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TitleUsual drinking behaviour of injured male drivers and riders: a comparison between those with zero and high BAC
AuthorsHolubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN
TypeConference Paper
AbstractDetailed interviews were conducted with a representative sample of drivers and motorcycle riders admitted to the major trauma hospital in South Australia between June 1985 and July 1987 and not discharged on the day of, or the day following, admission. The results of the mandatory blood alcohol tests were also obtained. This paper examines the usual drinking behaviour and the attitudes and drink-driving behaviour reported by crash-involved male drivers (of cars, car derivatives and vans) and motorcycle riders, who reported consuming alcohol during the month prior to hospitalisation. Those who drank only very rarely, abstained completely or, because of unusual circumstances, did not drink in the preceding month, are excluded from consideration. A BAC of zero was recorded for 198 male drivers and motorcycle riders, of whom 153 (77.3%) reported that they had consumed alcohol in the month preceding the crash. All those with positive BACs reported that they drank alcohol during that period, with the exception of one individual who did so only on the night of the crash and has therefore been excluded from the data presented here. The tables present data for four BAC groups, namely zero BAC, .001-.079 g/100 mL, .080-. 149 and. 150 or above, whereas statistical analyses are confined to a comparison of drinking behaviour between those with a BAC of zero and those with a high BAC, defined as .080 or above on presentation to hospital.
PublisherVerlag TUV Rheinland GmbH
Publisher CityCologne
Conference Name12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety
Conference AbbreviationICADTS - T92
Conference LocationCologne, Germany
Conference Date28 September - 2 October 1992
Journal Volume (Issue)2
Page Range939-944 (vol 2)
Page Count6
NotesAvailable from CASR library on request

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Kloeden CN (1993). Usual drinking behaviour of injured male drivers and riders: a comparison between those with zero and high BAC. 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 939-944 (vol 2)). Cologne: Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH.