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TitleEvaluation of the ACT Government's safer cycling reforms
AuthorsMongiardini M, Raftery SJ, Ponte G, Woolley JE
AbstractThis report provides an evaluation of the two major components of the ACT Government's safer cycling reforms trial: a minimum passing distance (MPD) when overtaking cyclists and the allowance for cyclists to remain on their bicycles when crossing at pedestrian crossings. An analysis of the crash data during the pre-trial and trial periods was conducted in an attempt to identify evidence of any safety benefits for cyclists or any potential increased risks for cyclists or pedestrians as a result of the trial rules. An analysis of the enforcement data during the pre-trial and trial periods was also carried out in an attempt to identify the level of compliance with the new rules introduced for the trial. Finally, results of pre-trial and post-trial community surveys, correspondence from community members and comments from a cyclist organisation were analysed to assess public awareness and safety perception of the trial rules. The analysis of the crash data suggests that the MPD component of the safer cycling reforms trial might have contributed to an improvement in the safety of cyclists in the ACT. However, there was an increase in the number of crashes between motor vehicles and cyclists riding across pedestrian crossings during the trial period. The small number of infringements of the MPD rule, combined with the fact that in some cases its enforcement was based on reports from cyclists, suggests that ways should be investigated to allow the Police to practically enforce the MPD rule in the future. Awareness of the trial rules as well as the public perception of their potential safety benefits increased throughout the trial. It is suggested that further data be collected to perform a more detailed analysis of the reasons for the crashes between motor vehicles and cyclists at pedestrian crossings. Infrastructure changes and a focused education campaign that may help reducing cyclist crashes at pedestrian crossings are also suggested.
Report NumberCASR154
PublisherCentre for Automotive Safety Research
Publisher CityAdelaide
SponsorACT Department of Justice and Community Safety
Page Count32
NotesAlso available on,-dated-October-2018-Prepared-by-the-Centre-for-Automotive-Safety-Research,-The-University-of-Adelaide.PDF

Mongiardini M, Raftery SJ, Ponte G, Woolley JE (2018). Evaluation of the ACT Government's safer cycling reforms (CASR154). Adelaide: Centre for Automotive Safety Research.

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