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TitleAdvisory intelligent speed adaptation in government fleet vehicles
AuthorsDoecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE, Truong J
TypeConference Paper
AbstractThis paper details an economic analysis of the fitment of advisory intelligent speed adaptation (ISA) devices to state government fleets. Four devices were considered; two dedicated ISA devices, a navaid device that incorporates ISA functionality and a factory fitted multimedia centre that incorporates ISA functionality. Two installation scenarios were explored: the first where the ISA device can be taken from a government vehicle about to be sold and placed into a new government vehicle that has just been bought; the second where the device remains in the vehicle after it is sold to the public. The crash savings attributed to ISA were calculated by using the results of the New South Wales ISA trial and the Kloeden risk curve for travel speed. It was concluded that advisory ISA has the potential to reduce casualty crashes in government fleets by 20%. It was estimated that this would save 171 casualty crashes involving state government vehicles and $31.6 million in crash costs per year. The navaid device that incorporates ISA functionality would be the most cost effective, having a payback period of around a year in both scenarios considered.
Conference Name2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference
Conference AbbreviationRSR
Conference LocationPerth
Conference Date6-9 November 2011
Page Count10

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE, Truong J (2011). Advisory intelligent speed adaptation in government fleet vehicles. 2011 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, 6-9 November 2011.

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CASR-ISAingovernmentfleet1248.pdfOriginal PDF as published on conference CD