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TitleInternational comparison of drivers' blood alcohol levels
AuthorsHolubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Lawson J, Wolfe A
TypeConference Paper
AbstractThe blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of the general, or non-accident involved, driving populations in Australia, Canada and the USA were compared in this study. The comparison was based on breath-tested drivers of passenger cars which were randomly-selected between 9 or 10 pm and 3 am on Friday and Saturday nights at randomly chosen sites in metropolitan areas. The final stage of the comparison included only those surveys in which allowance (weighting) could be made for variations in the sampling fraction of eligible vehicles and for refusal bias. These surveys were conducted in Adelaide, Montreal and Regina/Saskatoon in 1981, in Ann Arbor in 1972 and 1973, and as part of the US National Survey (17 metropolitan areas) in 1973. No more recent surveys were available for the USA. Vehicles were stopped by police officers in each survey except Adelaide, where the researchers sampled cars stopped at red traffic signals.
PublisherElsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Publisher CityAmsterdam
Conference Name10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety
Conference AbbreviationICADTS -T86
Conference LocationAmsterdam,The Netherlands
Conference Date9-12 September 1986
Page Range293-294
Page Count2
Notesavailable from CASR library on request

Holubowycz OT, McLean AJ, Lawson J, Wolfe A (1987). International comparison of drivers' blood alcohol levels. 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, (pp. 293-294). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.