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TitleThe potential of autonomous emergency braking systems to mitigate passenger vehicle crashes
AuthorsDoecke SD, Anderson RWG, Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G
TypeConference Paper
AbstractThis paper details part of a research program conducted to examine the potential effect of autonomous emergency braking (AEB) systems on common crash types that involve a frontal collision. To accomplish this, simulations were conducted of 103 real world crashes. AEB system models with differing specifications were applied to these simulations to determine the change in impact speed that various AEB interventions could produce. It was found that AEB systems have the potential to reduce the impact speed, and hence the severity, in pedestrian crashes, right turn crashes, head on crashes, rear end crashes and hit fixed object crashes. The greatest potential reductions were for pedestrian crashes, head on crashes and rear end crashes. The variations in system specification demonstrate the advantages of a longer time-to-collision and higher autonomous deceleration. A system that has less potential to generate false alarms than the other systems was considered and demonstrated potential for reducing the impact speed in pedestrian, head on, rear end and hit fixed object crashes.
Conference NameAustralasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference
Conference AbbreviationRSR
Conference LocationWellington
Conference Date4-6 October 2012

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Mackenzie JRR, Ponte G (2012). The potential of autonomous emergency braking systems to mitigate passenger vehicle crashes. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, 4-6 October 2012.