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TitleGlobal view of road traffic accidents with emphasis on recent developments in road accident prevention and control
AuthorsMcLean AJ
TypeConference Paper
AbstractThe Member States of the World Health Organisation are working together towards the goal of health for all by the year 2000. In practice, the aim is to attain a level of health which will enable people throughout the world to lead socially and economically productive lives. Increasingly, road trauma is becoming recognised as one of the major problems to be overcome if this goal is to be achieved. There are two aspects of the road trauma problem which set it apart from many of the traditional concerns of WHO. The first is that there is no way in which we can expect road trauma to be eradicated entirely, as has happened with smallpox, because we all rely heavily on the benefits of the road transport system. The second is that although many of the motorised countries of the world have achieved a relatively high level of road safety in transportation terms, they have not solved the public health problem of road trauma.
SponsorMinistry of Health and World Health Organisation
Conference NameNational workshop on the prevention and control of road traffic accidents in Malaysia
Conference LocationKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Date9-12 September 1985
Page Range43-59
Page Count17
Notesavailable from CASR library on request

McLean AJ (1985). Global view of road traffic accidents with emphasis on recent developments in road accident prevention and control. National workshop on the prevention and control of road traffic accidents in Malaysia, (pp. 43-59).