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TitleAn analysis of young drivers involved in crashes using in-depth crash investigation data
AuthorsWundersitz LN
AbstractDespite improvements in road safety, young drivers continue to be over-represented in crashes. CASR has conducted three in- depth studies investigating rural and metropolitan crashes in South Australia over the last decade. In-depth investigation of crashes provides very detailed information on crashes that otherwise could not be obtained from aggregate police-reported crash data. To gain a better understanding of the specific factors that lead to young driver crash involvement, this study used the comprehensive information collected from in-depth crash investigation to examine the causes and contributing factors leading to young driver crashes. Analyses by age group and level of experience were undertaken to determine whether the incidence of specific driver errors varied over the first few years of driving and could account for the substantial decline in crashes during that time. The study also examined specific driver errors and contributing factors associated with young driver risk-taking behaviour and with those who made simple mistakes or errors that lead to crash involvement. Detailed information for 256 drivers aged between 16 and 24 years was examined to identify behaviours contributing to young driver crash involvement. Based on findings from the analysis, measures that might reduce the incidence and severity of young driver crashes are discussed within a Safe System framework.
Report NumberCASR101
PublisherCentre for Automotive Safety Research
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorDepartment of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
ISBN978 1 921645 39 6
Page Count39

Wundersitz LN (2012). An analysis of young drivers involved in crashes using in-depth crash investigation data (CASR101). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

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