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TitleHotel patrons' perception and use of coin-operated breath testing machines. A pilot study
AuthorsWundersitz LN
AbstractThe primary focus of the current study was to firstly investigate the impact of promotional activity on the perceptions and use of the 'Alcolizer' coin-operated breath testing machine, by hotel patrons, and secondly to examine the effect of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) feedback on subsequent drink driving behaviour. A pretest-post test design was utilised to explore these issues within an applied framework. Quantitative usage data was recorded by the breath testing machine over a two month trial period. Qualitative information was obtained by interviewing hotel patrons of the establishment investigated, who used the machine of their own initiative (N=74) and patrons that did not test (N=138). Testers' use of the machine was also unobtrusively observed. The Self-testers Questionnaire, Observation Sheet and Exit Survey were all specifically designed for the study. The results suggested the small scale of the promotion was successful in encouraging greater usage by patrons although generally higher usage rates were expected. The promotion did not have any other significant effects on any other variables measured. Providing feedback on drinkers' BAC levels did not change their subsequent driving intentions although 23% of drivers intended to modify their ensuing drinking behaviour. The breath testing machine was found to be used most frequently to satisfy curiosity. Intentional misuse such as game playing, was discovered to be a serious problem. Nevertheless, patrons overwhelmingly supported the wider availability of coin-operated breath testing machines in licensed premises, acknowledging their educative value towards improving drinkers' knowledge of their BAC level.
PublisherRoad Accident Research Unit
Publisher CityAdelaide
Page Count95
Notesavailable from CASR library on request

Wundersitz LN (1996). Hotel patrons' perception and use of coin-operated breath testing machines. A pilot study. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.