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TitleEvaluation of Gorge Road centreline Audio Tactile Line Marking (ATLM) on curves
AuthorsMongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE
AbstractCentreline Audio Tactile Line Marking (ATLM) was installed on a 20km-long segment of Gorge Rd, a two-way narrow road characterised by curves with reduced visibility and steep gradients in the north-east Adelaide foothills. An evaluation was conducted on the potential for the installed centreline ATLM to reduce vehicle tendency for crossing into the opposite lane as well as to reduce travel speed when negotiating curves. A before/after analysis was conducted on data that included traffic volume, vehicle lane position, speed and travel times. Vehicle lane position and spot speed were measured at four selected curves along Gorge Rd. Traffic volume and travel times were collected along both Gorge and a nearby control road, North-East Rd. In general, traffic volumes marginally reduced on both Gorge Rd and North-East Rd after installation of centreline ATLM, with the exception of an increase in heavy vehicles on localised segments (likely due to a work zone on Gorge Rd). After installation of the centreline ATLM, all vehicle types showed a trend to shift towards the edge line along right hand-side curves. However, along left hand-side curves there was variability amongst the four sites. At one site, centreline crossing frequency reduced considerably along the right curve for all vehicle types (especially motorcycles) and along the left curve for HGVs. However, HGV crossing frequency increased along the left curve at another site. Centreline ATLM did not appear to induce a decrease in speed along the trial curves. Nonetheless, a slight reduction of the average travel speed along the treated route may indicate a generalised speed calming effect. The study suggests that there is merit in installing centreline ATLM, however additional research is needed to optimise the treatment performance.
Report NumberCASR184
PublisherCentre for Automotive Safety Research
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorDepartment for Infrastructure and Transport
Page Count49

Mongiardini M, Stokes CS, Woolley JE (2022). Evaluation of Gorge Road centreline Audio Tactile Line Marking (ATLM) on curves (CASR184). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

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