolley JE (2016). How safe are children when transported by bicycle?. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17, 163-167.

Ponte G, Ryan GA, Anderson RWG (2016). An estimate of the effectiveness of an in-vehicle automatic collision notification system in reducing road crash fatalities in South Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(3), 258-263.

Hutchinson TP (2015). Accelerations relevant to blunt trauma: theory and data. Industrial Health, 53, 176-177.

Hutchinson TP (2015). Experimental injury: inference from proxy observations in a test to the real-world average. Journal of Battlefield Technology, 18(1), 1-6.

Hutchinson TP (2015). The theory of reduction in impact speeds. Traffic Engineering & Control, iFirst.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, Harrison J (2015). An examination of trends in South Australian workers compensation claims (CASR133). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Warren L, Harley S, Dutschke JK, Van Den Berg AL, Dobbins C (2015). Bicycle helmet use to reduce the impact of head injuries in ladder users. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 87(12), 126-129.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Anderson RWG, Yerpez J (2014). Accident simulation and reconstruction for enhancing pedestrian safety: issues and challenges. Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Hannover, Germany, 20-21 June 2014.

Hutchinson TP (2014). Equations for depth of penetration of projectiles [letter to the editor]. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, iFirst.

Hutchinson TP (2014). In response to: “Effect of initial projectile speed on contamination distribution in a lower extremity surrogate ‘wound track’” (Mil Med 2012; 177(5): 573-582). Military Medicine, International Journal of AMSUS, 179(4), x.

Hutchinson TP (2014). Peak acceleration during impact with helmet materials: Effects of impactor mass and speed. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(S1), S377-S382.

Meredith L, Baldock MRJ, Fitzharris M, Brown J (2014). Pelvic Injury Mechanisms among Motorcyclists. IRCOBI Conference 2014, Berlin, Germany, 10-12 September 2014.

Wall JP, Woolley JE, Ponte G, Bailey TJ (2014). Post crash response arrangements in Australia compared to other high performing road safety nations. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Austroads, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP, Ponte G (2013). The impact of changes in the Australian light vehicle fleet on crashworthiness and crash outcomes (AP-R428-13). Sydney: Austroads.

Lindsay VL (2013). Injured cyclist profile: an in-depth study of a sample of cyclists injured in road crashes in South Australia (CASR112). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Ryan GA (2013). The characteristics of fatal crashes in South Australia involving a delay in notifying emergency medical services. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Ponte G, Ryan GA, Anderson RWG (2013). Automatic Crash Notification (CASR124). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2013). An examination of the environmental, driver and vehicle factors associated with the serious and fatal crashes of older rural drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 768-775.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2012). Contribution of structural incompatibility to asymmetrical injury risks in crashes between two passenger vehicles. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23(4), 33-42.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2012). Contribution of structural incompatibility to asymmetrical injury risks in crashes between two passenger vehicles. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: expanding the reach", Sydney, 9-10 August 2012.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2012). Pedestrian headform testing: inferring performance at impact speeds and for headform masses not tested, and estimating average performance in a range of real-world conditions. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(4), 402-411.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2011). An analysis of head impact severity in simulations of collisions between pedestrians and SUVs/work utility vehicles, and sedans. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12:388–397, 2011, 12, 38-397.

Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL, Anderson RWG (2011). Further analysis of the impact characteristics of the New Zealand Fisheries sea lion exclusion device stainless steel grid: Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries project SRP2010-05. Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Lindsay VL (2010). A note on the central stories of fatal and other cyclist accidents in Adelaide. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(3), 12-14.

Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL, Anderson RWG (2010). Impact characteristics of the New Zealand Fisheries sea lion exclusion device stainless steel grid: Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries project IPA2009-06. Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Long AD, Serre T (2009). Phenomenological continuous contact-impact modelling for multi-body simulations of pedestrian-vehicle contact interactions based on experimental data. Nonlinear Dynamics, 58(1), 199-208.

Ashar A, James H, Higgins D, Anderson RWG (2009). The effect of motor vehicle airbag deployment on tooth surfaces. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology, 27(2), 50-55.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2009). Child bicyclist traffic casualties in South Australia. Australasian College of Road Safety on Infants, Children and Young People and Road Safety, Sydney, Australia, 2-3 August 2007.

Munsch M, Anderson RWG, Deck C, Ludes B, Willinger R (2009). Influence of head boundary conditions in pedestrian real work head trauma simulations. 2009 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, York, United Kingdom, 9-11 September 2009.

Mackenzie JRR (2008). Characteristics of High Injury Severity Crashes on 80 – 110 km/h Rural Roads in South Australia. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 839-847). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Gibson T, Thai K, Anderson RWG (2007). Motorcycle helmet protection and basilar skull fracture. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S92.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Long AD (2007). Adult pedal cycle casualties in South Australia. Transport Engineering in Australia, 11(1), 1-11.

Anderson RWG, Gibson TJ, Cox M, Ryan GA, Gun RT (2006). Whiplash associated disorders: a comprehensive review (CASR016). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Dokko Y (2005). Determining accurate contact definitions in multi-body simulations for DOE-type reconstruction of head impacts in pedestrian impacts. 19th International technical conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Washington DC, USA, 6-9 June 2005.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (2005). Biomechanics of closed head injury. In Head injury : pathophysiology and management, 2nd edition, P.L. Reilly, R. Bullock (eds) (pp. 26-40).

Fearnside MR, Simpson DA (2005). Epidemiology. In Head injury : pathophysiology and management, 2nd edition, P.L. Reilly, R. Bullock (eds) (pp. 3-25). London: Hodder Arnold.

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Van De Griend M, Lindsay VL, McLean AJ (2003). Pedestrian subsystem head impact results reflect the severity of pedestrian head injuries. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 32(1/2), 1-15.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (2001). Vehicle design and speed and pedestrian injury: Australia's involvement in the International Harmonised Research Activities pedestrian safety expert group. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 1-7 (vol 1)).

Anderson RWG (2001). Vehicle travelling speeds and fatal pedestrian crashes in Adelaide. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, (p. T6a).

Gibson T, Fildes B, Deery H, Sparke L, Benetatos E, Fitzharris M, McLean AJ, Vulcan P (2001). Improved side impact protection: a review of injury patterns, injury tolerance, and dummy measurement capabilities (147). Melbourne: Monash University Accident Research Centre.

Brown J, Gorrie C, Waite PM, Gibson TJ, Anderson RWG, Griffiths M (2000). A study of head injury in fatally injured child pedestrians. Impact of Biomechanics Australia Conference: Neck Injury 2000, (pp. 25-36).

Kloeden CN, White KM, McLean AJ (2000). Characteristics of fatal and severe pedestrian accidents in South Australia (project number: 97/TS/117). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Baldock MRJ, Cockington AT (1999). Severe and fatal car crashes due to roadside hazards. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1998). Brain injuries in pedestrian, motorcyclist and car occupant fatalities. In Frontiers in Head &Neck Trauma, N Yogananan, FA Pintar, SJ Larson, A Sances (eds) (pp. 59-72).

Abou-Hamden A, Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Manavis J, Mainwright H, Jones NR, McLean AJ (1997). Axonal Injuries in falls. Journal of Neurotrauma, 14(10), 699-713.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1997). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 29(5), 667-674.

Fearnside MR, Simpson DA (1997). Epidemiology. In Head Injury: pathophysiology and management of severe closed injury, P Reilly, R Bullock (eds) (pp. 3-23). London: Chapman & Hall Medical.

Moore VM, Simpson DA, McLean AJ, Fildes B, Kloeden CN, Digges KH, Anderson RWG (1997). Prevention of head injuries to car occupants: an investigation of interior padding options (CR160). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Simpson DA, McLean AJ (1997). Helmets and bicycle relate injuries in Queensland (letter to the editor). Medical Journal of Australia, 167(6), 338-339.

Simpson DA (1997). Clinical examination and grading. In Head Injury: pathophysiology and management of severe closed injury, P Reilly, R Bullock (eds) (pp. 145-165). London: Chapman & Hall.

Voyvodic F, Dolinis J, Moore VM, Ryan GA, Slavotinek JP, Whyte AM, Hoile RD, Taylor GW (1997). MRI of car occupants with whiplash injury. Neuroradiology, 39(1), 35-40.

Lewis SB, Finney JW, Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Walker JR, Brown CJ, Reilly PL, Jones NR, McLean AJ (1996). A head impact model of early axonal injury in the sheep. Journal of Neurotrauma, 13(5), 505-514.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Anderson RWG, Baird RP, Farmer MJB (1996). Data collection and analysis of vehicle factors in relation to pedestrian brain injury. 15th International technical conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), (pp. 1408-1411 (vol 2)).

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Farmer MJB (1996). The role of the upper interior in car occupant brain injury. 15th International technical conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), (pp. 1266-1272 (vol 2)).

Stoodley MA, Abbott JR, Simpson DA (1996). Titanium cranioplasty using 3-D computer modelling of skull defects. Journal of clinical neuroscience, 3(2), 149-155.

Willinger R, Guimberteau T, McLean AJ, Anderson RWG, Farmer MJB (1996). Experimental and theoretical modelling of head impact: influence of head modelling. International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 21-34). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Manavis J, Mainwright H, Simpson DA, McLean AJ (1995). Topography of axonal injury as defined by amyloid precursor protein and the sector scoring method in mild and severe closed head injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 12(4), 565-572.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1995). Demographic characteristics, drinking patterns and drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers and motorcycle riders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56(5), 513-521.

Holubowycz OT (1995). Age, Sex and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured pedestrians. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 27(3), 417-422.

McLean AJ (1995). Brain injury without head impact?. Journal of Neurotrauma, 12(4), 621-625.

Simpson DA, McLean AJ, Leitch IOW (1995). Mechanisms of injury. In Craniomaxillofacial trauma, David DJ, Simpson DA (Eds) (pp. 101-117).

Simpson DA, McLean AJ (1995). Epidemiology. In Craniomaxillofacial trauma, David DJ, Simpson DA (Eds) (pp. 85-100).

Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Manavis J, Mainwright H, Simpson DA, McLean AJ (1994). Staining of amyloid precursor protein to study axonal injury damage in mild head injury. The Lancet, 344(8929), 1055-1056.

Holubowycz OT, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1994). Age, sex and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured drivers, riders and passengers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26(4), 483-492.

McLean AJ, Anderson RWG, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1994). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian collisions (CR146). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communications.

McLean AJ (1994). Head Injuries, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Tokyo, September, 1994. Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Vilenius ATS, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC, Scott G (1994). Brain injury patterns in fatally injured pedestrians. Journal of Trauma, 36(4), 469-476.

Ryan GA, Moore VM, Dolinis J, Taylor GW (1994). Crash severity and neck strain in car occupants. 1994 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 97-107). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Ryan GA, Taylor GW, Moore VM, Dolinis J (1994). Neck strain in car occupants: injury after 6 months and crash related factors. Injury, 25(8), 533-537.

Simpson DA, Reilly PL (1994). Non-accidental head injury in children. Medical Journal of Australia, 161(Oct17), 507-508.

Vilenius ATS, Ryan GA, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Dolinis J (1994). A method of estimating linear and angular accelarations in head impacts to pedestrians. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26(5), 563-570.

Willinger R, Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Kopp CM (1994). Mechanisms of brain injury related to mathematical modelling and epidemiological data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26(6), 767-799.

Jones NR, Molloy CJ, Kloeden CN, North JB, Simpson DA (1993). Extradural haematoma: trends in outcome over 35 years. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 7(5), 465-471.

McLean AJ (1993). Understanding head impact tolerance as an aid injury prevention. International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurotraumatology (ICRAN 1992), (pp. 27-30).

North JB, Oatey P, Jones NR, Simpson DA, McLean AJ (1993). Head injuries from road accidents: a diminishing problem?. Medical Journal of Australia, 158(March15), 433-434.

Ryan GA, Taylor GW, Moore VM, Dolinis J (1993). Neck strain in car occupants: the influence of crash related factors on initial severity. Medical Journal of Australia, 159(Nov15), 651-656.

Ryan GA (1993). Mechanisms of brain injury in pedestrians and car occupants. Crash Injury Biomechanics, (pp. 150-159). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Simpson DA (1993). Swift Memorial Lecture, The child's head: enemies & safeguards, 31 March, 1993.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1992). Drinking behaviour and other characteristics of injured drivers and riders (research report 2/92). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Paix BR, Blumbergs PC, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Ryan GA, Scott G, Simpson DA (1992). Head injury in car occupants: report on a pilot study (1/92). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryall RG, Peacock MK, Simpson DA (1992). Usefulness of beta 2-transferrin assay in the detection of cerebrospinal fluid leaks following head injury. Journal of Neurosurgery, 77(5), 737-739.

Ryan GA (1992). Improving head protection for cyclists, motorcyclists, and car occupants. World Journal of Surgery, 16(3), 398-402.

Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC, McLean AJ, Scott G (1992). Head injuries in infants and children: measures to reduce mortality and morbidity in road accidents. World Journal of Surgery, 16(3), 403-409.

Digges KH, Malliaris AC, Ommaya AK, McLean AJ (1991). Characterization of rollover casualties. 1991 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 309-319). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Scott G, North JB, Simpson DA, Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Manavis J, Blumbergs PC (1991). Brain injury patterns in falls causing death. 1991 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 77-88). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Ryan GA (1991). Cervical spine injuries in car occupants. In Automotive Engineering and Litigation (volume 4), Peters GA, Peters BJ (eds) (pp. 305-321).

Simpson DA, Cockington AT, Haneih A, Raftos J, Reilly PL (1991). Head injuries in infants and young children: the value of peadiatric coma scale. Child's Nervous System, 7(4), 183-190.

Simpson DA, Paix BR, Ryan GA, Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1991). Head injuries in car occupants: report on a pilot study. General Scientific meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

Simpson DA, Ryan GA, Paix BR, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Blumbergs PC, Scott G (1991). Brain injuries in car occupants: a correlation of impact data with neuropathological findings. 1991 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Berlin, Germany, 11-13 September 1991.

Simpson DA, Speed IE, Blumbergs PC (1991). Embolism of cerebral tissue: a cause of coagulopathy and cerebral infarction? Report of a case. Surgical Neurology, 35(2), 159-162.

Simpson DA (1991). How to treat head injuries.

