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TitleSeverity and type of pedestrian injuries related to vehicle impact locations and results of sub-system impact reconstruction
AuthorsAnderson RWG, McLean AJ, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Sommariva M, Lindsay VL, Wundersitz LN
TypeConference Paper
AbstractThis paper examines the relevance of the EEVC pedestrian subsystem tests and the extent to which they predict the severity of specific injuries. Ten accidents were reconstructed using numerical and laboratory methods to estimate the severity of impacts to the pedestrian's head and lower extremities. Headform impacts that exceeded a HIC of 1000 were strongly and positively associated with head injuries rated AIS3 and above. The acceleration of the Legform appears to be positively associated with the severity of injuries to the leg below the knee. However, the level of bending and shearing of the Legform knee joint greatly overestimated the risk of ligamentous damage to the knee.
PublisherInternational Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury
Publisher CityZurich
Conference Name2002 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts
Conference AbbreviationIRCOBI
Conference LocationMunich, Germany
Conference Date18-20 September 2002
Page Range289-299
Page Count11
Notesavailable from CASR library on request

Anderson RWG, McLean AJ, Streeter LD, Ponte G, Sommariva M, Lindsay VL, Wundersitz LN (2002). Severity and type of pedestrian injuries related to vehicle impact locations and results of sub-system impact reconstruction. 2002 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 289-299). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.