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TitleGuide to Road Safety Part 5: Road Safety for Regional and Remote Areas
AuthorsWundersitz LN, Palamara P, Brameld K, Thompson JP, Raftery SJ, Govorko M
AbstractRoad trauma in regional and remote areas of Australia and New Zealand are a major road safety problem. Drivers and riders in regional and remote areas are at an unacceptably greater risk of road deaths and injuries than those living in major cities.

This updated version of the Austroads Guide to Road Safety Part 5: Road Safety for Rural and Remote Areas provides practical guidance on the most effective responses to reduce road trauma in regional and remote areas in Australia and New Zealand.

The guide examines the characteristics of crashes on regional and remote roads through analyses of casualty crash data and identifies causes and risks associated with regional and remote crashes in the existing literature. Closely aligned with the Safe Systems holistic approach to eliminating harm on the road network, the guide concludes with a discussion of evidence-based countermeasures and new initiatives that are urgently needed to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries in regional and remote areas.

Report NumberAGRS05-19
Publisher CitySydney
Page Count66
NotesFreely available on the Austroads website

Edition 2.0 published September 2019
Edition 1.0 published November 2006

Edition 2.0 of the Guide includes updates throughout:
• Section 1 Introduction new and updated content
• Section 2 Crashes in Regional and Remote Areas updated with 2012-2016
statistics and a new section on trends and issues.
• Sections 3 and 4 restructured on Safe System Principles with new and updated content
• New Appendix A Fatal and Injury Crash Data Tables.

Wundersitz LN, Palamara P, Brameld K, Thompson JP, Raftery SJ, Govorko M (2019). Guide to Road Safety Part 5: Road Safety for Regional and Remote Areas (AGRS05-19). Sydney: Austroads.