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TitleYoung adult licensing trends and travel modes
AuthorsBailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ
AbstractChanging travel mode choices among young people, in particular declines in the percentages of those with driver’s licences, have been found in several countries. This study sought comparable evidence of driver licensing decline among the young in Victoria, Australia, as well as reasons for not wanting to drive or obtain a licence. A pattern of licensing decline among Victorian 18-29 year olds since 2001 was found. In 2014, over one-third of 18-24 year old Victorians were not licensed to drive. This licensing decline is accompanied by substantial increases in the proportions of licensed drivers aged over 50. An online survey of 147 Australians aged 18-30 not licensed to drive found that the most frequent reasons for not being licensed included the difficulty of the licensing process or its expense, not liking driving or preferring walking. Over a third of those aged 25-30 said they had never learned to drive, or were still learning. In sum, there is a pattern of changing travel mode choice among young adults characterised by their driving less, not at all or delaying getting a licence. As well there are some strong preferences for other transport modes, such as public transport and walking. Potential implications of such changes in travel modes include reduced road infrastructure revenue and costs, reduced traffic congestion, environmental benefits and reduced road deaths and injuries, but also a need for safer infrastructure for cycling, motorcycling and walking. Graduated licensing systems that protect young drivers will continue to be needed and young drivers will increasingly experience a road system comprising road users aged over fifty.
Report Number15/01
PublisherRoyal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV)
Publisher CityMelbourne
Page Count48
NotesAlso available on RACV website:

Bailey TJ, Wundersitz LN, Raftery SJ, Baldock MRJ (2015). Young adult licensing trends and travel modes (15/01). Melbourne: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV).

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