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TitleSelf-regulation of driving behaviour among older drivers: Findings from a five year follow-up
AuthorsBaldock MRJ, Thompson JP, Mathias JL
TypeConference Paper
AbstractA follow-up study was conducted into the self-regulatory driving behaviours of a group of older drivers who had been interviewed four to five years previously. Fifty seven drivers aged from 66 to 97 years completed a questionnaire about their health and driving habits, and a sub-set of 44 participants additionally completed a battery of tests assessing psychological functioning, vision, mental status, speed of information processing, visuospatial memory and visual attention. These data were compared with the results obtained four to five years previously. It was found that there had been very little change in self reported driving confidence and self-reported avoidance of difficult driving situations. However, this lack of change in driving habits contrasted with statistically significant declines in functional ability. Specifically, there were declines in mean scores for measures of mental status, visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and visual attention. These findings suggest that self regulatory behaviour did not increase to compensate for declines in functioning.
PublisherDepartment of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure
Publisher CityAdelaide
Conference Name2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference
Conference AbbreviationRSR
Conference LocationAdelaide, Australia
Conference Date9-12 November 2008
Page Range470-478
Page Count9
NotesThis paper won the Peter Vulcan Award for Best Paper at the conference

Baldock MRJ, Thompson JP, Mathias JL (2008). Self-regulation of driving behaviour among older drivers: Findings from a five year follow-up. 2008 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, (pp. 470-478). Adelaide: Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.

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