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TitleThe cost of road accidents
AuthorsSomerville CJ, McLean AJ
AbstractThe Cost of Road Accident Study was conducted during 1980 by the Road Accident Research Unit of The University of Adelaide. The research was sponsored by the South Australian Department of Transport and was completed in June 1981. The study is based on the accidents investigated in the Adelaide In-Depth Accident Study, also conducted by the Road Accident Research Unit, during the 12 month period from March 1976 (McLean and Robertson, 1979). In that time a representative sample of accidents to which an ambulance was called in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area was investigated by two teams each comprising a medical officer, an engineer and a psychologist. Observations at the accident scene began an average of eleven minutes after the ambulance was called and information from the scene was supplemented by further interviews with active participants (drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists), detailed examination of the accident sites and observation of traffic behaviour at the same time of day as the accident. The injured persons were examined and interviewed in hospitals and inspections of the vehicles were conducted in towing service depots and elsewhere.
PublisherRoad Accident Research Unit
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorState Department of Transport (SA)
Page Count144
Notesavailable from CASR library on request

Somerville CJ, McLean AJ (1981). The cost of road accidents. Adelaide: Road Accident Research Unit.

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