McLean AJ, Blumbergs PC, Kloeden CN, Palmer GJ, Ryan GA (1990). The relative motion concept of brain injury. 1990 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 181-189). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Molloy CJ, McCaul KA, McLean AJ, North JB, Simpson DA (1990). Extradural haemorrhage in infancy and childhood. Child's Nervous System, 6, 383-387.

Simpson DA, David DJ, Reilly PL (1990). Fractures of the anterior cranial fossa: the craniofacial approach. Asian Journal of Surgery, 13(1), 23-31.

Blumbergs PC, Jones NR, North JB (1989). Diffuse axonal injury in head trauma. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 58, 838-841.

Cain CMJ, Ryan GA, Fraser R, Potter G, McLean AJ, McCaul KA, Simpson DA (1989). Cervical spine injuries in road traffic crashes in South Australia, 1981-86. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 59, 15-19.

Cain CMJ, Simpson DA, Ryan GA, Manock CH, James RA (1989). Road crash cervical injuries: A radiological study of fatalities. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 10(3), 193-195.

McLean AJ (1989). Overviews of head injuries in motor vehicle accidents. 2nd Australian Head Injury Symposium, Huntingwood (NSW), Australia, 5-6 December 1989.

Palmer GJ, De Nardi EJ, Fisk WE, Blumbergs PC, McLean AJ (1989). Replica casting of the skull base. Journal of the Forensic Science Society, 29, 407-412.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Vilenius ATS, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC, Scott G (1989). A clinical evaluation of fatal brain injury in pedestrians. Head injury mechanisms - the need for an angular acceleration criteria, (pp. 9-18). Des Plaines: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Vilenius ATS, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC (1989). Head impacts and brain injury in fatally injured pedestrians. 1989 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 27-37). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Ryan GA (1989). Report on the first world conference on accident and injury prevention. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA (1989). The epidemiology of injury. Workshop on injury and work related health problems.

Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC, Cooter RD, Kilminster M, McLean AJ, Scott G (1989). Pontomedullary Tears and Other Gross Brainstem Injuries after Vehicular Accidents. Journal of Trauma, 29(11), 1519-1525.

Simpson DA, Worth RJ (1989). Neurotrauma in country hospitals: The role of computerized tomography scanning. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 59, 1-3.

Simpson DA (1989). Brain Injury: The structural basis of functional disability. Recovery from brain injury - expectations, needs and processes, (pp. 5-15). Adelaide: South Australian College of Advanced Education.

Wong TW, Phoon WO, Lee J, Yiu PC, Fung KP, Smith G, McLean AJ (1989). Non-Fatal injuries among motor-cyclists treated as In-patients in a general hospital. Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 18(6), 672-674.

Barker JM (1988). Head and neck injury in road accidents. Head and Neck Injury in Road Accidents Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, 10-11 December 1985.

Blumbergs PC (1988). Neuropathological aspects of head injury. Head and Neck Injury in Road Accidents Symposium, (pp. 79-85). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Cooter RD, Simpson DA, McLean AJ, David DJ, Simpson DA (1988). Helmet-induced skull base fracture in a motorcyclist. The Lancet, Jan-16, 84-85.

Jones NR (1988). Acute subdural Haematoma - pathology and mechanisms. Head and Neck Injury in Road Accidents Symposium, (pp. 87-94). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McCaul KA, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Hinrichs RW (1988). Study of head injuries in children (CR 64). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

McLean AJ (1988). Head and neck injury in Australia. Head and Neck Injury in Road Accidents Symposium, (pp. 1-4). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Reilly PL, Simpson DA, Sprod R, Thomas L (1988). Assessing the conscious level in infants and young children: a paediatric version of the Glasgow Coma Scale. Child's Nervous System, 4, 30-33.

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Simpson DA, Heyworth JS, McLean AJ (1988). Extradural haemorrhage: strategies for management in remote places. Injury, 19(5), 307-312.

Simpson DA, McLean AJ (1988). Neurotrauma: The Australian experience. Surgical Neurology, 29(2), 166-167.

Simpson DA (1988). Closed head injuries in infants and children: causes and outcomes. Head and Neck Injury in Road Accidents Symposium, (pp. 95-101). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Trinca G, Johnston IR, Campbell CJ, Haight FA, Knight PR, Mackay GM, McLean AJ, Petrucelli E (1988). Reducing traffic injury: a global challenge. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

Dorsch MM, Woodward AJ, Somers RL (1987). Do bicycle safety helmets reduce severity of head injury in real crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 19(3), 183-190.

Hinrichs RW (1987). The rural road accident study. Seminar on The Changing face of pre-hospital care.

McLean AJ, Simpson DA, Cain CMJ, McCaul KA, Freund JR, Ryan GA (1987). Head and neck injuries in passenger cars: A review of the literature (CR 59). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communications.

McLean AJ (1987). A study of brain injury and the anatomy of the cranial cavity. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Dan NG, Berry G, Kwok B, Mandryk JA, Ring IT, Sewell MF, Simpson DA (1986). Experience with extradural haematomas in New South Wales. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56, 535-541.

Gibson TJ, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1986). Pedestrian head impacts: Development and validation of a mathematical model. 1986 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 165-176). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Paix BR, Gibson TJ, McLean AJ, Woodward AJ (1986). Severity of injury in road crashes: a comparison of injured occupants of forward control vehicles and conventional passenger cars. Medical Journal of Australia, 145(Nov 3), 433-436.

Ring IT, Berry G, Dan NG, Kwok B, Mandryk JA, North JB, Selecki BR, Sewell MF, Simpson DA, Stening WA, Vanderfield GK (1986). Epidemiology and clinical outcomes of neurotrauma in New South Wales. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56(7), 557-566.

Selecki BR, Berry G, Dan NG, Kwok B, Mandryk JA, North JB, Ring IT, Sewell MF, Simpson DA, Stening WA, Vanderfield GK (1986). Preventable causes of death and disability from neurotrauma. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56(7), 529-534.

Selecki BR, Berry G, Kwok B, Mandryk JA, Ring IT, Sewell MF, Simpson DA, Vanderfield GK (1986). Experience with spinal injuries in New South Wales. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56(7), 567-576.

Simpson DA, Kwok B, North JB, Ring IT, Selecki BR, Sewell MF (1986). Logistics of early management of head and spinal injuries. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56(7), 585-590.

Simpson DA, Stening WA, Berry G, Dan NG, Kwok B, Mandryk JA, Ring IT, Sewell MF (1986). Experience with acute subdural haematomas in New South Wales. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56(7), 549-556.

Stening WA, Berry G, Dan NG, Kwok B, Mandryk JA, Ring IT, Sewell MF, Simpson DA (1986). Experience with multiple intracranial haematomas in New South Wales. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56(7), 543-548.

Vanderfield GK, Berry G, Dan NG, Kwok B, Mandryk JA, Ring IT, Sewell MF, Simpson DA (1986). Experience with chronic subdural haematomas in New South Wales. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 56(7), 577-583.

Woodward AJ, Dorsch MM, Somers RL (1986). Measuring severity of head injury by mail questionaire. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 18(5), 439-440.

Gibson TJ, McCaul KA, McLean AJ (1985). Investigation of head injury mechanisms in motor vehicle accidents- a multidisciplinary approach. Field Accidents: data collection, analysis, methodologies, and crash injury reconstructions P.159, (pp. 65-79). Warrendale, Pennsylvania: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

McLean AJ (1985). Neurotrauma on two wheels. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 55(5), 425-426.

Dorsch MM, Woodward AJ, Somers RL (1984). Effect of helmet use in reducing head injury in bicycle accidents. 28th Annual Proceedings American Association for Automotive Medicine, (pp. 247-259). American Association for Automotive Medicine.

Gibson TJ, McLean AJ, McCaul KA (1984). Investigation of head injury mechanisms. Australasian Physical an Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 7(4), 153-160.

McLean AJ, Antonio JD, North JB, Simpson DA, Woodward AJ (1984). Alcohol and fatal injuries of the head and spine. Community Health Studies, 8(2), 159-166.

Simpson DA, North JB, Gilligan J, McLean AJ, Woodward AJ, Antonio JD, Altree P (1984). Neurological injuries in South Australia: The influence of distance on management and outcome. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 54(1), 29-35.

Somers RL (1984). Convalescene following physical trauma: social determinants of subjective recovery. Community Health Studies, 8(2), 167-171.

Woodward AJ, Dorsch MM, Simpson DA (1984). Head injuries in country and city: A study of hospital separations in South Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 141(1), 13-17.

Somers RL (1983). New ways to use the abbreviated injury scale: a guide to evaluating threat to life. American Association for Automotive Medicine Quarterly Journal, 5, 31-33.

Somers RL (1983). The probability of death score: a measure of injury severity for use in planning and evaluating accident prevention. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 15(4), 259-266.

Somers RL (1983). The probability of death score: an improvement of the injury severity score. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 15(4), 247-257.

Somers RL (1983). Using the abbreviated injury scale to evaluate head injury mortality risk. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1981). Head first? The causes, consequences and relative importance of head injuries in urban crashes. 25th Annual Conference of American Association for Automotive Medicine, (pp. 15-27). Morton Grove: American Association for Automotive Medicine.

McLean AJ (1981). The mechanics and prevention of injuries to the head. In Head Injuries, An integrated approach, T.A.R. Dinning, T.J. Connelley (eds) (pp. 15-19). Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons.

McLean AJ (1981). The severity and consequences of injuries in urban traffic accidents. 6th International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, (pp. 12-19). Amsterdam: Vrije Universteit Amsterdam, faculty of Medicine.

McLean AJ (1979). Mechanism and prevention of injuries to the head. Head Injury Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 26-27 April 1979.

Injury biomechanics

Dutschke JK, Lindsay VL, Hutchinson TP, Jones CF (2023). Car drivers with an AIS2+ spine injury: Description of a sample from South Australia (CASR182). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

O'Donovan S, Humphries MA, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2022). Cardiac Disease and Driver Fatality. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology,

O'Donovan S, Van Den Berg AL, Baldock MRJ, Humphries MA, Byard RW (2022). Fatal blunt chest trauma: An evaluation of rib fracture patterns and age. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2022,

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Humphries MA, Byard RW (2022). Seat belt injuries and external markings at autopsy in cases of lethal vehicle crashes. Medicine, Science and the Law, Online First.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2021). Upper and lower limb amputations in vehicle-related fatalities. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 82, 102225

Hutchinson TP (2020). The Exponent of the Dependence of Impact Force on Impact Velocity. Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety, 4:2,

Di Loreto C, Dutschke JK, Forrest MC, Van Den Berg AL, Chardonnet JR, Merienne F, Mackenzie JRR, Sandoz B (2019). Head dynamics during emergency braking events. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22 Supp.1, S224-S226.

Hutchinson TP, Dutschke JK (2019). Blunt Injury and Penetrating Injury: Effects of Impact Speed (abstract). Australasian Military Medicine Association conference, (pp. 31-32).

Hamdane H (2017). Improvement of Pedestrian Safety: Validation of active systems with real accident reconstruction (Thesis). Marseille: Aix-Marseille Université & University of Adelaide.

Dutschke JK, Anderson RWG, Sandoz B, Finnie JW, Manavis J, Nishimoto T, Morris T, Wells A, Turner R, Vink R (2016). A Biomechanical Model of Traumatic Contusional Injury Produced by Controlled Cerebrocortical Indentation in Sheep. International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury Conference, Malaga, Spain, 14-16 September 2016.

Hutchinson TP (2014). Injury mitigation by cushioning impact. Journal of Battlefield Technology, 17(1), 9-13.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2012). The effect of impact speed on the HIC obtained in pedestrian headform tests. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 17(5), 562-570.

Anderson RWG (2007). A method for intra-experimental validation for head impact acceleration measurements. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S89.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (2005). Biomechanics of closed head injury. In Head injury : pathophysiology and management, 2nd edition, P.L. Reilly, R. Bullock (eds) (pp. 26-40).

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (1997). Biomechanics of closed head injury. In Head Injury: pathophysiology and management of severe closed injury, P Reilly, R Bullock (eds) (pp. 25-37). London: Chapman & Hall.

Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Manavis J, Mainwright H, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA (1995). Topography and quantitation of axonal injury as defined by amyloid precursor protein and the sector scoring method in lateral an occipital head impacts; a prelimanary report. 1995 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 199-216). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Barker JM, McLean AJ (1993). Crash injury biomechanics (1/93). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Somers RL (1983). New ways to use the abbreviated injury scale: a guide to evaluating threat to life. American Association for Automotive Medicine Quarterly Journal, 5, 31-33.

Law enforcement

Raftery SJ (2023). Seeing a lot of mobile speed cameras on your summer road trips? Here's how they work. The Conversation, ..

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Ponte G (2019). An evaluation of bicycle passing distances in the ACT (CASR157). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2013). Analysis of the effect of dual purpose safety cameras at signalised intersections in Adelaide. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Baldock MRJ, Grigo JAL, Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN, Lydon M (2012). Review of penalties under the WA Road Traffic Code 2000 and management of recidivist speeding offenders (CASR123). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2012). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2010 (CASR104). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2012). Analysis of infringement data from fixed red light and speed cameras at signalised intersections in South Australia (CASR071). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2011). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2009 (CASR084). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ (2010). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2008 (CASR073). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Woolley JE, Baldock MRJ (2009). Review of Western Australian drug driving laws (CASR064). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Hiranandani K, Baldock MRJ (2009). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2007 (CASR058). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP (2008). Tailgating (CASR046). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2008). Differences between groups of drivers: offences contrasted with crashes. Flinders Journal of Law Reform, 10(3), 815-830.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2005 (CASR035). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2006 (CASR043). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Woolley JE (2008). Best practice review of drink driving enforcement in South Australia (CASR036). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2004 (CASR031). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2007). Mobile random breath testing in South Australia. T2007 International Council for Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference, Seattle, USA, 26-30 August 2007.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2003 (CASR030). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2006). The crash and offence experience of drivers eligible for the South Australian Driver Intervention Program (CASR022). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2004). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours, 2002 (CASR001). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Harrison W, Newman S, Baldock MRJ, McLean AJ (2002). Issues in developing best practice in drink driving enforcement (RC1650-1). ARRB Transport Research.

Baldock MRJ, Bailey TJ (1998). Random breath testing in South Australia: operation and effectiveness, 1997 (3/98). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Baldock MRJ, White M (1997). Random breath testing in South Australia operation and effectiveness 1996 (3/97). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, South Australian Department of Transport.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1994). Late night drink driving in Adelaide two years after the introduction of the 0.05 limit (2/94). Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Moore VM, Dolinis J (1994). The influence of amphometer tubes on vehicle speeds. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Moore VM, Barker JM, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Ryan GA (1993). Drink driving: driver perceptions about detection and their effect on behaviour. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 1210-1215 (vol 3)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Moore VM, Barker JM, Ryan GA, McLean AJ (1993). The effect of random breath testing on perception of likelihood of apprehension and on illegal drink driving. Drug and Alcohol Review, 12(3), 251-258.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1992). Reduction of the legal blood alcohol limit and late night drink driving in Adelaide (1/92). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, McCaul KA (1991). A new methods of breath testing the general driving population. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52(5), 474-477.

Freund JR (1990). History of drink driving legislation in South Australia (review paper 1/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McCaul KA, McLean AJ (1990). Effectiveness of RBT related to enforcement level and publicity. 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 721-727).

McCaul KA, McLean AJ (1990). Publicity, police resources and the effectiveness of random breath testing. Medical Journal of Australia, 152, 284-286.

McLean AJ, Holubowycz OT (1986). Side-effects of random breath testing by the police. 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 441-442). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

McLean AJ, Clark MS, Dorsch MM, Holubowycz OT, McCaul KA (1984). Random breath testing in South Australia: effects on drink driving, accidents and casualties. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1983). Blood alcohol legislation as a road accident countermeasure. Medico/Legal Society of Northern Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia, 25 March 1983.


Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2024). Long-term monitoring of cyclist passing distances in the ACT (CASR233). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2020). Childhood cycling fatalities in South Australia before and after the introduction of helmet legislation. Medicine, science, and the law, 60(3), 196-199.


Wundersitz LN, Bailey TJ, Baldock MRJ (2024). Novice driver licensing in New Zealand (CASR236). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, O'Donnell K, Rasch A (2022). Identifying best practices in a process evaluation of a novice driver education program. Evaluation and Program Planning, 93, 102105.

Baldock MRJ (2022). Recommendations for a Graduated Licensing System for motorcyclists in Tasmania (CASR198). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2021). Trends in young adult driver licensing rates in South Australia (CASR192). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Machine learning

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2022). Trial of a method to capture cyclist’s use of infrastructure. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Howe M, Mackenzie JRR, Reid I (2021). What computer vision can tell us about road safety?. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Howe M, Reid I, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Weakly Supervised Training of Monocular 3D Object Detectors Using Wide Baseline Multi-view Traffic Camera Data. The 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, 22-25 November 2021.

Medical conditions

Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2024). A cross-sectional study of the prevalence of medical conditions as contributors to road crashes in South Australia. Traffic injury prevention, 1-9,

Edwards SA, Wundersitz LN (2023). Mental health disorders in serious injury crashes. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ (2023). The characteristics of crashes involving medical conditions in South Australia. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Wundersitz LN (2023). Mental health and susbstance use associated with road crash trauma. RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide, 1-5 May 2023.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2022). An overview of suicides related to motor vehicles. Medicine, Science and the Law, 63(2), 151-158. doi:10.1177/00258024221122187.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2021). Cardiac disease and driver fatality. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Lindsay VL, Ryan GA (2011). Medical Conditions as a contributing factor in casualty crash causation. 10th National Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Brisbane, 2-4 November 2011.

Lindsay VL, Ryan GA (2011). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Lindsay VL, Ryan GA (2011). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation (AP-R389-11). Sydney: Austroads.

Lindsay VL, Baldock MRJ (2008). Medical conditions as a contributing factor in crash causation. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 610-622). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.


Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP (2023). Motorcycle Protective Clothing in the ACT. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Baldock MRJ, Tan T (2023). Perceptual countermeasure for improving motorcyclist safety on rural curves. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Tan T, Baldock MRJ (2023). Motorcycle Rider Perceptual Countermeasures (AP-R688-23). Sydney: Austroads.

Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP (2022). Motorcycle protective clothing in the ACT (CASR208). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ (2022). Recommendations for a Graduated Licensing System for motorcyclists in Tasmania (CASR198). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2021). Characteristics of crash-involved drink and drug drivers and motorcyclists. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2020). Obesity and age as factors in leg amputations in fatal motorcycle crashes. Medicine, Science and the Law, 60(1), 26-29. doi:10.1177/0025802419884748.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2020). Motorcycle crashes resulting in hospital admissions in South Australia - Crash characteristics and injury patterns. Journal of Road Safety, 31(1), 10-19.

Meredith L, Albanese B, Whyte T, Gibson T, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ (2019). Assessing the performance of motorcyclists’ impact protectors in simulated ATD knee and shoulder impacts. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(2), 169-173.

O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ, Byard RW (2019). Obesity and age as factors in lethal leg amputation following motorcycle crashes. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2019). Motorcycle Crashes Resulting in Hospital Admissions in South Australia - Crash Characteristics and Injury Patterns. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Baldock MRJ (2018). Recommendations for a Graduated Licensing System for Motorcyclists in South Australia (CASR149). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

De Rome L, Brown J, Baldock MRJ, Fitzharris M (2018). Near-miss crashes and other predictors of motorcycle crashes: Findings from a population-based survey. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19, S20-S26.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Lindsay VL (2018). Motorcycle crashes resulting in hospital admissions in South Australia: Crash characteristics and injury patterns. Journal of Road Safety, 31(1), 10-19.

Albanese B, Gibson T, Whyte T, Meredith L, Savino G, De Rome L, Baldock MRJ, Fitzharris M, Brown J (2017). Energy attenuation performance of impact protection worn by motorcyclists in real-world crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention, 18(sup1), S116-S121.

Meredith L, Hurren C, Clarke E, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, De Rome L, Olivier J, Brown J (2017). Validation of the abrasion resistance test protocols and performance criteria of EN13595: The probability of soft tissue injury to motorcycle riders by abrasion resistance of their clothing. Journal of Safety Research, 61, 1-7.

Stephens A, Brown J, De Rome L, Baldock MRJ, Fernandes R, Fitzharris M (2017). The relationship between Motorcycle Rider Behaviour Questionnaire scores and crashes for riders in Australia. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 102, 202-212.

Albanese B, Meredith L, Whyte T, Gibson T, De Rome L, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, Brown J (2016). Energy Attenuation Performance of Impact Protection for Motorcyclists. International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury Conference, Malaga, Spain, 14-16 September 2016.

Albanese B, Meredith L, Whyte T, Gibson T, De Rome L, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, Brown J (2016). Protective Clothing and Impact Protection for Motorcyclists. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Baldock MRJ (2016). The development of an updated Hazard Perception Test for drivers and motorcyclists in Australia and New Zealand. Sixth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, 2-5 August 2016. [ACCEPTED ABSTRACT]

De Rome L, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, Fernandes R, Ma A, Brown J (2016). The prevalence of crash risk factors in a population-based study of motorcycle riders. Injury, 47(9), 2025–2033.

Meredith L, Baldock MRJ, Fitzharris M, Duflou J, Dal Nevo R, Griffiths M, Brown J (2016). Motorcycle fuel tanks and pelvic fractures: A motorcycle fuel tank syndrome. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(6), 644-649.

Meredith L, Clarke E, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, Hurren C, Brown J (2016). Comparative performance of the Cambridge abrasion machine in different laboratories. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Meredith L, Hurren C, Clarke E, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, De Rome L, Olivier J, Brown J (2016). Abrasion Resistance Performance of Clothing Worn by Australian Motorcyclists. International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury Conference, Malaga, Spain, 14-16 September 2016.

Savino G, Mackenzie JRR, Allen T, Baldock MRJ, Brown J, Fitzharris M (2016). A robust estimation of the effects of Motorcycle Autonomous Emergency Braking (MAEB) based on in-depth crashes in Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(51), 66-72.

Brown J, De Rome L, Baldock MRJ, Albanese B, Meredith L, Fitzharris M (2015). The Austroads In-depth Case Control Study of Motorcycle Crashes in NSW: Causal relationship findings. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Brown J, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, Albanese B, Meredith L, Whyte T, Oomens M (2015). Motorcycle In-Depth Crash Study (AP-R489-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Meredith L, Fitzharris M, Baldock MRJ, De Rome L, Brown J (2015). Abrasion resistance of motorcycle protective clothing worn by Australian motorcyclists. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Ponte G, Searson DJ, Royals J, Anderson RWG (2015). New motorcycle safety technology: an overview for South Australia (CASR127). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Meredith L, Baldock MRJ, Fitzharris M, Brown J (2014). Pelvic Injury Mechanisms among Motorcyclists. IRCOBI Conference 2014, Berlin, Germany, 10-12 September 2014.

Savino G, Brown J, Baldock MRJ, Fitzharris M (2014). A novel approach for evaluating the potential benefits of motorcycle autonomous emergency braking (MAEB) in real world crashes. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Weissenfeld AP, Baldock MRJ, Hutchinson TP (2014). Motorcyclist perceptions of risk when riding. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25(2), 9-16.

Weissenfeld AP, Baldock MRJ, Hutchinson TP (2013). Motorcyclist perceptions of risk when riding. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion", Adelaide, 6-8 November.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Lydon M, Ponte G, Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL (2012). Evaluation of the VicRoads community policing and education project: Final report. Kew: VicRoads.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Lydon M, Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL, Ponte G (2012). The use of protective clothing by motorcyclists in Victoria - Evaluation of the community policing and education project. Australasian College of Road Safety National Conference - A Safe System: Expanding the reach, Sydney, Australia, 9-10 August 2012.

Baldock MRJ, Grigo JAL, Raftery SJ (2011). Protective clothing and motorcyclists in South Australia (CASR088). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Grigo JAL, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2011). The benefits and use of protective clothing for motorcyclists. 10th National Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Brisbane, 2-4 November 2011.

Weissenfeld AP, Baldock MRJ, Hutchinson TP (2011). Analysis of trends over time for motorcycle crashes in South Australia. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Baldock MRJ, Hutchinson TP (2010). Motorcycling in South Australia: Knowledge gaps for research (CASR075). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Lydon M, Ponte G, Raftery SJ (2010). Motorcycling in Victoria: Preliminary findings of the evaluation of the Community Education and Policing Project. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Canberra, 31 August - 3 September 2010.

Gibson T, Thai K, Anderson RWG (2007). Motorcycle helmet protection and basilar skull fracture. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S92.

McLean AJ (1998). Brain injuries in pedestrian, motorcyclist and car occupant fatalities. In Frontiers in Head &Neck Trauma, N Yogananan, FA Pintar, SJ Larson, A Sances (eds) (pp. 59-72).

Kloeden CN, Baird RP, McLean AJ (1997). Fatal motorcycle and car crashes on curves in South Australia (1/97). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1995). Demographic characteristics, drinking patterns and drink driving behaviour of injured male drivers and motorcycle riders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56(5), 513-521.

Kloeden CN, Moore VM, McLean AJ (1994). Evaluation of the pre licence training program for motorcyclists in South Australia (5/94). Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Brazenor GA, Dan NG, Simpson DA (1992). Exemptions from wearing motorcycle helmets. Medical Journal of Australia, 156(March2), 362.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1992). Drinking behaviour and other characteristics of injured drivers and riders (research report 2/92). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA (1992). Improving head protection for cyclists, motorcyclists, and car occupants. World Journal of Surgery, 16(3), 398-402.

Simpson DA, Brazenor GA, Dan NG, McLean AJ (1992). Medical certificates exempting motorcyclists from wearing helmets: an Australian experience. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 20(4), 171-176.

McLean AJ, Paul CY, Chen TW, Wong TW, Ukai T (1991). Motorcyclist licensing requirements and subsequent injury experience in four countries. International Conference on Traffic Safety - The vulnerable road user, (pp. 213-216). New Delhi: Macmillan India Limited.

McLean AJ, Chen PCY, Wong TW, Ukai T (1990). Comparative study of motorcycle accidents (2/90). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Wong TW, Lee J, Phoon WO, Fung KP, McLean AJ (1990). Driving experience and the risk of traffic accident among motorcyclists. Social Science & Medicine, 30(5), 639-640.

Trinca G, Simpson DA (1989). Helmets for motor-cyclists: are there any medical grounds for exemption?. Medical Journal of Australia, 150, 227.

Wong TW, Phoon WO, Lee J, Yiu PC, Fung KP, Smith G, McLean AJ (1989). Non-Fatal injuries among motor-cyclists treated as In-patients in a general hospital. Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 18(6), 672-674.

Cooter RD, Simpson DA, McLean AJ, David DJ, Simpson DA (1988). Helmet-induced skull base fracture in a motorcyclist. The Lancet, Jan-16, 84-85.

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Somers RL (1983). On the cost of repealing motorcycle helmet laws. American Journal of Public Health, 73(10), 1216.

Woodward AJ (1983). Motorcycle accidents in Nottinghamshire. Journal of Public Health, 97, 139-148.

Woodward AJ (1983). Time trends in motorcycle accidents in Britain. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 37(1), 66-69.

McLean AJ (1982). Prevention of bike crashes: traffic control and environmental control. Reducing bike (motor and pedal) crashes and injuries, Melbourne, Australia, 1982.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Hall CT, Sandow BL, Tamblyn PJ (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 4: Motorcycle accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Naturalistic study

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2024). Long-term monitoring of cyclist passing distances in the ACT (CASR233). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Occupant protection

Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2012). Contribution of structural incompatibility to asymmetrical injury risks in crashes between two passenger vehicles. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23(4), 33-42.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2012). Contribution of structural incompatibility to asymmetrical injury risks in crashes between two passenger vehicles. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: expanding the reach", Sydney, 9-10 August 2012.

Dutschke JK (2012). Alternative injury response functions for evaluating head accelerations, with application to pedestrian headform testing (Thesis). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2011). Child Safety Restraints: Advice to Parents. The Irish Medical Journal, 104(10).

Ashar A, James H, Higgins D, Anderson RWG (2009). The effect of motor vehicle airbag deployment on tooth surfaces. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology, 27(2), 50-55.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Streeter LD (2002). Development of head protection for car occupants'. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 9-14 (vol 1)). Burnside: Plevin and Associates Pty Ltd.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Streeter LD (2002). Development and testing of production prototypes of a protective headband for car occupants (CR210). Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G, McLean AJ (2001). Further development of a protective headband for car occupants (CR205). Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Anderson RWG, White K, McLean AJ (2000). The development of a protective headband for car occupants (CR193). Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Fildes B, Vulcan P, Grzebieta R, Sparke L, Seyer K, Gibson T, McLean AJ (1998). Optimal side impact protection. Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, (pp. 120-124 (vol 2)). Wellington: Land Transport Safety Authority.

McLean AJ (1998). Brain injuries in pedestrian, motorcyclist and car occupant fatalities. In Frontiers in Head &Neck Trauma, N Yogananan, FA Pintar, SJ Larson, A Sances (eds) (pp. 59-72).

Moore VM, Simpson DA, McLean AJ, Fildes B, Kloeden CN, Digges KH, Anderson RWG (1997). Prevention of head injuries to car occupants: an investigation of interior padding options (CR160). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Paix BR, Blumbergs PC, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Ryan GA, Scott G, Simpson DA (1992). Head injury in car occupants: report on a pilot study (1/92). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA (1992). Improving head protection for cyclists, motorcyclists, and car occupants. World Journal of Surgery, 16(3), 398-402.

Ryan GA (1991). Cervical spine injuries in car occupants. In Automotive Engineering and Litigation (volume 4), Peters GA, Peters BJ (eds) (pp. 305-321).

Simpson DA, Paix BR, Ryan GA, Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1991). Head injuries in car occupants: report on a pilot study. General Scientific meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

Paix BR, Gibson TJ, McLean AJ, Woodward AJ (1986). Severity of injury in road crashes: a comparison of injured occupants of forward control vehicles and conventional passenger cars. Medical Journal of Australia, 145(Nov 3), 433-436.

Occupational health

Hutchinson TP (2014). Assessing the congruence of worker and workplace using the proximities of their RIASEC types. Australian Journal of Career Development, 23(3), 133-139.

Woolley JE, Bailey TJ, Raftery SJ (2014). What can work health and safety learn from road safety? (CASR121). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Older adults

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ (2023). Older pedestrians hit by motor vehicles in South Australia. Journal of Road Safety, 34(1),

Thompson JP (2023). Older Pedestrians Hit By Vehicles In The Australian Capital Territory. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Young KL, Charlton J, Koppel S, Grzebieta R, Williamson A, Woolley JE, Senserrick T (2018). Distraction and Older Drivers: An Emerging Problem?. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 29, 18-29.


Raftery SJ (2023). Mode choice and safety: How might a shift from car trips to walking, cycling, and public transport affect road safety? (CASR218). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ (2023). Older pedestrians hit by motor vehicles in South Australia. Journal of Road Safety, 34(1),

Thompson JP (2023). Older Pedestrians Hit By Vehicles In The Australian Capital Territory. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Kloeden CN (2022). Evaluation of Smart School Zone infrastructure in South Australia. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Nishimoto T, Kubota K, Ponte G (2019). A pedestrian injury prediction method based on posted speed limit. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 129, 84-93.

Bailey TJ, Woolley JE (2017). Vulnerable road users in a Safe System. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 28(1), 40-49.

Hamdane H (2017). Improvement of Pedestrian Safety: Validation of active systems with real accident reconstruction (Thesis). Marseille: Aix-Marseille Université & University of Adelaide.

Jurewicz C, Sobhani A, Chau P, Woolley JE (2017). Understanding and Improving Safe System Intersection Performance (AP-R556-17). Sydney: Austroads.

Ponte G, Nishimoto T (2017). Development of a pedestrian injury prediction model for potential use in an Advanced Automated Crash Notification system. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Masson C, Anderson RWG (2015). Issues and challenges for pedestrian active safety systems based on real world accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 82, 53-60.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Nishimoto T, Mukaigawa K, Ponte G (2015). Development of an Algorithm to Predict Pedestrian Injury Severity based on Data from the South Australian Traffic Accident Reporting System. Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Annual Congress (Autumn), Fukuoka, Japan, 14-16 October 2015.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG (2014). Vehicle frontal protection system geometry and pedestrian impacts: the effect of AS 4876.1-2002 geometric criteria (CASR122). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Anderson RWG, Masson C, Yerpez J (2014). Description of pedestrian crashes in accordance with characteristics of Active Safety Systems. International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Berlin, Germany, 10-12 September 2014.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Anderson RWG, Yerpez J (2014). Accident simulation and reconstruction for enhancing pedestrian safety: issues and challenges. Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Hannover, Germany, 20-21 June 2014.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2014). Integrated assessment of pedestrian head impact protection in testing secondary safety and autonomous emergency braking. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 63, 1-8.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2013). Modelling of links from a laboratory test result to real-world performance: The case of pedestrian collisions. Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia, December.

Hutchinson TP (2013). Dependence of the Head Injury Criterion and Maximum Acceleration on Headform Mass and Initial Velocity in Tests Simulating Pedestrian Impacts With Vehicles. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135(11).

Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL, Anderson RWG, Linke BJ (2013). The pedestrian protection in vehicle impacts: demystifying pedestrian testing procedures and assessment. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion", Adelaide, Australia, 6-8 November 2013.

Anderson RWG, Searson DJ, Hutchinson TP (2012). Integrating the assessment of pedestrian safety in vehicles with collision detection and mitigation systems. Proceedings of the 2012 International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury Conference, Dublin, 14-16 September 2012.

Dutschke JK (2012). Alternative injury response functions for evaluating head accelerations, with application to pedestrian headform testing (Thesis). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2012). Pedestrian headform testing: inferring performance at impact speeds and for headform masses not tested, and estimating average performance in a range of real-world conditions. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(4), 402-411.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2012). The effect of impact speed on the HIC obtained in pedestrian headform tests. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 17(5), 562-570.

Searson DJ, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). From crash test speed to performance in real world conditions. A conceptual model and its application to underhood clearance in pedestrian head tests. Stapp Car Crash Journal, 56, 485-496.

Searson DJ (2012). Measuring underbonnet clearances in order to evaluate pedestrian safety performance of vehicles at various impact speeds (CASR109). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ (2012). The influence of test conditions on the results of pedestrian headform impact tests (Thesis). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research, The University of Adelaide.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2011). An analysis of head impact severity in simulations of collisions between pedestrians and SUVs/work utility vehicles, and sedans. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12:388–397, 2011, 12, 38-397.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2011). Intoxicated pedestrians: accident data from South Australia. Transport Engineering Australia, 13(1), 41-48.

Hutchinson TP, Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Dutschke JK, Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL (2011). Protection of the unhelmeted head against blunt impact: The pedestrian and the car bonnet. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Searson DJ (2011). The Global Technical Regulation on pedestrian safety: Likely effects on vehicle design. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2010). Alcohol and pedestrians. The Irish Medical Journal, 103(7), 219.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2010). Countermeasures to the problem of accidents to intoxicated pedestrians. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 17(3), 115-119.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2010). Implications of easing head impact criteria in pedestrian crash standards (CASR083). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD, Van Den Berg AL, Searson DJ, Ponte G (2009). The effect of bull bars on head impact kinematics in pedestrian crashes (CASR059). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Long AD, Serre T (2009). Phenomenological continuous contact-impact modelling for multi-body simulations of pedestrian-vehicle contact interactions based on experimental data. Nonlinear Dynamics, 58(1), 199-208.

Coulongeat F, Anderson RWG, Long AD, Serre T (2009). Windscreen material characterization based on experimental data. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, 9, 203-209.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Lindsay VL (2009). Accidents to intoxicated pedestrians in South Australia (CASR061). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Lindsay VL (2009). Pedestrian and cyclist crashes in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area (CASR055). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Munsch M, Anderson RWG, Deck C, Ludes B, Willinger R (2009). Influence of head boundary conditions in pedestrian real work head trauma simulations. 2009 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, York, United Kingdom, 9-11 September 2009.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL (2009). Headform impact test performance of vehicles under the GTR on pedestrian safety (CASR072). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2009). Predicting vehicle performance under the global technical regulation on pedestrian protection using ANCAP test results. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 777-786). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Doecke SD (2008). A survey of bull bar prevalence at pedestrian crash sites in Adelaide, South Australia (CASR040). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Searson DJ (2008). Benefits for Australia of the introduction of an ADR on pedestrian protection (CASR048). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G, Searson DJ (2008). Potential benefit of an Australian design rule on pedestrian protection. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 7-22). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2008). Testing the pedestrian safety of bull bars: methods and results. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 19(1), 35-43.

Anderson RWG (2008). Pedestrian collisions in South Australia (CASR039). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety research.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2008). Bull Bar Prevalence Among Types of Vehicle in Metropolitan Adelaide. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 43-51). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

McLean AJ, Anderson RWG (2008). Metrication of the urban speed limit and pedestrian fatalities. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 52-58). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2008). Pedestrian Impact Testing: Modelling the Effect of Head-form Mass and Speed. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 23-32). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Ponte G, Streeter LD (2007). Pedestrian reconstruction using multibody MADYMO simulation and the Polar-II dummy: a comparison of head kinematics. 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Lyon, France, 18-21 June 2007.

Anderson RWG (2007). Rate-dependent multibody impact modelling for pedestrian crash simulation. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S91.

Long AD, Ponte G, Anderson RWG (2007). The CASR pedestrian crash analysis: at-scene investigation, computer simulation and sub-system reconstruction. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S216.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2007). A comparison of the pedestrian passive safety performance of the new vehicle fleet in Australia, France and the United Kingdom. 2007 Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October 2007.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2006). Performance of bull bars in pedestrian impact tests (CASR020). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2006). Testing the pedestrian safety of bullbars - methods and results. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

McLean AJ (2005). Vehicle design for pedestrian protection (CASR037). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Ponte G, Lindsay VL, Wundersitz LN (2004). Patterns in the incidence and consequences of pedestrian accidents. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

McLean AJ (2004). Travelling speed, pedestrian protection. The role of travelling speed in car design. MAA Pedestrian Seminar, Sydney, Australia, 24 May 2004.

Ponte G, Van Den Berg AL, Streeter LD, Anderson RWG (2004). Pedestrian protection in vehicle impacts: further results from the Australian new car assessment program. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Sommariva M, McLean AJ (2003). Vehicle design and operation for pedestrian protection: accident simulations and reconstructions (VSSR 1). Canberra: Vehicle Safety Standards, Department of Transport and Regional Services.

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Van De Griend M, Lindsay VL, McLean AJ (2003). Pedestrian subsystem head impact results reflect the severity of pedestrian head injuries. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 32(1/2), 1-15.

Klungboonkrong P, Woolley JE (2003). Modelling the environmental adaption of a collector road in an area of high pedestrian activity in the city of Khon Kaen. Transport Engineering in Australia, 9(1), 25-34.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Sommariva M, Lindsay VL, Wundersitz LN (2002). Severity and type of pedestrian injuries related to vehicle impact locations and results of sub-system impact reconstruction. 2002 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 289-299). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Sommariva M, Ponte G, Streeter LD, Anderson RWG (2002). Protecting pedestrians in vehicle collisions: results from 2 years of the Australian new car assessment program and the analysis of actual accidents. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 255-262). Burnside: Plevin and Associates Pty Ltd.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (2001). Vehicle design and speed and pedestrian injury: Australia's involvement in the International Harmonised Research Activities pedestrian safety expert group. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 1-7 (vol 1)).

Anderson RWG (2001). Vehicle travelling speeds and fatal pedestrian crashes in Adelaide. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, (p. T6a).

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2000). Estimation of impact severity in pedestrian accidents using accident investigation, computer simulation and physical reconstruction. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 285-290).

Brown J, Gorrie C, Waite PM, Gibson TJ, Anderson RWG, Griffiths M (2000). A study of head injury in fatally injured child pedestrians. Impact of Biomechanics Australia Conference: Neck Injury 2000, (pp. 25-36).

Kloeden CN, White KM, McLean AJ (2000). Characteristics of fatal and severe pedestrian accidents in South Australia (project number: 97/TS/117). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Spencer SG, Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2000). Pedestrian sub-system testing in Australia. Impact of Biomechanics Australia Conference: Neck Injury 2000, (pp. 172-183).

Garrett M (1998). Head impact modelling using MADYMO simulations of documented pedestrian accidents. Conference on Pedestrian Safety, (pp. 158-168). Canberra: Australian College of Road Safety.

McLean AJ (1998). Brain injuries in pedestrian, motorcyclist and car occupant fatalities. In Frontiers in Head &Neck Trauma, N Yogananan, FA Pintar, SJ Larson, A Sances (eds) (pp. 59-72).

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1997). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 29(5), 667-674.

Garrett M (1997). Head impact modelling using MADYMO simulations of documented pedestrian accidents. 1997 Australian MADYMO Users meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 4 April 1997.

Zhou C, King HY, Khalil TB, King AI, Anderson RWG, Garrett M, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Scott G (1997). Madymo model simulation of a pedestrian car accident. 7th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium, (pp. 187-198). Detroit: Wayne State University.

McLean AJ, Anderson RWG, Farmer MJB (1996). Pedestrian accidents on arterial roads. Highway Engineering in Australia, 28(1), 10-17.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Anderson RWG, Baird RP, Farmer MJB (1996). Data collection and analysis of vehicle factors in relation to pedestrian brain injury. 15th International technical conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), (pp. 1408-1411 (vol 2)).

McLean AJ (1996). Pedestrian friendly vehicle front structures: a review of the research literature (CR166). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety (FORS).

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1995). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian crashes. 1995 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 107-117). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Holubowycz OT (1995). Age, Sex and blood alcohol concentration of killed and injured pedestrians. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 27(3), 417-422.

Holubowycz OT (1995). Alcohol involved pedestrians: The Australian experience. 13th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 700-710 (vol 2)).

Moore VM, McLean AJ (1995). A review of pedestrian facilities (2/95). Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Anderson RWG (1994). Vehicle speed and pedestrian collisions. 1994 Road safety and enforcement conference, Melbourne, Australia, 29-30 November 1994.

McLean AJ, Anderson RWG, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1994). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian collisions (CR146). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communications.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Vilenius ATS, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC, Scott G (1994). Brain injury patterns in fatally injured pedestrians. Journal of Trauma, 36(4), 469-476.

Vilenius ATS, Ryan GA, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Dolinis J (1994). A method of estimating linear and angular accelarations in head impacts to pedestrians. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26(5), 563-570.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1993). Blood alcohol concentrations of pedestrians admitted to hospital. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 977-980 (vol 2)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ (1989). Blood alcohol concentrations of pedestrians (MR2). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communiations.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Vilenius ATS, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC, Scott G (1989). A clinical evaluation of fatal brain injury in pedestrians. Head injury mechanisms - the need for an angular acceleration criteria, (pp. 9-18). Des Plaines: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ, Vilenius ATS, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA, Blumbergs PC (1989). Head impacts and brain injury in fatally injured pedestrians. 1989 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 27-37). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Gibson TJ, Hinrichs RW (1988). Simulation of pedestrian head impacts. Head and Neck Injury in Road Accidents Symposium, (pp. 123-135). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Gibson TJ, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1986). Pedestrian head impacts: Development and validation of a mathematical model. 1986 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 165-176). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

McLean AJ, Woodward AJ (1983). Pedestrian accidents in South Australia over two decades. Pedestrian Impact injury and assessment (P-121), (pp. 1-6). Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: Society of Automotive Engineers.

McLean AJ, Brewer ND, Sandow BL (1979). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 2: Pedestrian accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA, McLean AJ (1966). Pedestrian survival. Ninth STAPP car crash conference, (pp. 321-332). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

Public transport

Raftery SJ (2023). Mode choice and safety: How might a shift from car trips to walking, cycling, and public transport affect road safety? (CASR218). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ (2015). Young adult licensing trends and travel modes (15/01). Melbourne: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV).

Hutchinson TP (2011). Classification of reasons for poor customer experiences in service industries: the case of public transport. Transportation Planning and Technology, 34(8), 747-758.

Hutchinson TP (2009). The customer experience when using public transport: a review. Institution of Civil Engineers Proceedings - Municipal Engineer, 162(3), 149-157.

Hutchinson TP (2006). Broader lessons from the O-Bahn. Australasian Bus and Coach, 18(10), 10.

Rail safety

Farries K, Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP, Stokes CS, Unsworth CA (2023). Entrapment and extraction of wheelchairs at flange gaps with and without flange gap fillers at pedestrian railway crossings. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology,

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Stokes CS (2021). An Evaluation Of Retro-Reflective Screens To Aid Conspicuity Of Trains At Passive-Control Level Crossings At Night. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Stokes CS (2021). An Evaluation of Retro-Reflective Screens to Aid Conspicuity of Freight Trains at Passive-Control Level Crossings. Journal of Road Safety, 32(2), 22-29.

Baldock MRJ, Stokes CS, Thompson JP (2019). Evaluating retro-reflective screens to aid conspicuity of tabletop carriages at passive level crossings. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Research methods

Thompson JP, Ponte G (2024). Survey of cyclist travel and crash experiences in the Australian Capital Territory (CASR230). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Elsegood ME (2022). Using geospatial data to identify and prioritise locations of interest. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Kloeden CN (2022). Evaluation of Smart School Zone infrastructure in South Australia. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mackenzie JRR, Van Den Berg AL, Elsegood ME (2022). A review and comparison of light vehicle brake testing methods. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Ponte G, Wundersitz LN (2019). Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle distraction in moving traffic: A pilot study. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Anderson RWG (2013). Estimation of the crash rates of vehicles considering vehicle age, crash period and vehicle cohort. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Ryan GA (2013). The characteristics of fatal crashes in South Australia involving a delay in notifying emergency medical services. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2013). The benefits of measuring driving exposure using objective GPS-based methods and subjective self-report methods concurrently. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Searson DJ (2012). The influence of test conditions on the results of pedestrian headform impact tests (Thesis). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research, The University of Adelaide.

Hutchinson TP, Wundersitz LN, Anderson RWG, Kloeden CN (2009). Exposure to risk on the roads. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 190-200). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Hutchinson TP (2008). Linkage of police and hospital data on road crashes. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32(3), 292.

Wundersitz LN, Hutchinson TP (2008). Identifying and improving exposure measures (CASR053). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP (2007). Concerns about methodology used in real-world experiments on transport and transport safety. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 133(1), 30-38.

Hutchinson TP, Meier AJ (2004). Evidence-based road safety policy? Evidence-based transport policy? A discussion of randomised experimentation and meta-analysis in the evaluation of interventions. 27th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Adelaide, Australia, 29 September - 1 October 2004.

Hutchinson TP (2004). Control groups, randomisation, double blinding, meta-analysis: Can road safety research learn from evidence based medicine and social welfare?. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

Somers RL (1986). Use of the AIS in planning and evaluating accident prevention. National Workshop on Injury Severity Scaling Systems, (pp. 13-21). Melbourne: Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia.

McLean AJ (1975). The use of police accident reports in the evaluation of vehicle safety systems. the Seventh conference of the Australian Road Research Board, (pp. 26-47).


Doecke SD, Dutschke JK (2019). Child restraint misuse and injury outcomes observed in at-scene in-depth crash investigations in South Australia. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2019). Speeding and restraint use in crashes: fresh insights from event data recorders (EDRs). 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2013). Potential effectiveness of seat belt interlocks (CASR125). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2012). Age-based selection of child restraints. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23(2), 53-58.

Baldock MRJ, Grigo JAL, Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN, Lydon M (2012). Review of penalties under the WA Road Traffic Code 2000 and management of recidivist speeding offenders (CASR123). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2012). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2010 (CASR104). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2011). Child Safety Restraints: Advice to Parents. The Irish Medical Journal, 104(10).

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2011). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2009 (CASR084). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN (2011). No restraint? Understanding differences in seat belt use between fatal crashes and observational surveys (CASR090). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ (2010). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2008 (CASR073). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2009). Many children progress from one type of restraint to the next at too small a size: should advice to parents be simple and based on child age, with variation in child size accommodated by overlaps in restraint specifications?. Australasian College of Road Safety on Infants, Children and Young People and Road Safety, Sydney, Australia, 2-3 August 2007.

Edwards SA, Anderson RWG, Wundersitz LN (2009). Impediments to the use of child restraints (CASR023). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Anderson RWG (2009). On-road observational survey of restraint and child restraint use, 2009 (CASR065). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Anderson RWG (2009). Results from an observational survey of restraint and child restraint use, 2009. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 295-302). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Wundersitz LN, Hiranandani K, Baldock MRJ (2009). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2007 (CASR058). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2008). Optimising product advice based on age when design criteria are based on weight: child restraints in vehicles. Ergonomics, 52(3), 312-324.

Hutchinson TP (2008). Promoting child booster seat use: has no-one ever done high quality research?. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(3), 267-268.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2005 (CASR035). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2006 (CASR043). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP, Edwards SA (2007). Using child age or weight in selecting type of in-vehicle restraint: implications for promotion and design. 51st Annual Scientific Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, (pp. 181-195). Barrington: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM).

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2007). The feasibility of age-based criteria for child restraint selection. 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Lyon, France, 18-21 June 2007.

Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2004 (CASR031). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2003 (CASR030). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Edwards SA, Hutchinson TP (2006). Results and implications of a survey of child restraint use in South Australia. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Edwards SA, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2006). A survey of drivers' child restraint choice and knowledge in South Australia (CASR012). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2004). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours, 2002 (CASR001). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Kloeden CN, Walker JR (2000). An evaluation of interventions aimed at increasing restraint use in Whyalla, South Australia. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 583-588).

Best GH, Zivkovic G, Ryan GA (1993). Development of an effective ambulance patient restraint. SAE Australasia, 53(1), 17-20.

Simpson DA (1990). Children in cars: Belts, seats an capsules. Road Safety Forum.

Somers RL (1984). Children in adult restraints. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 16(4), 332.

McLean AJ, Aust HS (1977). Seat belt effectiveness in urban crashes. Sixth international conference of the international association for accident and traffic medicine, (pp. 159-167).

Road & road environment

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2023). A review of SA line markings for suitability with lane support systems - a video analysis trial (CASR172). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Evaluation of Gorge Road centreline Audio Tactile Line Marking (ATLM) on curves (CASR184). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Determining the readiness of road line markings for autonomous vehicles through custom video analysis software. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Espada I, Stokes CS, Cairney P, Truong J, Bennett P, Tziotis M (2019). Passing Lanes: Safety and Performance (AP-R596-19). Sydney: Austroads.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE, Grzebieta R, Williamson A (2019). Evaluate the effect of roundabout design on vehicle speed in Australia using data from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS). 8th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, Melbourne, Australia, 13-14 August 2019. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Stokes CS, Raftery SJ, Woolley JE (2019). Road user perception of safety at Safe System intersections. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(2), 29-36.

Doecke SD, Kloeden CN, Dutschke JK, Baldock MRJ (2018). Safe Speed Limits for a Safe System: The Relationship Between Speed Limit and Fatal Crash Rate for Different Crash Types. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(4), 404-408.

Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Turner B, Jurewicz C (2018). Towards Safe System Infrastructure: A Compendium of Current Knowledge (AP-R560-18). Sydney: Austroads.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2017). Limitations of Using Police Crash Data to Identify the Benefits of Innovative Cycling Infrastructure. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Turner B, Partridge R, Turner S, Corben B, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Oxley J, Stephan K, Steinmetz L, Chau P (2017). Safe System Infrastructure on Mixed Use Arterials (AP-T330-17). Sydney: Austroads.

Turner B, Jurewicz C, Pratt K, Corben B, Woolley JE (2016). Safe System Assessment Framework (AP-R509-16). Sydney: Austroads.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Williamson A, Grzebieta R, Eusebio J, Zheng WY, Wall JP, Charlton J, Lenned M, Haley J, Barnes B, Rakotonirainy A, Woolley JE, Senserrick T, Young KL, Haworth N, Regan M, Cockfield S, Healy D, Cavallo A, Di Stefano M, Wong HL, Cameron I, Cornish M (2015). The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study: from beginnings to launch. 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 14-16 October 2015.

Roberts P, Woolley JE, Doecke SD (2014). Providing for road user error in the Safe System (AP-R460-14). Sydney: Austroads.

Doecke SD, Mackenzie JRR, Woolley JE (2013). Post impact trajectory of vehicles at rural intersections (CASR086). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2013). Adequacy of barrier and median separation on rural roads (CASR087). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2013). Some implications from the in-depth study and simulation modelling of road departure crashes on bends on rural roads. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 28-30 August 2013.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Mathias JL, Wundersitz LN (2013). An examination of the environmental, driver and vehicle factors associated with the serious and fatal crashes of older rural drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 768-775.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2012). Post impact trajectory of vehicles at metropolitan intersections (CASR060). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP (2012). Blackspot remediation and options for improving the process. Traffic Engineering & Control, 53(3), 111-116.

Hutchinson TP (2012). Blackspot remediation. Part 2: Options for improving the process [DRAFT]. Traffic Engineering and Control, 53(3), 111-116.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2012). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes: preliminary findings. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE, Mackenzie JRR (2011). Post impact trajectory of vehicles at rural intersections. A Safe System, making it happen. Australasian College of Road Safety national conference, Melbourne, Australia, 1-2 September 2011.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2011). Further investigation into the effective use of clear zones and barriers in a safe system’s context on rural roads. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Hutchinson TP (2011). Tackling accident blackspots head on. Traffic Engineering & Control, 52(10), 387-392.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2010). Effective use of clear zones and barriers in a Safe System’s context. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Canberra, 31 August - 3 September 2010.

Turner B, Pyta V, Woolley JE, Zhang S (2010). Road safety on local government roads: final report (AP-R359/10). Sydney: Austroads.

Hutchinson TP, Woolley JE (2008). Should U-turns be permitted at signalised intersections? (CASR017). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Versteegh SL, Lindsay VL, McLean AJ (2007). Right turn crashes at signalised intersections (CASR007). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2006). Edge Delineations (CASR025). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Baldock MRJ, Cockington AT (1999). Severe and fatal car crashes due to roadside hazards. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Cockington AT (1999). Evaluation of the accident marker post trial in Gumeracha. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1999). Severe and fatal car crashes involving roadside hazards. Counting the cost, Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management, Adelaide, 10-11 June 1999.

Kloeden CN, Baird RP, McLean AJ (1997). Fatal motorcycle and car crashes on curves in South Australia (1/97). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

McLean AJ (1994). The hazards of utility poles. Medical Journal of Australia, 160(Feb), 168.

McLean AJ, Offler WJ, Sandow BL (1980). Adelaide in-depth accident study 1975-1979. Part 7: Road and traffic factors. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Road safety (general)

Woolley JE (2024). Making a difference with Road Safety Research. SWAN Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery Conference, Sydney, Australia, 1-2 March 2024.

Woolley JE (2024). The National Road Safety Strategy. SWAN Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery Conference, Sydney, Australia, 1 - 2 March 2024.

Woolley JE (2023). Making a difference with road safety research. RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 1-5 May 2023.

Hutchinson TP (2022). What happens, and why, in road accidents. 43rd Australian Transport Research Forum, Adelaide, Australia, 28-30 September 2022.

Kloeden CN (2022). Analysis of treatments on the Duke’s Highway in South Australia (CASR211). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Elsegood ME (2022). Using geospatial data to identify and prioritise locations of interest. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Klungboonkrong P, Faiboun N, Woolley JE (2018). Modelling road accident fatalities in Thailand and other Asian countries. International Journal of GEOMATE, 15(52), 91-98.

Bailey TJ, Woolley JE (2017). Vulnerable road users in a Safe System. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 28(1), 40-49.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2017). Limitations of Using Police Crash Data to Identify the Benefits of Innovative Cycling Infrastructure. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Hutchinson TP (2016). A method of constructing models of reaction to an imminent road crash. Traffic Engineering & Control, 57(3), 97-103.

Bailey TJ, Woolley JE, Raftery SJ (2015). Does road safety have any lessons for workplace health and safety. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 26(2), 26-33.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2015). Variations in road injury crash numbers in South Australia by time of year (CASR128). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Williamson A, Grzebieta R, Eusebio J, Zheng WY, Wall JP, Charlton J, Lenned M, Haley J, Barnes B, Rakotonirainy A, Woolley JE, Senserrick T, Young KL, Haworth N, Regan M, Cockfield S, Healy D, Cavallo A, Di Stefano M, Wong HL, Cameron I, Cornish M (2015). The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study: from beginnings to launch. 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 14-16 October 2015.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2015). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian fatal crashes, 2008-2009 (CASR111). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Bailey TJ, Harrison J (2014). Strategies to advance road safety in Australia. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Wall JP, Woolley JE, Ponte G, Bailey TJ (2014). Post crash response arrangements in Australia compared to other high performing road safety nations. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ (2014). The relative contribution of system failures and extreme behaviour in South Australian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 163-169.

