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TitleSafety solutions on mixed use urban arterial roads
AuthorsTurner B, Partridge R, Turner S, Corben B, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Oxley J, Stephan K, Steinmetz L
TypeJournal Article
Abstract• A significant proportion of fatal and serious injury crashes occur on urban arterial roads with a mixed use function

• There are effective infrastructure solutions that when used as part of a comprehensive package can deliver significant

safety improvements

• Further innovation and broader application of infrastructure solutions is required to deliver Safe System outcomes, and

these need to be supported by other pillars of the Safe System approach

• A clear functional classification for urban roads is needed before substantive improvements can be made on urban

arterial roads, and this requires greater levels of community consultation.


Urban arterials and intersections account for a large proportion of high severity crashes in Australia and New Zealand, particularly involving vulnerable road users. Safety gains appear to be slower in these ‘mixed use’ environments than in other areas. Austroads commissioned research to help identify solutions that might be applied on mixed use arterial roads to improve safety through the provision of Safe System infrastructure.

The project involved assessment of six case studies around Australia and New Zealand. Concept designs were developed for each of the routes based on analysis of safety issues and the likely safety benefits were assessed. This paper presents information on the safety solutions identified, as well as the broader issues that need to be considered when addressing safety on mixed use urban arterial roads.

PublisherAustralasian College of Road Safety (ACRS)
Journal TitleJournal of the Australasian College of Road Safety
Journal Volume (Issue)30(3)
Page Range11-17
NotesAvailable in ACRS journal

Turner B, Partridge R, Turner S, Corben B, Woolley JE, Stokes CS, Oxley J, Stephan K, Steinmetz L (2019). Safety solutions on mixed use urban arterial roads. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(3), 11-17.