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TitleEvent Data Recorders (EDRs) and high severity crashes: a summary of data collected by Victoria Police
AuthorsDoecke SD, Elsegood ME
AbstractThe CASR-EDR database contains data from the Event Data Recorders (EDRs) of crashed vehicles, and matched police report and injury data. Data collection for the CASR-EDR database has been ongoing each year since its creation in 2017. This report details the addition to the CASR-EDR database of EDR data downloaded by the Victorian Police’s Collision Reconstruction and Mechanical Investigation Unit (CRMIU). The Victorian data sample is summarised and its representativeness and utility is discussed. Out of 337 EDR files downloaded by the CRMIU between the beginning of 2017 and the end of March 2022, 256 unique crashes (271 EDR vehicles) with matched police report data were identified. Most of the EDR files were from crashes that were either fatal (45%) or resulted in ‘major injury’ (43%). Of the ‘major injury’ cases, 58% had a Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score (MAIS) of three or more (MAIS 3+). Almost half of the bullet vehicles involved in a fatal crash were speeding, with many speeding by more than 50 km/h, and 7.8% speeding by more than 100 km/h. In the total CRMIU EDR sample from Victoria, there were 7 bullet vehicles that were travelling above 200 km/h. There were also 17 drivers and 3 passengers who were recorded in the EDR as not wearing a seatbelt. It was concluded that the addition of EDR data downloaded by the CRMIU of Victoria Police to the CASR-EDR database, along with the matched police data, provides a useful standalone dataset and enhances the overall utility of the CASR-EDR database. The continuation of the collection of CRMIU EDR data, along with improvements to the sample, is recommended.
Report NumberCASR237
PublisherCentre for Automotive Safety Research
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorThis research was funded under a project agreement with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
Page Count25

Doecke SD, Elsegood ME (2024). Event Data Recorders (EDRs) and high severity crashes: a summary of data collected by Victoria Police (CASR237). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

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