Lindsay VL, Ryan GA (2011). Medical Conditions as a contributing factor in casualty crash causation. 10th National Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Brisbane, 2-4 November 2011.

Lydon M (2010). Why road crashes happen and what can be done about it. 3rd Local road safety and traffic engineering conference 2010.

Hutchinson TP (2005). Randomised experimentation in evaluating transport and transport safety interventions. Traffic Engineering and Control, 46(6), 225-229.

McLean AJ (2001). Vision Zero: giving priority to safety. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23-24 August 2001.

Simpson DA (1990). Prevention and control of road traffic accidents (assignment report) ((WP)MNH/ICP/APR/001-E). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McCaul KA (1988). Road accident statistics. Community Health Studies, 12(3), 364.

McLean AJ (1987). The risk compensation tambourine - risk and freedom: the record of road safety regulation (book review). American Association for Automotive Medicine Quarterly Journal, 9, 13-14.

McLean AJ (1985). Global view of road traffic accidents with emphasis on recent developments in road accident prevention and control. National workshop on the prevention and control of road traffic accidents in Malaysia, (pp. 43-59).

McLean AJ (1983). Energy conservation effects on road safety. Motor vehicle technology: progress and harmony, the second international Pacific conference on Automotive Engineering, (pp. 757-765 (vol 2)). Tokyo, Japan: Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.

McLean AJ (1982). Energy conservation and road safety (NERDDP/EG/83/213). Canberra: Department of Resources and Energy.

McLean AJ (1982). Traffic accidents and energy consumption. Second conference on Traffic, Energy and Emissions, (pp. 27.1-27.9). Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: Society of Automotive Engineers.

Woodward AJ, McLean AJ, Somers RL (1982). Some proven road safety measures for South Australia. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1981). Energy conservation and road safety. Motor Vehicle Fuel Conservation workshop, Melbourne, Australia, 24-25 February 1981.


Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2025). Rural Junction Active Warning System (RJAWS) Lite - Design Guide (CASR213). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2023). Development and trial of a process to audit vehicle safety technologies in rural areas (CASR217). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Baldock MRJ, Tan T (2023). Perceptual countermeasure for improving motorcyclist safety on rural curves. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS (2023). A novel low-cost Safe System-aligned treatment for regional and remote intersections (CASR214). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2023). Practical Approaches for Managing Regional Road Safety Priorities (AP-R691-23). Sydney: Austroads.

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2022). Evidence-Based Road Safety Interventions to Prevent Regional and Remote Road Trauma. Injury Prevention, 22, A87.

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2022). Practical Safety Interventions for Regional and Remote Road Safety. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Wundersitz LN, Edwards SA, Thompson JP (2022). Prevention and Mitigation of Fatal Crashes in Regional/Remote Areas. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Wundersitz LN, Edwards SA, Thompson JP (2021). Prevention and mitigation of fatal crashes in regional and remote areas (CASR193). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Watts M, Wundersitz LN (2019). National View on Regional and Remote Road Safety [webinar].

Turner BM (2017). An analysis of differences in driver speed and lane position for experienced and inexperienced drivers through high and low risk rural curves (Thesis). Adelaide: The University of Adelaide.

Safer road users

Byard RW, O'Donovan S, van den Heuvel C, Baldock MRJ (2017). Familial Vehicular Murder-Suicide. Journal of Forensic Sciences, online, doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13667.

Ponte G, Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP (2016). Examination of the effectiveness and acceptability of mobile phone blocking technology among drivers of corporate fleet vehicles (CASR140). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Safe System

Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2025). Rural Junction Active Warning System (RJAWS) Lite - Design Guide (CASR213). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS (2023). A novel low-cost Safe System-aligned treatment for regional and remote intersections (CASR214). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2023). Practical Approaches for Managing Regional Road Safety Priorities (AP-R691-23). Sydney: Austroads.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). A comparison of uncontrolled, give way sign controlled and stop sign controlled intersections in South Australia (CASR151). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Options for mitigating filter right turn crashes at signalised intersections based on video footage of crashes (CASR152). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2022). Evidence-Based Road Safety Interventions to Prevent Regional and Remote Road Trauma. Injury Prevention, 22, A87.

Tan T, Wundersitz LN, Stokes CS, Beer K, Kloeden CN, Zlatkovic P (2022). Practical Safety Interventions for Regional and Remote Road Safety. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2022). System Failures and Extreme Behaviour in Fatal and Injury Crashes. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Waller E, Woolley JE (2021). Safe system capability development in the context of industry. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Stokes CS, Moon W, Woolley JE, Strandroth J, Johansson N (2019). Safe System for Universities: linking graduate knowledge with industry best-practice. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Stokes CS, Raftery SJ, Woolley JE (2019). Road user perception of safety at Safe System intersections. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(2), 29-36.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE, Mongiardini M (2019). Prioritising harm elimination: The effect of benefit-cost metrics and planning timeframes on perceived benefits. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Stokes CS, Moon W, Strandroth J, Woolley JE, Johansson N (2018). Safe System learning for tertiary road transport engineering students. 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, 9-12 December 2018.

Stokes CS, Raftery SJ, Woolley JE (2018). Road user perception of safety at Safe System intersections. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Woolley JE, Crozier JA, McIntosh L, McInerney R (2018). Inquiry Into The National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020. Canberra.

Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Turner B, Jurewicz C (2018). Towards Safe System Infrastructure: A Compendium of Current Knowledge (AP-R560-18). Sydney: Austroads.

Jurewicz C, Sobhani A, Chau P, Woolley JE (2017). Understanding and Improving Safe System Intersection Performance (AP-R556-17). Sydney: Austroads.

Turner B, Partridge R, Turner S, Corben B, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Oxley J, Stephan K, Steinmetz L, Chau P (2017). Safe System Infrastructure on Mixed Use Arterials (AP-T330-17). Sydney: Austroads.


Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2013). Some implications from the in-depth study and simulation modelling of road departure crashes on bends on rural roads. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 28-30 August 2013.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2011). An analysis of head impact severity in simulations of collisions between pedestrians and SUVs/work utility vehicles, and sedans. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12:388–397, 2011, 12, 38-397.

Dutschke JK, Woolley JE (2010). Simulation of rural travel times to quantify the impact of lower speed limits. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(1), 46-56.

Anderson RWG, Long AD, Serre T (2009). Phenomenological continuous contact-impact modelling for multi-body simulations of pedestrian-vehicle contact interactions based on experimental data. Nonlinear Dynamics, 58(1), 199-208.

Dutschke JK, Woolley JE (2009). Simulation of rural travel times to quantify the impact of lower speed limits. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 246-260). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Munsch M, Anderson RWG, Deck C, Ludes B, Willinger R (2009). Influence of head boundary conditions in pedestrian real work head trauma simulations. 2009 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, York, United Kingdom, 9-11 September 2009.

Anderson RWG, Long AD, Serre T, Masson C (2008). Determination of boundary conditions for pedestrian collision reconstructions. iCrash 2008 International Crashworthiness Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 22-25 July 2008.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Ponte G, Streeter LD (2007). Pedestrian reconstruction using multibody MADYMO simulation and the Polar-II dummy: a comparison of head kinematics. 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Lyon, France, 18-21 June 2007.

Anderson RWG (2007). Rate-dependent multibody impact modelling for pedestrian crash simulation. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S91.

Long AD, Ponte G, Anderson RWG (2007). The CASR pedestrian crash analysis: at-scene investigation, computer simulation and sub-system reconstruction. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), S216.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Dokko Y (2005). Determining accurate contact definitions in multi-body simulations for DOE-type reconstruction of head impacts in pedestrian impacts. 19th International technical conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Washington DC, USA, 6-9 June 2005.

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Sommariva M, McLean AJ (2003). Vehicle design and operation for pedestrian protection: accident simulations and reconstructions (VSSR 1). Canberra: Vehicle Safety Standards, Department of Transport and Regional Services.

Dokko Y, Anderson RWG, Manavis J, Blumbergs PC, McLean AJ, Zhang L, Yang KH, King AI (2003). Validation of the human head FE model against pedestrian accidents and its tentative application to the examination of the existing tolerance curve. 18th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Nagoya, Japan, 19-22 May 2003.

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2000). Estimation of impact severity in pedestrian accidents using accident investigation, computer simulation and physical reconstruction. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 285-290).

Gibson TJ, Benetatos E, Anderson RWG, Brown J, Duflou J, Waite PM, Gorrie C (2000). The use of simulation to assess human tolerance to injury. Simtech 2000, Sydney, Australia, 28 February - 2 March 2000.

Garrett M (1998). Head impact modelling using MADYMO simulations of documented pedestrian accidents. Conference on Pedestrian Safety, (pp. 158-168). Canberra: Australian College of Road Safety.

Garrett M (1997). Head impact modelling using MADYMO simulations of documented pedestrian accidents. 1997 Australian MADYMO Users meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 4 April 1997.

Zhou C, King HY, Khalil TB, King AI, Anderson RWG, Garrett M, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Scott G (1997). Madymo model simulation of a pedestrian car accident. 7th Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium, (pp. 187-198). Detroit: Wayne State University.

Garrett M (1996). Head impact modelling using computer accident simulation based on cadaver records. 24th International workshop on human subjects for biomechanical research, Albuquerque, USA, 3 November 1996.

Gibson TJ, Hinrichs RW (1988). Simulation of pedestrian head impacts. Head and Neck Injury in Road Accidents Symposium, (pp. 123-135). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.


Doecke SD, Elsegood ME (2024). Event Data Recorders (EDRs) and high severity crashes: a summary of data collected by Victoria Police (CASR237). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR, Woolley JE (2024). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2022 (CASR239). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Woolley JE, Crotty S (2024). An exploratory study to determine if a critical mass exists for intelligent speed adaptation (CASR234). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD (2023). Towards updated safe speeds using new speed-injury risk curves. 2023 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Cairns, Australia, 19-21 September. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2023). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2020 (CASR183). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN (2023). Speed limit reductions in 2011 on South Australian high speed roads (CASR153). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Raftery SJ (2023). Seeing a lot of mobile speed cameras on your summer road trips? Here's how they work. The Conversation, ..

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Kloeden CN (2022). Evaluation of Smart School Zone infrastructure in South Australia. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Doecke SD, Dutschke JK, Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN (2021). Travel speed and the risk of serious injury in vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 161 (2021), 106359.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2021). Speeding insights from the CASR EDR study. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2021). Speeding insights from the CASR EDR study. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Kloeden CN (2021). A technical review of 40 km/h speed limits in the City of Charles Sturt Local Government Area. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Kloeden CN (2021). A technical review of 40 km/h speed limits in the City of Charles Sturt Local Government Area. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Leone P, Marchesan C, Premrl J, Varsos P, Grzebieta R (2021). Evaluate travel speeds and associated risk of casualty crashes through intersections in Australia using naturalistic driving data. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2021). Injury risk and delta-V - insights from event data recorder information and reported injury outcomes. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Raftery SJ (2021). Benefits of mobile point-to-point safety cameras in rural South Australia (CASR185). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Tyler W, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Using in-depth accident data to identify limitations when applying crash injury risk curves. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, Dutschke JK (2020). Impact speed and the risk of serious injury in vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, September 2020, 105629.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2020). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2018 (CASR155). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2019). Speeding and restraint use in crashes: fresh insights from event data recorders (EDRs). 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Hutchinson TP, Dutschke JK (2019). Blunt Injury and Penetrating Injury: Effects of Impact Speed (abstract). Australasian Military Medicine Association conference, (pp. 31-32).

Kloeden CN, Bailey TJ, Hutchinson TP (2019). Locating and evaluating fixed safety cameras in South Australia (CASR145). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2019). An examination of offences at South Australian safety camera sites (CASR146). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Kloeden CN, Dutschke JK, Baldock MRJ (2018). Safe Speed Limits for a Safe System: The Relationship Between Speed Limit and Fatal Crash Rate for Different Crash Types. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(4), 404-408.

Kloeden CN, Mackenzie JRR, Hutchinson TP (2018). Analysis of crash data from safety camera intersections in South Australia (CASR143). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Ponte G (2017). The safety benefits of limiting ISA: a pilot study using real world crash situations (CASR141). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2017). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2015 (CASR137). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2017). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2016 (CASR144). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2017). Transverse line marking trial undertaken in the Adelaide Hills [extended abstract]. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 10-12 October 2017.

Jurewicz C, Sobhani A, Woolley JE, Dutschke JK, Corben B (2016). Exploration of vehicle impact speed – injury severity relationships for application in safer road design. 6th European Transport Research Conference. Moving Forward: Innovative Solutions for Tomorrows Mobility, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 April 2016.

Hutchinson TP (2015). Theory of reduction of impact speeds. Traffic Engineering and Control, 56(1), 177-180.

Jurewicz C, Sobhani A, Woolley JE, Dutschke JK, Corben B (2015). Proposed vehicle impact speed - severe injury probability relationships for selected crash types. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2015). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2014 (CASR131). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN (2015). Evaluation of the use of 80 km/h speed advisory signs on unsealed roads in South Australia (CASR130). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2015). Reduction of speed limit from 110 km/h to 100 km/h on certain roads in South Australia: a follow up evaluation (CASR115). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2015). Reduction of speed limit from 110 km/h to 100 km/h on certain roads in South Australia: a follow up evaluation. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Turner B, Woolley JE, Cairney P (2015). An analysis of driver behaviour through rural curves: Exploratory results on driver speed. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Doecke SD, Kloeden CN (2014). The accuracy of determining speeding directly from mass crash data and using the NSW Centre for Road Safety method. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25(1), 35-41.

Raftery SJ, Kloeden CN, Royals J (2014). Safer speeds: an evaluation of public education materials. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25(1), 47-53.

Doecke SD, Kloeden CN (2013). The accuracy of determining speeding directly from mass crash data and using the NSW Centre for Road Safety method. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion", Adelaide, Australia, 6-8 November 2013.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2013). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2012 (CASR095). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2013). Analysis of the effect of dual purpose safety cameras at signalised intersections in Adelaide. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Raftery SJ, Kloeden CN, Royals J (2013). Safer speeds: an evaluation of public education materials (CASR114). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Grigo JAL, Raftery SJ, Wundersitz LN, Lydon M (2012). Review of penalties under the WA Road Traffic Code 2000 and management of recidivist speeding offenders (CASR123). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2012). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2010 (CASR104). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2012). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2009 (CASR080). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2012). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2010 (CASR097). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2012). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2011 (CASR085). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2012). Analysis of infringement data from fixed red light and speed cameras at signalised intersections in South Australia (CASR071). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ (2012). Reflections on speed control: from a public health perspective. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23(3), 51-59.

