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TitleSouth Australian primary schools bicycle helmet usage survey
AuthorsAnderson RWG, Thomas H, Somers RL
TypeConference Paper
AbstractThis was a school-based survey that was conducted in 2003 to assess bicycle helmet compliance rates amongst South Australian primary school students riding to school. 32% of South Australian primary schools chose to participate in the survey. The total number of students attending the participating schools accounted for approximately 42% of all primary school children. A sample of non-participating schools was independently surveyed to estimate the differences between participating and non-participating schools. The data were disaggregated to examine any differences discernible between schooling sectors, school location and schools with a high indigenous population. Furthermore, the relationship between socio-economic disadvantage and helmet wearing rates was explored. It was estimated that 4% of primary school children ride their bicycle to school. Of the students riding a bicycle to school, 92% wore a helmet. The highest rate of helmet-compliance was reported in Catholic and independent primary schools (100%). Geographically, the lowest rate was reported in the metropolitan Adelaide region (89%). Programs to improve helmet wearing rates might target those from a background of disadvantage and include indigenous children.
PublisherAble Video & Multimedia Pty Ltd
Publisher CityGold Coast
Conference Name2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference
Conference AbbreviationRSR
Conference LocationGold Coast, Australia
Conference Date25-27 October 2006
Page Count8

Anderson RWG, Thomas H, Somers RL (2006). South Australian primary schools bicycle helmet usage survey. 2006 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-27 October 2006.

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