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TitleA technical review of 40 km/h speed limits in the City of Charles Sturt Local Government Area
AuthorsMackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Kloeden CN
TypeConference Paper
AbstractA technical review was undertaken relating to the introduction of 40 km/h speed limits in certain areas within the City of Charles Sturt in South Australia. This involved the analysis of before and after traffic survey and crash data. Mean vehicle speeds decreased by 2.30 km/h, 85th percentile speeds decreased by 4.27 km/h, and weekday traffic volumes decreased by 7.4% in areas where the speed limits changed. Crash data was examined for equal periods before and after the 40 km/h speed limit changes and there was a 14.8% reduction in the number of casualty crashes on roads where the speed limit had been reduced from 50 km/h to 40 km/h, a 28.6% reduction in casualty crashes on roads that had a pre-existing (and retained) 40 km/h speed limit, and a 7.8% reduction in casualty crashes on Council-owned roads that retained a 50 km/h speed limit.
Conference Name2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference
Conference AbbreviationARSC21
Conference LocationMelbourne, Australia
Conference Date28-30 September 2021

Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G, Elsegood ME, Kloeden CN (2021). A technical review of 40 km/h speed limits in the City of Charles Sturt Local Government Area. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.