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TitleThe development of an updated Hazard Perception Test for drivers and motorcyclists in Australia and New Zealand
AuthorsBaldock MRJ
AbstractThis project was funded by Austroads and was aimed at the development of an updated Hazard Perception Test (HPT) for novice drivers that could be applied in all jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand. Furthermore, an additional aim of the project was to develop a HPT that could be administered to applicants for a motorcycle licence.

This presentation will summarise the first phase of this project, which involved the determination of the hazard types necessary for inclusion in an updated HPT, and the development of updated HPT item scripts.

The determination of necessary hazard types was based on the analysis of crash data from all over Australia and New Zealand to identify the crash types that lead to the greatest number of serious or fatal injuries among novice drivers and motorcyclists. An inventory was also made of existing items used in the HPTs developed in New South Wales (also used in South Australia) and in Victoria (also used in Western Australia) to assess the quality of the items and the extent to which they depicted the necessary hazard types. The development of new HPT item scripts was then based on the hazard types that were necessary for inclusion and the inventory of existing HPT items. Many of the item types are applicable for both drivers and motorcyclists but there are some that are only necessary for drivers of cars, and some that, while applicable to drivers, are of greater priority for motorcyclists. In the presentation, a summary of the resulting pool of HPT items will be provided, as well as a discussion of some of the challenges of the project.

Conference NameSixth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology
Conference AbbreviationICTTP
Conference LocationBrisbane
Conference Date2-5 August 2016

Baldock MRJ (2016). The development of an updated Hazard Perception Test for drivers and motorcyclists in Australia and New Zealand. Sixth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, 2-5 August 2016. [ACCEPTED ABSTRACT]