Creef K, Wall JP, Boland P, Vecovski V, Prendergast M, Stow J, Fernandes R, Beck J, Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2011). Road safety benefits of intelligent speed adaptation for Australia. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6 - 9 November 2011.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE, Truong J (2011). Advisory intelligent speed adaptation in government fleet vehicles. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2011). Advisory Intelligent Speed Adaptation for government fleets (CASR099). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Grigo JAL (2011). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2009 (CASR084). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (2011). Casualty crash reductions from reducing various levels of speeding (CASR076). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2011). Cost benefit analysis of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (CASR093). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Dutschke JK, Woolley JE (2010). Simulation of rural travel times to quantify the impact of lower speed limits. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(1), 46-56.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2010). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2008 (CASR066). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Doecke SD, Baldock MRJ (2010). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2008 (CASR073). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Dutschke JK, Woolley JE (2009). Simulation of rural travel times to quantify the impact of lower speed limits. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 246-260). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Kloeden CN, Edwards SA, McLean AJ (2009). Evaluation of South Australian red light and speed cameras (CASR011). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2009). A program for monitoring vehicle speeds in South Australia. 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 469-476). Sydney: Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE (2009). Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2007 (CASR051). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Long AD, Hutchinson TP (2009). Evaluation of the Adelaide Hills speed limit change from 100 km/h to 80 km/h (CASR056). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Hiranandani K, Baldock MRJ (2009). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2007 (CASR058). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Long AD, Hutchinson TP (2008). Evaluation of the Adelaide Hills speed limit change from 100 km/h to 80 km/h. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 69-78). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

McLean AJ, Anderson RWG (2008). Metrication of the urban speed limit and pedestrian fatalities. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 52-58). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2005 (CASR035). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ (2008). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2006 (CASR043). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2004 (CASR031). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2007). A follow-up evaluation of the 50km/h default urban speed limit in South Australia. 2007 Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October 2007.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2007). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2003 (CASR030). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2006). Further evaluation of the South Australian 50km/h speed limit (CASR034). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Long AD, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, McLean AJ (2006). Reduction of speed limit from 110km/h to 100km/h on certain roads in South Australia: A preliminary evaluation. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Long AD, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, McLean AJ (2006). Reduction of speed limit from 110km/h to 100km/h on certain roads in South Australia: A preliminary evaluation (CASR024). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2005). Effect of a lower default urban speed limit on speeds in South Australia. Road & Transport Research, 14(1), 81-85.

Woolley JE (2005). Recent advantages of lower speed limits in Australia. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 3562-3573.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2004). Evaluation of the 50km/h default urban speed limit in South Australia. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia, 14-16 November 2004.

Kloeden CN, Woolley JE, McLean AJ (2004). Evaluation of the South Australian default 50km/h speed limit (CASR005). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

McLean AJ (2004). Travelling speed, pedestrian protection. The role of travelling speed in car design. MAA Pedestrian Seminar, Sydney, Australia, 24 May 2004.

Thomson C, McLean AJ (2004). Speed limits, safety and mobility. SA Motor, May-04, 8-10.

Wundersitz LN, McLean AJ (2004). Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours, 2002 (CASR001). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Woolley JE, Dyson C (2003). Further insights in to an urban area with lower speed limits: the Unley case study. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 295-302).

Woolley JE, Dyson C (2003). The lowering of speed limits in the Adelaide hills - public opinion and on-road observations. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 303-308).

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Glonek G (2002). Reanalysis of travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement in Adelaide South Australia (CR207). Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (2002). Alcohol, Travelling Speed and the Risk of Crash Involvement. 16th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 73-80).

Wundersitz LN, Kloeden CN, McColl R, Baldock MRJ, McLean AJ (2002). Speeding in metropolitan Adelaide: A situation analysis. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 257-262). Burnside: Plevin and Associates Pty Ltd.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (2001). Vehicle design and speed and pedestrian injury: Australia's involvement in the International Harmonised Research Activities pedestrian safety expert group. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 1-7 (vol 1)).

Anderson RWG (2001). Vehicle travelling speeds and fatal pedestrian crashes in Adelaide. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, (p. T6a).

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (2001). Rural speed and crash risk. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 163-168 (vol 2)).

Kloeden CN, Ponte G, McLean AJ (2001). Travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement on rural roads (CR204). Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Kloeden CN, Ponte G, McLean AJ (2001). Travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement: the South Australian experience. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23-24 August 2001.

McColl R (2001). Age and sex profiles of speeding and drink driving offenders and drivers involved in casualty crashes. Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 18-20 November 2001.

McColl R (2001). Estimated effects on crashes of lower travelling speeds and speed limits. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23-24 August 2001.

McColl R (2001). Offender speed profiles. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23-24 August 2001.

Wundersitz LN, Baldock MRJ, McColl R, Allsopp J (2001). Rural speed situation analysis. National Speed and Road Safety Conference, (p. F2b).

McColl R (2000). Estimated casualty crash reductions from reduced travelling speeds. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 259-264).

McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Anderson RWG (1999). Speed kills: setting and enforcing speed limits. 6th ITE International Conference on Road Safety and Traffic Enforcement: Beyond 2000, Melbourne, Australia, 6-7 September 1999.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1998). How travelling speed relates to the risk of crash involvement. ITE Journal, 68(9), 16-17.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1998). Speed and the risk of involvement in a casualty crash. Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, (pp. 188-190 (vol 1)).

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1997). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 29(5), 667-674.

Kloeden CN, McLean AJ, Moore VM, Ponte G (1997). Travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement. Volumes 1 and 2 (CR172). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communications.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1995). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian crashes. 1995 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 107-117). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.

Moore VM, Dolinis J, Woodward AJ (1995). Vehicle speed and the risk of a severe crash. Epidemiology, 6(3), 258-262.

Anderson RWG (1994). Vehicle speed and pedestrian collisions. 1994 Road safety and enforcement conference, Melbourne, Australia, 29-30 November 1994.

McLean AJ, Anderson RWG, Farmer MJB, Lee BH, Brooks CG (1994). Vehicle travel speeds and the incidence of fatal pedestrian collisions (CR146). Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety, Transport and Communications.

Moore VM, Dolinis J (1994). The influence of amphometer tubes on vehicle speeds. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Ryan GA, Wright JN, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1988). An in-depth study of rural road crashes in South Australia (CR 78 and/or RSD 13/88). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

McLean AJ (1986). Heavy vehicle speed limits. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Strategic planning

Woolley JE, Crozier JA, McIntosh L, McInerney R (2018). Inquiry Into The National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020. Canberra.

Mackenzie JRR, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Kloeden CN, Raftery SJ (2016). Analysis and modelling of crashes in Tasmania (CASR136). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Bailey TJ, Harrison J (2014). Strategies to advance road safety in Australia. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Anderson RWG (2013). Estimation of the crash rates of vehicles considering vehicle age, crash period and vehicle cohort. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Lydon M (2009). A new strategy is an opportunity for leadership. Journal of the Australasian college of road safety, 20(3), 20-21.

Traffic engineering

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2022). Video capture and analysis of cyclists using infrastructure in the ACT through machine learning (CASR202). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Evaluation of Gorge Road centreline Audio Tactile Line Marking (ATLM) on curves (CASR184). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Howe M, Reid I, Mackenzie JRR (2021). Weakly Supervised Training of Monocular 3D Object Detectors Using Wide Baseline Multi-view Traffic Camera Data. The 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, 22-25 November 2021.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 22:5, 390-395.

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.

Raftery SJ (2021). Benefits of mobile point-to-point safety cameras in rural South Australia (CASR185). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Kloeden CN, Bailey TJ, Hutchinson TP (2019). Locating and evaluating fixed safety cameras in South Australia (CASR145). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Van Den Berg AL, Elsegood ME, Mongiardini M, Meuleners L (2019). Assessment of rural road line markings for suitability with Lane Departure Warning. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Jurewicz C, Sobhani A, Chau P, Woolley JE (2017). Understanding and Improving Safe System Intersection Performance (AP-R556-17). Sydney: Austroads.

Turner B, Partridge R, Turner S, Corben B, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Oxley J, Stephan K, Steinmetz L, Chau P (2017). Safe System Infrastructure on Mixed Use Arterials (AP-T330-17). Sydney: Austroads.

Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2015). Real world benefits of autonomous safety systems (presentation). International Driverless Cars Conference, Adelaide, 5-6 November 2015.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2013). Post impact travel and secondary impacts following urban intersection collisions. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 28-30 August 2013.

Austroads, Woolley JE (2012). Traffic management and infrastructure - lessons from in-depth crash investigations (AP-R418-12). Sydney: Austroads.

Wundersitz LN (2009). An assessment of conspicuous traffic signals: mast arms (CASR042). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Zhang K, Woolley JE, Stazic B (2007). An effective tool for advanced traveller's information systems development. State of Australian Cities conference, Adelaide, Australia, 28-30 November 2007.

McLean AJ (1987). The role of traffic planning and management in road safety. Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management Seminar.

McLean AJ (1966). Engineering aspects of traffic accidents in Adelaide, South Australia (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Vehicle design

Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN (2022). An examination of potential exposure measures for vehicle safety technologies in South Australia (CASR174). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG (2014). Vehicle frontal protection system geometry and pedestrian impacts: the effect of AS 4876.1-2002 geometric criteria (CASR122). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2013). Potential effectiveness of seat belt interlocks. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2012). Contribution of structural incompatibility to asymmetrical injury risks in crashes between two passenger vehicles. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23(4), 33-42.

Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2012). Contribution of structural incompatibility to asymmetrical injury risks in crashes between two passenger vehicles. Australasian College of Road Safety "A Safe System: expanding the reach", Sydney, 9-10 August 2012.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2012). Pedestrian headform testing: inferring performance at impact speeds and for headform masses not tested, and estimating average performance in a range of real-world conditions. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(4), 402-411.

Palamara P, Langford J, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). The relationship between vehicle performance and novice driver crash involvement (RR 12-001). Bentley: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre.

Searson DJ, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). From crash test speed to performance in real world conditions. A conceptual model and its application to underhood clearance in pedestrian head tests. Stapp Car Crash Journal, 56, 485-496.

Searson DJ (2012). The influence of test conditions on the results of pedestrian headform impact tests (Thesis). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research, The University of Adelaide.

Searson DJ (2011). The Global Technical Regulation on pedestrian safety: Likely effects on vehicle design. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2006). Testing the pedestrian safety of bullbars - methods and results. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

McLean AJ (2004). Travelling speed, pedestrian protection. The role of travelling speed in car design. MAA Pedestrian Seminar, Sydney, Australia, 24 May 2004.

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ (2001). Vehicle design and speed and pedestrian injury: Australia's involvement in the International Harmonised Research Activities pedestrian safety expert group. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 1-7 (vol 1)).

Vehicle safety

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2023). Development and trial of a process to audit vehicle safety technologies in rural areas (CASR217). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Van Den Berg AL, Elsegood ME (2022). A review and comparison of light vehicle brake testing methods. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN (2022). An examination of potential exposure measures for vehicle safety technologies in South Australia (CASR174). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP (2016). A method of constructing models of reaction to an imminent road crash. Traffic Engineering & Control, 57(3), 97-103.

Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2015). Real world benefits of autonomous safety systems (presentation). International Driverless Cars Conference, Adelaide, 5-6 November 2015.

Anderson RWG (2015). Safer vehicles. Their role in improving road safety, and some ideas to improve vehicle safety in South Australia. Adelaide: The University of Adelaide.

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2014). Use of Age-Period-Cohort models to estimate effects of vehicle age, year of crash and year of vehicle manufacture on driver injury and fatality rates in single vehicle crashes in New South Wales, 2003-2010. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 75, 202-210.

Gockowiak KLK, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2014). A Model for Determining Injury Risk on the Basis of Impact Speed, Using Vehicle Data from Variable-Speed Impact Tests. International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Berlin, Germany, 10-12 September 2014.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Anderson RWG, Masson C, Yerpez J (2014). Description of pedestrian crashes in accordance with characteristics of Active Safety Systems. International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Berlin, Germany, 10-12 September 2014.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Anderson RWG, Yerpez J (2014). Accident simulation and reconstruction for enhancing pedestrian safety: issues and challenges. Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Hannover, Germany, 20-21 June 2014.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Kloeden CN, Lydon M (2014). Dynamics of the South Australian registered passenger vehicle fleet (CASR110). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2014). Quad bikes: An analysis of compensated injuries. Occupational Safety in Transport Conference, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, 18-19 September 2014.

Anderson RWG (2013). Estimation of the crash rates of vehicles considering vehicle age, crash period and vehicle cohort. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Mackenzie JRR, Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2013). Work-related road safety in South Australia (CASR116). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2013). Potential effectiveness of seat belt interlocks. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Anderson RWG (2012). The safety attributes of registered passenger vehicles and vehicles involved in serious crashes in South Australia (CASR081). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). Vehicle performance and crash risk amongst novice drivers in Western Australia. Bentley: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre.

Raftery SJ, Anderson RWG (2012). Factors associated with old car crashes (CASR096). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ (2012). Measuring underbonnet clearances in order to evaluate pedestrian safety performance of vehicles at various impact speeds (CASR109). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2011). Newer cars: much safer. 34th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Adelaide, Australia, 28 - 30 September 2011.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2011). Smaller cars: Not to be feared. 34th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Adelaide, Australia, 28 - 30 September 2011.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD (2010). The relative age related crashworthiness of the registered South Australian passenger vehicle fleet. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21(1), 36-46.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2010). In Australia, is injury less in recent cars than in earlier cars? Evidence from comparing the injury severities of two drivers in the same collision. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Canberra, 31 August - 3 September 2010.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2010). Vehicle Mass as a Determinant of Fuel Consumption and Secondary Safety Performance: A Comment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 15(2), 123-125.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD, Searson DJ (2009). Vehicle age-related crashworthiness of the South Australian passenger fleet (CASR062). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Baldock MRJ (2008). Vehicle improvements to reduce the number and severity of rear end crashes (CASR052). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2008). Testing the pedestrian safety of bull bars: methods and results. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 19(1), 35-43.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Ponte G (2008). Bull Bar Prevalence Among Types of Vehicle in Metropolitan Adelaide. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 43-51). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Ponte G, Anderson RWG, Searson DJ (2007). A comparison of the pedestrian passive safety performance of the new vehicle fleet in Australia, France and the United Kingdom. 2007 Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October 2007.

