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TitleAdvisory Intelligent Speed Adaptation for government fleets
AuthorsDoecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE
AbstractThis project sought to determine the likely crash savings if state government fleets in Australia were fitted with advisory Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA). The cost effectiveness of such a fitment was assessed considering if the ISA device is kept within the government fleet (scenario 1) or if it is left in the government vehicle when it is sold (scenario 2). Data from the fleet vehicles involved in the recent NSW ISA was used. The reduction in crash risk was calculated by applying Kloeden’s risk curves for travel speed to the “before” speed profile and the “ISA active” speed profile found in the trial. The reduction in risk was then estimated in terms of the difference in the total crash risk produced by these speed profiles. ISA was found to have the potential to reduce casualty crashes in government fleets by 20%. It was estimated that this would eliminate 171 casualty crashes involving state government vehicles per year and save $31.6 million in crash costs per year. Scenario 1 was more cost effective than scenario 2, although the wider benefit to the community produced by scenario 2 was not taken into account. Of the four ISA devices considered the navaid device that included ISA functionality was found to be the most cost effective.
Report NumberCASR099
PublisherCentre for Automotive Safety Research
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorAustralasian Intelligent Speed Assist Initiative; Transport Accident Commission (VIC)
ISBN978 1 921645 36 5
Page Count32

Doecke SD, Anderson RWG, Woolley JE (2011). Advisory Intelligent Speed Adaptation for government fleets (CASR099). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

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