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TitleTopography and quantitation of axonal injury as defined by amyloid precursor protein and the sector scoring method in lateral an occipital head impacts; a prelimanary report
AuthorsBlumbergs PC, Scott G, Manavis J, Mainwright H, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA
TypeConference Paper
AbstractAxonal injury (Al), as defined by amyloid precursor protein (APP) positive axonal swellings, was recorded on a series of line diagrams of standard brain sections divided into 116 sectors to provide an Axonal Injury Sector Score (AISS) ranging from 0 to 116. In this preliminary report the sector scoring method of recording axonal damage and providing a topographic and semiquantitative overview of Al was applied to a series of 11 lateral (4 pedestrian, 1 car occupant and 6 falls) and 7 occipital head impacts (3 pedestrian, 4 falls) for which the biomechanical data was sufficient to estimate peak linear acceleration and impact velocity as a measure of the magnitude of the impacting forces acting on the head. Al was present in all 18 cases and consisted of a complex mixture of focal and diffuse axonal damage arising by different pathophysiological mechanisms. Lateral impacts produced significant Al at linear accelerations lower than for occipital impacts. Widespread Al was present in all 10 fall cases irrespective of the height of the fall. The lowest AISS was found in the concussive mild head injury case (AISS 5).
PublisherInternational Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury
Publisher CityZurich
Conference Name1995 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts
Conference AbbreviationIRCOBI
Conference LocationBrunnen, Switzerland
Conference Date13-15 September 1995
Page Range199-216
Page Count18
NotesAvailable from CASR library on request

Blumbergs PC, Scott G, Manavis J, Mainwright H, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN, Simpson DA (1995). Topography and quantitation of axonal injury as defined by amyloid precursor protein and the sector scoring method in lateral an occipital head impacts; a prelimanary report. 1995 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 199-216). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.