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TitleEvaluating behaviour change communication campaigns in health and safety: A literature review
AuthorsBailey TJ, Wundersitz LN
AbstractThis literature review examined selected international research, published from 2010 to the present, to investigate how six fields other than road safety (i.e. healthy eating/physical activity, smoking, alcohol and drug use, workplace health and safety, suicide and juvenile offending) evaluated their behaviour change communication campaigns. The review also considered best practice for providing evidence of the effectiveness of these campaigns and explored whether these practices could be translated to road safety. Overall, the health and safety literature indicate that there is no single model for best practice in evaluating communication campaigns but there are some general principles that are highly germane to road safety: using a recognised model/theory of behaviour change, multiple measurement methods, measuring target behaviours at each stage, using a control group not exposed to the campaign, and identifying factors that can influence the likelihood of the desired behaviour. While some direct and indirect objective measures of behaviour change were available, by far the most common measure was self- report surveys. This set of evaluation tools, and their limitations, are consistent with the road safety experience. In conclusion, given adequate resources, all health and safety domains, including road safety, might improve the quality of their evaluations with sound experimental designs and the increased use of objective forms of behaviour measurement, aided by advances in affordable technology.
Report NumberCASR159
PublisherCentre for Automotive Safety Research
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorMotor Accident Commission
Page Count36

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN (2019). Evaluating behaviour change communication campaigns in health and safety: A literature review (CASR159). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

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