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TitleEvaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia
AuthorsMongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE
TypeConference Paper
AbstractRural Junction Activated Warning Systems (RJAWS) temporarily reduce the speed limit along the major legs of three-leg junctions when another vehicle is approaching from the minor road or turning right from the far-side leg into the minor leg. This study evaluated the RJAWS effectiveness and its potential to reduce the risk of casualties based on a trial at four rural intersections in South Australia. When the reduced speed limit signs are activated, the average travel speed along the major road is reduced between 11.3 km/h and 22.1 km/h, with a consequent reduction in the average relative casualty risk between 43% and 58%. Despite a relatively low compliance to the reduced speed limit, the RJAWS proved effective in reducing risky behaviour. When the sign was activated, the majority of drivers travelled through the intersection at speeds below the default speed limit. Extending the RJAWS program to additional intersections is strongly suggested.
Conference Name2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference
Conference AbbreviationARSC21
Conference LocationMelbourne, Australia
Conference Date28-30 September 2021

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2021). Evaluation of a warning system to reduce the risk of casualty crashes at rural junctions in South Australia. 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2021.