Anderson RWG, Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Streeter LD, McLean AJ (2006). Testing the pedestrian safety of bullbars - methods and results. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Baldock MRJ, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (2004). Front side window tinting visual light transmittance requirements (CASR002). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Sommariva M, McLean AJ (2003). Vehicle design and operation for pedestrian protection: accident simulations and reconstructions (VSSR 1). Canberra: Vehicle Safety Standards, Department of Transport and Regional Services.

Baldock MRJ, Kloeden CN, McLean AJ (1998). Window tinting and night driving: a dual task investigation (2/98). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.

Best GH, Zivkovic G, Ryan GA (1993). Development of an effective ambulance patient restraint. SAE Australasia, 53(1), 17-20.

McLean AJ (1987). Structural aspects of crashworthiness in road transport. Structural crashworthiness and property damage accidents, (pp. 57-69). Clayton, VIC: Dept Civil Engineering, Monash University.

Heyworth JS, McLean AJ (1986). Vehicle inspection at change of ownership (7/86). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Paix BR, Gibson TJ, McLean AJ (1985). The crashworthiness of forward control passenger vehicles. 3rd International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering: Motor Vehicle Technology: Mobility for prosperity, (pp. 71-80). Society of Automotive Engineers.

Paix BR, Gibson TJ, McLean AJ (1985). The safety of forward control passenger vehicles. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Paix BR (1984). An examination of the crashworthiness of light forward control passenger vehicles. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

Somers RL, Hansen A (1984). The cost of rear end collisions in Denmark and the potential savings from a high, center-mounted auxiliary brake light. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 16(5/6), 423-432.

Somers RL (1984). Let your little light shine- the case for eye level brake lights. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 16(2), 150.

McLean AJ (1966). Death on the roads: the influence of vehicle design. The medical journal of Australia, 2(4), 168-172.

Vehicle safety technology

Searson DJ, Woolley JE, Crotty S (2024). An exploratory study to determine if a critical mass exists for intelligent speed adaptation (CASR234). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Woolley JE, Bailey TJ, Ponte G, Ryan GA (2024). Post-crash response arrangements (CASR232). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2023). A review of SA line markings for suitability with lane support systems - a video analysis trial (CASR172). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Baldock MRJ, Stokes CS, Mongiardini M (2022). Profiling fatal and serious injury crashes in South Australia according to the Swedish Transport Administration Model. Traffic Injury Prevention, 23(3), 130-134 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2038370.

Elsegood ME, Mackenzie JRR (2022). Development of a process to audit vehicle safety technology prevalence. 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2022.

Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN (2022). An examination of potential exposure measures for vehicle safety technologies in South Australia (CASR174). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Kloeden CN, Paine M (2019). Speeding in crashes in the United States of America. A pilot study using event data recorder information from NASS-CDS. 26th International Technical Conference on The Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 10-13 June 2019.

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD, Ponte G (2019). Collection and Analysis of EDR Data from Crash Involved Vehicles. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25 – 27 September 2019. [SUBMITTED ABSTRACT]

Mackenzie JRR, Dutschke JK, Van Den Berg AL, Elsegood ME, Mongiardini M, Meuleners L (2019). Assessment of rural road line markings for suitability with Lane Departure Warning. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Van Den Berg AL, Ponte G, Mackenzie JRR, Raftery SJ (2019). A future of zero injuries and deaths of pedestrians and cyclists. Annual Australian Walking and Cycling Conference, Port Adelaide, 24-25 October 2019.

Doecke SD, Ponte G (2017). The safety benefits of limiting ISA: a pilot study using real world crash situations (CASR141). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Dutschke JK, Searson DJ, Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Lydon M (2017). An estimate of the future road safety benefits of autonomous emergency braking and vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 28(1), 20-26.

Hutchinson TP (2016). A method of constructing models of reaction to an imminent road crash. Traffic Engineering & Control, 57(3), 97-103.

Ponte G, Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP (2016). Examination of the effectiveness and acceptability of mobile phone blocking technology among drivers of corporate fleet vehicles (CASR140). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Ponte G, Baldock MRJ (2016). An examination of the effectiveness and acceptability of mobile phone blocking technology among drivers of corporate fleet vehicles. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Ponte G, Ryan GA, Anderson RWG (2016). An estimate of the effectiveness of an in-vehicle automatic collision notification system in reducing road crash fatalities in South Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(3), 258-263.

Savino G, Mackenzie JRR, Allen T, Baldock MRJ, Brown J, Fitzharris M (2016). A robust estimation of the effects of Motorcycle Autonomous Emergency Braking (MAEB) based on in-depth crashes in Australia. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(51), 66-72.

Searson DJ, Dutschke JK, Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Lydon M (2016). An estimate of the future road safety benefits of autonomous emergency braking and vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Thompson JP, Baldock MRJ, Raftery SJ, Mackenzie JRR, Wall JP, Iwanski K (2016). The Transport for New South Wales FleetCAT (Fleet Collision Avoidance Technology) Trial: Driver Attitudes to the Technology. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 6-8 September 2016.

Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2015). Real world benefits of autonomous safety systems (presentation). International Driverless Cars Conference, Adelaide, 5-6 November 2015.

Anderson RWG (2015). Safer vehicles. Their role in improving road safety, and some ideas to improve vehicle safety in South Australia. Adelaide: The University of Adelaide.

Doecke SD, Grant AJ, Anderson RWG (2015). The real world safety potential of connected vehicle technology. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16 (Supp 1), S31-35.

Hamdane H, Serre T, Masson C, Anderson RWG (2015). Issues and challenges for pedestrian active safety systems based on real world accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 82, 53-60.

Mackenzie JRR, Van Den Berg AL (2015). Establishing a testing capability for the assessment of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) and Forward Collision Warning (FCW) in Australia. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Mackenzie JRR (2015). Crash avoidance by Electronic Stability Control on Australian high speed rural roads: an analysis of braking interventions (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Nishimoto T, Mukaigawa K, Ponte G (2015). Development of an Algorithm to Predict Pedestrian Injury Severity based on Data from the South Australian Traffic Accident Reporting System. Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Annual Congress (Autumn), Fukuoka, Japan, 14-16 October 2015.

Ponte G, Searson DJ, Royals J, Anderson RWG (2015). New motorcycle safety technology: an overview for South Australia (CASR127). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Lydon M (2015). Emerging vehicle safety technologies and their potential benefits: Discussion of expert opinions. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG (2014). The safety potential of connected vehicles. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 12-14 November 2014.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP (2014). Integrated assessment of pedestrian head impact protection in testing secondary safety and autonomous emergency braking. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 63, 1-8.

Searson DJ, Ponte G, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG, Lydon M (2014). Emerging vehicle safety technology (14/03). Noble Park North: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Ltd.

Anderson RWG, Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL, Hutchinson TP (2013). Access to safer vehicle technologies by young drivers: factors affecting motor vehicle choice and effects on crashes (CASR118). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG (2013). Estimation of the crash rates of vehicles considering vehicle age, crash period and vehicle cohort. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG (2013). Crash reduction potential of connected vehicles in South Australia (CASR126). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Ponte G, Ryan GA, Anderson RWG (2013). Automatic Crash Notification (CASR124). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2013). Potential effectiveness of seat belt interlocks (CASR125). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2013). Potential effectiveness of seat belt interlocks. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2013, Brisbane, 28-30 August 2013.

Anderson RWG, Doecke SD, Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Paine D, Paine M (2012). Potential benefits of forward collision avoidance technology (CASR106). Brisbane: Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland.

Anderson RWG, Searson DJ, Hutchinson TP (2012). Integrating the assessment of pedestrian safety in vehicles with collision detection and mitigation systems. Proceedings of the 2012 International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury Conference, Dublin, 14-16 September 2012.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2012). The potential of autonomous emergency braking systems to mitigate passenger vehicle crashes. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Palamara P, Langford J, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). The relationship between vehicle performance and novice driver crash involvement (RR 12-001). Bentley: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre.

Anderson RWG, Hutchinson TP, Linke BJ, Ponte G (2011). Analysis of crash data to estimate the benefits of emerging vehicle technology (CASR094). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Anderson RWG (2011). Safety related attributes of registered vehicles and of vehicles that crash in South Australia. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Creef K, Wall JP, Boland P, Vecovski V, Prendergast M, Stow J, Fernandes R, Beck J, Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2011). Road safety benefits of intelligent speed adaptation for Australia. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6 - 9 November 2011.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE, Truong J (2011). Advisory intelligent speed adaptation in government fleet vehicles. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2011). Advisory Intelligent Speed Adaptation for government fleets (CASR099). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Woolley JE (2011). Cost benefit analysis of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (CASR093). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2010). Cost Benefit Analysis of Intelligent Speed Adaptation. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Canberra, 31 August - 3 September 2010.

Mackenzie JRR, Anderson RWG (2009). The effects of Electronic Stability Control interventions on rural road crashes in Australia: simulation of real world crashes (RSRG 2009-005). Canberra: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.

Workplace safety

Ponte G, Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP (2016). Examination of the effectiveness and acceptability of mobile phone blocking technology among drivers of corporate fleet vehicles (CASR140). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Woolley JE, Raftery SJ (2015). Compliance and Enforcement in Road Safety and Work Health and Safety: A Comparison. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment, 31(2).

Bailey TJ, Woolley JE, Raftery SJ (2015). Does road safety have any lessons for workplace health and safety. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 26(2), 26-33.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, Harrison J (2015). An examination of trends in South Australian workers compensation claims (CASR133). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Small M, Bailey TJ, Lydon M (2014). Work related road safety (14/01). Noble Park North: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Ltd.

Woolley JE, Bailey TJ, Raftery SJ (2014). What can work health and safety learn from road safety? (CASR121). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Mackenzie JRR, Searson DJ, Anderson RWG (2013). Work-related road safety in South Australia (CASR116). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Young drivers

Elsegood ME, Doecke SD (2024). Speeding prevalence and profile in high severity crashes: data from Event Data Recorders (EDRs) obtained by Victoria Police (CASR238). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Bailey TJ, Baldock MRJ (2024). Novice driver licensing in New Zealand (CASR236). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ (2021). Trends in young adult driver licensing rates in South Australia (CASR192). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Thompson JP (2019). Underlying factors in the take-up of active travel for young adults. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 25-27 September 2019.

Wundersitz LN, Bailey TJ, Thompson JP (2018). Are young adults’ licensing rates still declining?. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 3-5 October 2018. [PRESENTED ABSTRACT]

Wundersitz LN, Bailey TJ, Thompson JP (2017). Young Adult Licensing Trends - 2017 Update (17/02). Melbourne: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV).

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ, Smith R (2016). Changing licensing trends and travel mode choices of young adults. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 27(4), 22-29.

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ (2015). Young adult licensing trends and travel modes (15/01). Melbourne: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV).

Lydon M, Woolley JE, Small M, Harrison J, Bailey TJ, Searson DJ (2015). Review of the National Road Safety Strategy (AP R477-15). Sydney: Austroads.

Wundersitz LN, Bailey TJ, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ, Smith R (2015). Are young adults’ choice of travel mode changing?. Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 14-16 October 2015.

Anderson RWG, Raftery SJ, Grigo JAL, Hutchinson TP (2013). Access to safer vehicle technologies by young drivers: factors affecting motor vehicle choice and effects on crashes (CASR118). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). Vehicle performance and crash risk amongst novice drivers in Western Australia. Bentley: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre.

Palamara P, Langford J, Hutchinson TP, Anderson RWG (2012). The relationship between vehicle performance and novice driver crash involvement (RR 12-001). Bentley: Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre.

Wundersitz LN (2012). An analysis of young drivers involved in crashes using in-depth crash investigation data (CASR101). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN (2012). In-depth analysis of crashes involving younger drivers. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.

Hutchinson TP, Kloeden CN, Wundersitz LN (2011). Studies on South Australia’s Driver Intervention Program, and related research. Under The Radar Conference on Traffic Offender Programs, Sydney, 7 December 2011.

Austroads, Kloeden CN (2008). The crash and offence experience of newly licensed young drivers (AP-R331/08). Sydney: Austroads.

Hutchinson TP (2008). How might young driver behaviour be improved? By therapy for all 17 year olds?. 31st National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, Adelaide, Australia, 17-21 September 2008.

Kloeden CN (2008). The crash experience of newly licensed young drivers in South Australia. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 114-124). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Wundersitz LN, Burns NR (2008). Can personality characteristics and attitudes predict risky driving behaviour among young drivers?. High Risk Road Users Conference, Joint ACRS-Travelsafe National Conference, (pp. 191-203). Mawson: The Australasian College of Road Safety.

Wundersitz LN, Burns NR (2008). Personality and attitudinal predictors of traffic offences among young drivers - a prospective analysis. In Driver behaviour and training (volume III), Lisa Dorn (ed) (pp. 51-63). Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company.

Wundersitz LN (2008). Can personality characteristics predict the crash involvement of young drivers?. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 104-113). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

Wundersitz LN (2007). Characteristics identifying young drivers at a higher risk of crashing (Thesis). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Anderson RWG, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, McLean AJ (2006). Choice of licensing method and crashes of young drivers. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 17(3), 28-33.

Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP (2006). The crash and offence experience of drivers eligible for the South Australian Driver Intervention Program (CASR022). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN, Hutchinson TP (2006). South Australia's Driver Intervention Program: Participant characteristics, best practice discussion and literature review (CASR021). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

Wundersitz LN (2006). Personality characteristics and attitudes of young traffic offenders. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

Anderson RWG, Kloeden CN, Hutchinson TP, McLean AJ (2005). Choice of licensing method and crashes of young drivers. 2005 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, (pp. 236-241). Wellington: Ministry of Transport.

Wundersitz LN, Burns NR (2005). Identifying young driver subtypes: Relationship to risky drinking and crash involvement. In Driver Behaviour and Training - vol II, L. Dorn (ed) (pp. 155-168).

Baldock MRJ, O'Connor P, McLean AJ (2000). Graduated driver licensing in South Australia (1/2000). Adelaide: Office of Road Safety, SA Department of Transport.