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TitlePedestrian head impacts: Development and validation of a mathematical model
AuthorsGibson TJ, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ
TypeConference Paper
AbstractThis paper describes the development of a mathematical crash victim simulation model (MADYMO based) used to predict the characteristics of the head impact in real pedestrian accidents. The model forms the connection between the accident circumstances and a detailed analysis of the head injuries in selected fatal pedestrian accidents. These accidents are being investigated as part of an ongoing project into the mechanisms of head injury in road accidents. The pedestrian model i s based on a combination of measurements taken at autopsy and estimation from published data t o describe the anthropometry of the victim. Available human and cadaver data are used for the contact stiffnesses and joint characteristics. A comparison between the model predictions and the results of a series of pedestrian accident reconstructions using cadavers is made. The comparison demonstrates that this relatively simple two dimensional simulation can reliably predict the timing, position and velocity of the pedestrian head impact. Some limitations of the model are discussed.
PublisherInternational Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury
Publisher CityZurich
Conference Name1986 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts
Conference AbbreviationIRCOBI
Conference LocationZurich, Switzerland
Conference Date2-4 September 1986
Page Range165-176
Page Count12
Notesavailable from CASR library on request

Gibson TJ, Hinrichs RW, McLean AJ (1986). Pedestrian head impacts: Development and validation of a mathematical model. 1986 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, (pp. 165-176). Zurich: International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury.