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TitleCrash injury biomechanics
AuthorsBarker JM, McLean AJ
AbstractThis Conference addressed issues important in biomechanical research aimed at reducing injuries to persons involved in road traffic accidents. The development and use of dummies, crash barrier testing and finite element modelling variously in Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Sweden and the United States of America was discussed with some emphasis on the formation of standards for vehicles, restraints and helmets. Specific research described was on: facial injury, with development of a Hybrid III load sensing face by Volvo in Sweden; the development of an infant impact head form, using stereophotogrammetry and computer modelling, in Canada, thoracic injury in France and the USA, involving experimental belt loading tests with dummies and cadavers, and side impact tests with the SID dummy, respectively; pedestrian accidents in Japan and France, using extensive data analysis and, at INRETS, impact tests with mechanical and cadaver legs; neck injury in Sweden, leading to recommendations on modifications to vehicle design, and in the USA; and head injury, which included crash reconstructions related to neuropathological studies of brain injuries in South Australia, experimental work on head impact tolerance using sub-human primates and human cadaver skulls in Japan, and brain injury work in the USA.
Report Number1/93
PublisherRoad Accident Research Unit
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorState Government Insurance Commission (SGIC)
Conference NameCrash Injury Biomechanics conference
Conference LocationAdelaide, Australia
Conference Date19-21 July 1992
Page Count194
NotesAvailable from CSAR library on request

Barker JM, McLean AJ (1993). Crash injury biomechanics (1/93). Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

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